January 23, 1986

(Dallas, Texas?)



            “Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory to the name of His children, forever.

            And we should say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

            For once there was a large valley, and those that came to the valley to live were all related. And the head of the family was an elderly man known far and wide for his great wisdom.

            And so, he drew lots and laid them aside, assigned them so that the land could be picked for each of the families to farm and to graze the cattle.

            And as the years passed, it prospered. And as it prospered, they began to quarrel, each one into another. And the heads of each of their groups would come forth to this wise man and say unto him, “This person is doing this to me and unto my family.”

            He listened to each one patiently, and to each one he would say these words, and it was to see the larger picture. Yet, they understood him not.

            Finally, the wise man, the head of the families, sent forth the messengers to all the heads of the house to be present at one time. And he said unto them, “I have told you to see the larger part of the picture. Why is it you can not?”

            One [man] got up and said, “But what is the larger part of the picture? What is it that we were to see, that we do not see?”

            And he looked at them. He said, “For some of you here, the bigger part of the picture, the larger part that shall happen, that is that in the picture shall only be what you have today, for you will not stop squabbling, you will continue to bicker for small tidbits. But for those who can see the larger part, that is what they shall have. For as they work and gain and grow together, you shall become a great empire and a great nation, but you shall only do this if you grow spiritually and mentally and physically, and only [by] knowing that you shall be a nation under God. If you forget this, then you have forgotten yourself and the reason you have come to this valley.”

            Time did pass. And as he had said, there were those who never became the larger part because all they could do would be bicker. And soon they lost their lands. And they become [poor] workers of the others. And even then they bickered.

            And then, soon families that had prospered, they came forth and said, “We’d like to leave our land in such a manner that our servants should gain from it; yet, the land should always be ours.”

            And so the wise man said unto them, “Do so, but let those who would serve this household and your family give tithings each year, the same [that] they would pay rent.”

            And so, they all came together once again, those who had gone away and the others families. And it was written up that those who had owned the land, who [had lived] with one another, gave tithings unto them.

            As time passed, the tithings [gained], and the owners came back. And those who had had the land said, “You have no land; this is our land.”

            And they said, “No, we have this paper.”

            “Then we shall take it to the head of the households.”

            And they said, “We recognize the head of the household not.”

            The head of the household, when they recognized him not, [and would] not recognize the paper, [did] call upon the wrath of God to smite them. And He did smite them three and 40 times before they knew the Lord, God, was He.

            Now we have told you of the parable. And the parable is as the nations are today. No one nation can support the world, unless the world is willing to support itself. No one nation can keep a third of the world from starving to death unless these people are willing to [fend] for themselves. It was written that these things would happen, that famine would strike a third of the Earth. And so it has come.

            For you who say, “Where else has this began,” this has begun. It is all around you.

            But we would also say unto you when a child in this nation, when you have not one child that goes to bed hungry at night, when you have not one child who needs [your] care, then, and only then, should you pick up another nation.

            There will be those who say what we say and have said is wrong. But unless you strengthen your own nation and build your own foundation, the nation that you have built “under one God” shall fall.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank You, Aka. [18-512-1…Dallas], she asks, ‘[Will you] please give me specific guidance and direction; am I doing God’s [will at this time]?’”

            Yes, we see this and we see thy need. And we should tell [you this guidance.]

            We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should say unto you, you have taken certain steps, though they be small steps, in the right direction. [Are you certain that you] truly and sincerely wish [to] do this? Remember, all wheels, all bearings should hold under the [job] and be motivated. They must be greased and lubricated. And that lubrication comes before [your] monetary gain.

            If you are to do the work that you [propose] to do, do so as an agent. Therefore, take unto a tithing, for those you should work for, [of] 10 percent. Make a contract, and make it fair unto all parties concerned. But if you are to act as an agent for these parties, do so in a manner that should be righteous for yourself, righteous for your fellow man, and righteous for God. And in all ways you shall be serving God, for you shall bring forth the talent [of giving] God’s gifts unto man, that others may share.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-512-2…Plano, Texas] asks, ‘What is my highest purpose this lifetime?’”

