May 16, 1986

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words. If the right hand offend thee cast it aside. These words have been spoken many times, and you do not fully understand that unto which we speak.

            If you had a cow who gave but sour milk, then that cow would have offended you. It would be of no use, it would be a burden. Possessions are only that. If that which you own, or have, becomes too great a burden to keep, it is not a pleasure anymore. It has lost its worth. It has lost that which it is, or can be, or could be, or shall ever become.

            Understand, there shall be those who shall need their Achilles heels. They need to hold onto something that would be worthless to anyone else, even if it costs them dearly, because they either love it and need it to survive − that is a need; that is not an of­fending thing. No one else may need this object, only they, to give them peace of mind.

            Do not judge others, “leste ye be judged.” You have heard this also many times. The meaning is quite simple.

            [For a] man who walked down the street, he staggered, and everyone looked and said, “Look at that man, he is drunk. He is a drunkard upon the street. He should not be there; he should be in prison.” No one has stopped to see if the man is ill. No one has stopped to see if he can see at all, if he is blind. They judge. And by judging they have placed a standard that they all shall be judged with. They are putting up the rules, you would say.

            Sometimes these rules, these yardsticks that we place upon ourselves, when turned inward we cannot measure up to them. So judge not yet you be judged.

            It is said, the Lord, thy God, is a merciful God. And He loves His children. Yet, the sun and rain shall shine on all. It quite simply means that freedom of choice has been given unto you. You may [stand] in the rain or you may stand in the sunshine. It is your choice. ­           

            If you do not like the place you stand, then sell your house, sell these things that [coveth] you, and look beyond it. For these things that [coveth] you are but a burden unto you. They bring you no happiness nor joy. It is better to have loved for five minutes or even one, than never to have loved at all. For the lover shall know the joy of love. For those who shall be afraid shall never know the joy, nor the sadness, [nor] the gladness, nor even the desperation that love can bring into your heart.

Remember, the Lord, God, wishes only but one thing, that you be happy. He has given you the heaven and the earth. He has given you all things, therefore, and dominion over all. He has given you the tools to build you anything you wish, to make you happy. If where you stand is an unhappy place, do not stand there, but move aside.

            To be transformed means to turn around. The one known as John the Baptist said, many times, “Be transformed.” Turn around, if you are going in the wrong way. But what John spoke of was the world of God. And he wished [for] those who wished to see that world to turn around and look within and see the world of God within them.

John, drank no wine. John, was a vegetarian, as you would call it in this time and place. He did so because he believed that this was the manner into which he could cleanse his body, and think well. Yet, Jesus of Nazara ate meat of all kinds, took wine, and enjoyed all the Earthly things. Was one a sinner and the other saint? Was one a fool? Nay. They were but human, with human frailties. And the beautiful part of the human is that he is of God. And being of God he can make mistakes.      The Lord God, from the Old Testament to your New, has shown you that He too had learned. Have not one of you who have children ever made a mistake in your judgment with the child? Have you not scolded a child when you should have praised them?

We say unto you, it is said that more may be caught with honey than vinegar. Yet, both are needed for the well being of your health and your frames of mind.

            We say, “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.” And it has been said, “I give you one more commandment, ‘Love [ye] one and another as into thyself.’” The meaning is quite simple. Love each other and love yourself. God made you special and good. He made you as Himself, that you might make mistakes and learn from the mistakes.

            But if you work each day with a thought that you shall strive for the love that God gives unto you, one-tenth of that love, if you could project that out into those who you would deal with each day.

            If a person comes unto you and says, “I shall take your money,” should you stand there and allow him to do this? No. God is not saying this, when He said, “If a person offends you, turn the other cheek.” What He is saying is − you must understand that the transcribing of the Greek word from the Asiatic word, and the Arabian word, and the Egyptian word, each time has lost its meaning − and the meaning is quite simple. If a person comes to you and offends you, tell them, “You have of­fended me by that which you do.” But do not turn and offend them. Look upon them and say, “You have of­fended me; go ye and offend me no more.” There is nothing wrong by telling someone this.

            But if you create great anger, and this anger possesses you, and you lose all those things that love you, you have gained nothing with your anger. You have not even removed that which offends you, because you have offended yourself. You have judged yourself. You have placed judgment. Leave judgment to God. We beg of you.

            If you came upon a beautiful rose and it was the last rose that would ever blossom on this Earth, if you grasp it in your hands to possess it, it would crumble into dust, and you would never have a rose again. All that would be left is the thought in your mind. So look upon the rose, enjoy the rose. It was meant for your laughter, your delight, and your happiness. All flowers are placed to put gladness in you.

            It is like the fruit of a tree, if you pick the fruit too early, it serves no purpose to you. If you pick the fruit too late, it is already in the fermentation state. If you pick the fruit at the right time, but before you pick the fruit you must nurture the tree that it comes from. [Give] gladness and tidings, and it shall be given back.           

            We have spoken long. And since soul Ray is very tired, we shall answer a few of your questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-423-1] asks, ‘To please tell us what is the problem with the horses − Pegasus, Cat Magic, and now the latest one. What treatment should they be given?’”

  The horse, Pegasus, was poisoned. The horse, Cat Magic, had a twofold problem − one of poisoning, the other of parasites. There is treatment for this. The ground must be kept clean. Horses are curious, and when they are bored they will take their curiosity out on what they find and try to eat it. The colt, which soul Ray calls, Trouble, has a twofold problem at this point, and one is with parasites and the other is that which he has eaten. If you will think, all three horses became ill in the same area where the old barn was. This area should be plowed very, very deeply, and then picked from the earth all substance there in the same which might be harmful. We have seen your need.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [2-30-2] asks, ‘Please assist [J___ C_____] in her passing.’”

            We see this.

            “Thank you, Aka. [4-125-2] asks for − number 1, ‘I ask for spiritual guidance, growth, and healing.”

            The spiritual guidance is but at hand. The healing is also but at hand. The greatest healing is the healing of the mind.

             There is a parable, a parable of the healing well. Each day a young girl went to the healing well. And she took from it and drank from it. And each day she drank more and more, for she believed that the more she took, the more she would heal. It is not in the amount needed to take, it is not in how much you can consume, but the quality of what you are given.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you. Aka, she asks, ‘Will you give me guidance about G_____ S. B_____ in relation to me?’”

            Friendship is a wonderful thing. It must be given. It also must be taken care of, and cherished.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [18-517-4…Albuquerque, New Mexico], she asks, ‘Will my daughter, J_____, born January 20, 1966, be a very successful movie actress [in time]?’”

            We would like to answer your question with, yes; but instead we will say, success is [    ] within the eyes of the beholder.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-517-7-5], she asks, ‘Do you have a special message for me?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto thee, make pilgrimage into the healing well. Take of its water. By this we mean, to take a container of 500 cc’s and fill this container. Take it home with you. And as you take the other substances given to you by soul Ray, take of this, and you shall soon find that it shall magnify itself. If you find truth in what we say, then come back and ask again, and we shall show you the direction into which you shall go.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.