January 31, 1986



            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children for ever and ever.

            And we say unto you this parable in this manner and this way.

            For there was a valley, and many had come unto the valley, for they had heard stories of its abundance. For there was food in the valley, and where there had been war among all the lands, in this valley there was peace.

            And each day, one day passing into another, new arrivals did come. At first, there was no laws in the valley, only one, “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.”

            And a few people who owned the land in the valley allowed those who would come, and they farmed and they grew their crops. Yet, it became more bountiful, and as more came, more hands were there to toil more land.

It came to pass that they decided they must come together and elect themselves leaders. And so they did do this, and they elected leaders. And the leaders came unto the people who owned the land and said, “You shall split your land and share it with all these who have come. And for each new person who arrives, you shall give unto them ten acres of your land.”

            The landowners then say, “Nay. We shall not do this.”

            And they said, “Then you shall be in violation of the lands, and the law, and we shall take the land.”            

            The landowners said unto them, “We were kind enough to allow you to come and live on our land and farm. And it has become bountiful for all. Now you would take our land. So leave our valley, you and all those like you.”

            They were taken [aback], for they did not think in their wildest dreams that the landowners would take such a course of action. They went back and they held meeting after meeting. Some were in favor of killing the landowners and taking their land; others wanted them thrown out of the valley. While others saw the truth in what the landowners said and went to the landowners and said, “We were wrong. We would like permission to stay and work on the land.”

            The landowners said, “Yes, you may work on the land and share in its bounty.”

            Then one day those who had decided to be separate from the landowners did come forth and they would kill unto the lan­downers. But yet, when they saw so many had gathered in working the land they became fearful. And they said unto themselves, “We shall pretend that we are also to work the land with the landowners.” And so they went unto the landowners.

And the landowners said unto them, “You must wait unto three days and we shall go into thought and think of this thing which must be done.”

They went forth. And upon the mountain there was a great “7.” And the “7” had always represented the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and there they had built a temple. They went into the temple and there they asked the Lord, God, for guidance, for they knew not what to do.

            And there appeared unto them one. And he did say unto them, “Go back unto these people, for they come only to wait and bide their time to do you harm. But go back and tell them, ‘We shall write a contract with you, and in the contract you shall do share cropping. And any time that you do not do your share you shall lose all these interests that you shall have from this day forward. And you shall leave the valley or go to prison.’”

Upon these words he who had come left.

            The landowners went back, and at the end of the third day they did meet with these people and say unto them those words that had been said unto them. There was much grumbling, but they had a scribe draw up the agreement, and it was witnessed by all.

As the days passed those who had grumbled the most began to benefit more and more each day. Yet they still wanted to overthrow that that was benefiting them the most.

            The landowners learned that they were plotting their death once again, and they went unto them, and they brought out the agreement, and they said, “You have violated the agreement, for in the agreement you [appeared] you would not plot further against us in any way fashioned. And you have done so; now leave the land!” And they cast them out.

            And those who were cast out went back into the land of war, and famine, and all these things.

And they went about and told, “Do not enter that valley, for that is the evilest of all valleys.”

            Now we say unto you, even though these people went about speaking badly of the people who had helped them the most, because they slowed the migration of the many into the valley they had done them a favor, one that they themselves, the lan­downers, could not see.

            But we say unto you, if a gift is given unto you, and you think it has come from an enemy, accept the gift [ingratiate] and with poise. Do not be as that of the person who you dislike. Be greater than they, and by being greater than they, you shall rise above even their pettiness.

            You have other words, and other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [13-442-2] asks, ‘Under the cir­cumstances of the robbery of my parents, ______, what avenue should we take? I need to benefit of their wisdom.”

We should answer your question in this manner. Take no action at this time, but watch. And let those who know that you are watching be ever aware that they are under observation. And they shall take no action. For as all concerned, we should ask you to rise above what you have seen. Your father has departed; he rests well; he has passed through well. He is now visiting, and enjoying himself well, with many good friends and many good relatives who passed before him, for he was well received on the other side, as you would call it. These things you yourself shall know.  When you seek wisdom, we have placed he with you who knows of avenues and ways. You can always have relatives, but it is nice to choose your friends.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-431-1], ‘Why and whom has been breaking into the church and to our home, and what do they try to bring forth?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. There are those who seek records from the church that [were] moved there. That should fully answer your question. The ones who broke into the home were those who sought comforts. I think I would look into a way that the fullness of the question could be answered in such a manner that those who stand and [are] not involved should not suffer, for they have become your watchers and your eyes. Allow this to happen.           

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-513-2…West Germany] asks for a life reading.”

            We’re sorry at this time we cannot give you a life reading. Soul Ray’s energy level is not to that point.

            If you would continue to [ask] questions we shall continue to [answer]. Ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-511-3…Grants] asks, ‘Why can I not accept the spirits when they come to give me in­formation on others or myself?’”

            There are spirits and there are spirits. As they grow and come to you and you grow fearful, trust them not. Do not allow those who come to the doorway unless you know them and they make their presence known unto you; then you should not be fearful. But if they do not make their presence known unto you, only wish to enter, they are not there for your benefit or for your wisdom.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-513-5…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Is there any legal and proper way I can use my ability with radionics so that I can earn enough so that I will not be dependant on Social Security?’”

            No. There is no way that this instrument may be used legally. There are countries who allow this. The United States is not one of them. If you wish to practice and use such an instrument, there is a neighbor to the south who allows this. But in doing so you will have to acquire certain work permits. These permits are not always what they seem; be careful.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-513-6…New Mexico], he asks, ‘Help us locate the black, antique, Gibson guitar taken from our trailer at Truth or Consequences two weeks ago.’”

            Yes, we see your need. And we should say unto you that there is more than one object that was taken from you. One you shall find in what you would call a pawn shop by the name of Mom or Mary, another in E1 Paso. And it shall soon be, the object which you seek shall soon be on sale, and the name of this place of business is the Aztec Pawn Shop.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [15-461-1] asks, ‘Please advise, have I been here before and what did I do?’”

            (Chuckle.) That would require a life reading, and as we said before, it is not the time nor the place.

            We say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary.

As your earthquakes occur in the Midwest they shall increase and intensify.

And we shall say these things that you might understand. For those who have ears to listen, let them listen. For the seven, [for] the seven stars, remember. And they were cast into the heavens, and it burst glorious, forth in flame. That that comes from the desert, who would make himself known, is a two-headed serpent; beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.    


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.