June 13, 1986

Globe, Arizona



            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of the children, forever and ever.

            We say unto you, for upon the land there dwelled five men. And they lived very close to one another on adjoining farms. Each grew their own special crops. And they had always been compatible with one another. And therefore, when it was time to sell their crops, they stood together. And they always got a good price for their crop.

            One day one of them decided that he would grow half of each, and in that half he would grow some of what the other four were growing. The other four looked upon him, and they said, “Why do you do this? Why are you changing that which we have always done?”

            And he said, “I do this because one day you might sell your farm to someone else, and if I do not establish a market and grow all the things now, where will I be; how will I sell that which I grow?”

            The others heard him and thought, “This is fair.” So each of them did the same.

            But when each of them reached the marketplace, because the things they were growing they were not used to growing, nor was the ground used to yielding this type of crop, it was not up to the same standards it had been. So all four received a much lower market value for what they had grown.

            The three went and stood aside and said, “We must return back to the way we have been.”

            The fourth was unsure. He said, “Yes, it always costs to change, but change I must.” And so, the next year he’d grow each unto this that his neighbor grew.

His neighbors grew the things they had grown before.

And because of the lack of the substance of the one grower, they were still penalized.             

            And the one received even less than he had the years before. Yet he said to himself, “The ground will change; the weather will change. And I shall get a better crop next year.”

            The other three decided that they must grow what he had grown. So they chose some of the best land they had and they grew that which he had grown before. And they went to the market. And they did receive a higher value. Yet it was not the same in monetary substance, but it was higher.

            Yet the one who grew all four, his was even lower yet.

            And he came then unto them and said, “Let us go back; let us grow these things that we grew before. I shall grow that which my soil is suited for and each of you should grow that which your soil is suited for.”

            They had suffered with him through all these years. They had prospered before with him. Yet, the last year they had prospered without him. And so they said unto him, “Nay, we shall not join you anymore. Grow that which you wish. Sell that where you wish. We shall neither buy nor sell nor trade with you.”

            And so, he became an outsider, an outsider of the people he had known. And try as hard as he must, he could not change the soil’s mind; he could not make the rain change.

            One day, a man came among them. And in his bag he [had] handed the man some new seed. And he said, “Try this crop. And if the yield is not that which you have known before, and the profit is not that which you have known before, I shall make up this profit for you.”

            The man thought, “I have nothing to lose, so I should grow this crop.” And he did grow an abundant crop. And [when] he went to sell it sold in an abundant way.

His neighbors were still growing the same as they had before. They saw what he was doing, but they had none of the seed, and was offered none by him.

            The stranger said, “Share with your neighbors, and I shall return on the fifth year. And upon the fifth year, have you done as I have asked you, then your profit shall be tenfold.”

            The farmer thought, “Why should I share with my neighbors? I have an unusual crop, a bountiful crop. And if I am the only one who grows it the price will continue to go up.”

The price did not go up; it stayed the same.

            And on the fifth year, the stranger came back, and said, “Let me see that that you have shared with your neighbors.”

            And he said, “I owe you nothing; why should I share with my neighbors?”

            The stranger looked at him and said, “For [is it] not written that the sins of the mother and father shall go unto the fifth generation? And we gave you five years to change, and you have not. Now we know that you shall never change.”

            And so they left. And before they left they gave unto each of his neighbors better seed yet than he had received. And they said to him, “Share this with your neighbors and we shall come back in five years.”

And so, each year they grew an [a]bountiful crop. And each year each one set aside seed.

            Yet, the one looked at it and said, “If I accept it, it must be a trick. I never gave them seed, why should they give me seed?” And so he did not plant that which had been given to him.

            And so, in five years they returned. And they came to him and said, “Why did you not plant the seeds?”

            And he said, “Why should I be my brothers’ keeper?”

            They looked at him, and they went to the three neighbors. And they gave them new seed once again. And they said, “Plant this seed and we shall come back in five years. But share it with your neighbor.”

            This time they shared it with all their neighbors, and all the country, therefore, around. And in five years it had spread across the land. And the land had become known for its valued crops.

            Yet the one man, who received this most seed, had decided he would sell all the seed he had. And so he did so. And he had no crop at all.

            When the stranger came back he said, “Truly, truly, you have looked and seen. And with each thing we have given, you have become more jealous and more selfish. Therefore, we leave you to your own folly.”

            And so all the land, except one, from that day on prospered.

            Now we say unto you, in many ways, yourselves are like this land. You have been given many gifts. Some of you accept them readily and put them to use. Some of you want to store the seed and sell it.

            We say to you, for that which you receive and that which you give, so shall you receive ten times fold. If you bless the water that comes, the water shall return many times. If you curse the water, the wells in the ground and the heavens will dry up. If you bless the corn and the crops, so shall they.

            Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. Blessed be the name of His children.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-1…Grand Junction, Colorado] asks, ‘Because of my health, how can I make a living for myself and my family? Whom do I contact to get my good health back?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. You have come to the source of the well; drink from it and drink from its knowledge. If you took the retirement, it would take a little time, but you would live to see it all. And you would also live to see the children grow. You would also live to see other occupations that would allow you to do that which you wish in a monetary manner. The choice is up to you. Soul Ray will do those things that are necessary. But you must listen. If you do not wish to listen, then do that which you must.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-2…who is here tonight…who resides…Miami, Arizona] asks, ‘Is there any other foremost life in this area in human form?’”

            At the present time, no.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-3…Grand Junction, Colorado] asks, ‘Is there a special message from my daughter? Does she want me to raise her son?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. You have other children than your daughter − and they would be glad to provide the loving home. It is time that you decided to prepare a loving home for yourselves. Decisions do not come easy. And peace and justice do not come easy, nor does forgiveness, but all is necessary that life in itself continue.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-4…Dallas, Texas]; she asks, ‘Please give me guidance for my life changes and issues going on right now in my life, and the best for those individuals that I am involved with.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Glory be the name of thy Lord; glory be the name of His children. And we see that which you seek.

            We shall answer your question in this manner. It is but a matter of looking at that at your feet and you shall see the direction that you seek. We could tell you, do this or do that, or do something else, but the final choice must come from you. The answers you have in your hand. All you must do is go for the fulfillment.

            We say unto you, soul Ray is very tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


 [Note: Numbers are substituted for names, birth dates and addresses to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.