            Yes, we see they need, and shall answer your question in this manner. If you should cast your bread upon water, and it should return unto you tenfold, and you should cast it again, and it should return unto you tenfold, and you should cast it once again, and once again it should return unto you tenfold, what percent would you give unto God? Many times in your life you have asked God for different things. And God has heard your prayers and answered them. In answering your prayers, you have made certain promises. They were not requested, yet they were promised. Fulfill this that you have promised into the Lord, thy God. Fill it to the greatest of your ability. When you have done so, you shall most surely know the purpose of your existence.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-512-3…Texas] asks, ‘Why am I not generating the amount of money that I desire in my life?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer your question in this manner. The needed [amount] is different from [the need of others]. You are generating the money you need. It is the usage that seems wrong. It is not how much you make, but it is how you use what you make, and putting it as seed forth to generate other funds. If you should do it in this manner [you’d] soon see that that which you have invested will come forth, and that should be more than ample for you [for] those things that you need.  

            You have thought of an investment before, also [claimed where you thought, but never recorded it]. You are afraid of losing. Yet the only way you may win or succeed is to begin with that that you have, [__ ___ ____].

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-512-4…Dallas, Texas], and she asks, ‘Can you tell me a way to correct the malfunction in my pituitary gland which has caused abnormal water retention in my system for years?’”

            Yes we see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner. It is the pituitary gland which controls the nervous system, sending messages back and forth to the different portions of the body. The pineal gland controls the biochemistry of the body. The water retention that you have can be controlled quite simply by the use of the product known as “Wonderloss,” taken in quantities of three, four times a day.

            But we see other needs.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-512-5…Gallups], she asks, ‘When will I get out of this financial strain? How will I?’”

            Yes, we see that before you. And we shall answer your question in this manner. You cannot [buy] yourself out of debt. Go unto those that you owe with a straight-forward explanation of your financial condition. But before you go, go forth and lay down in sequence all that that you owe. Allow yourself that that you need to operate your businesses, that that you need for food, shelter, [clothing]. Take that that is left and divide it among your creditors, giving each a certain proportion. If you do this, you’ll soon find the proportion you are paying shall become more and more until all the creditors are satisfied. But within each one, tell them the truth. Do not prevaricate or lie.    

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-512-6…Mobile, Alabama], and he asks, ‘Will the business do well this year, and is there anything I should do to make it dif­ferent?’”

             A few things, and we would say in this manner, add to the line product. [There’s] a small gift shop in the same buildings [that] you shall find. Select that which [was going tremendously] well. And you shall find that it shall again, even if business falls, [you’re going through ___ the worse up], and give you that [hit], or the “edge,” as you would call it.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-512-7…Garland, Texas], ‘Astrologer Dan Fry stated yesterday [January 22, 1986,] that in March and April, several world leaders would be in danger of assassination, and there may be a major earthquake in Southern California. What do you see?’”

            In the month of March once again the winds shall blow, and the Ides of March shall be upon your own President, and the Prime Minister of England. There shall be [an attempted] assassination on the present Russian leader before this time. Earthquakes in California, yes − not one, but five. But look into the land of Oregon and look into the land of Kansas. But look into the land of South America, and Russia. And there are many others we could name where eruptions and earthquakes shall occur. But we would say unto you, look unto the land beneath your feet. Before the year ends it shall shake.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [1-512-8...Plano, Texas], ‘What can I do to move past and relieve the fears that I have going out into the world to work and use my creative energy?’”

            Yes we see thy needs. We shall answer your questions in this way. Fear is like an evil monster and is interrelated to greed. Fear and greed march hand and foot, one into the other. Fear can only grow when you give it power, energy. Refuse to give it energy. Approach each thing that you wish to do with a positive attitude, not that you might do something, but you shall do it. Leave no room for doubt in your mind or in your statements. There was once a saying, “So let it be written and let it be done.” Try this and see [it for] yourself.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you Aka. [18-512-9…Dallas, Texas], ‘Shall I continue with the body work I do or should I go more deeply into the spiritual channeling and healing?’”

            Yes, we see thy needs. We should say unto thee, there should be a point of balance where each should seek one’s own level. Do not take totally away from either, but add to and let them grow, and they shall balance each other out.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [J___ C__ M_____...Dallas], ‘What is the current forecast for [the] food supplies and economics that will be a concern to us in Dallas?’”

            We see thy __ need. Dallas has become as a nation and the rest of the country is the supplier, with food and all things. It shall not be short in its supply in the near future. But in many households there should be a year’s supply of food, and water, and [sorts]. And it should be rotated frequently. For a small natural catastrophe, cuts you off from the rest of the world. Look unto the city of Tucson, Arizona, into its last winter when it was [under] ground, in the middle of the desert. For the water had come, and [destruct was mighty].

            Now soul Ray grows tired.

            And we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His people. Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angels walks upon your Earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy. The cassette recording was difficult to hear in places.]


Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.