October 17, 1986



                [Aka is here.]

            [“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”]

                Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way and in this parable.

            Glory be the name of the children, and glory be the name thy Lord, thy God.

            And we say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

            [For] once upon a mountaintop, in a special place, there grew the most beautiful flowers in the world. And people came from many continents to see these. And behold, as they looked upon them the flowers changed and became more beautiful. And the more that people looked and praised them the more beautiful they became. They seemed to [be] no limit, no boundary, upon their beauty nor their growth.

            And one man came and said that “The flowers have the intelligence to extend their lives to become more vigorous and more useful and more beautiful. If we took these plants and ate them, then surely that secret which they possessed would come into our bodies, and we would live longer, and become more youthful.”      

            There were some there who knew the flowers, and said, “Nay, do not take of the flowers. The flowers are beautiful and they become more beautiful as the days grew on, but should you remove them and eat them you shall surely die.”

            And they said unto this one, “How could this be? Was not that of the root [of] something therefore be the soul of the flower, and if you should eat of the soul should you not take on the characteristic of that which you eat?”

            There was much discussion.

            And finally one very rich man purchased a goodly amount of the flowers, and he had them prepared that he might eat a small amount each day. At first his body did not react to the poison. And because he took just a little each day and a little more, his body grew a tolerance to it. But one day he said. “I’m tired of waiting; I must become youthful this day.” And he did take all of it. And it killed him.

            And many of the people [who’d] traveled from the far lands to see the beauty of the flowers could not understand, for this was God’s gift to man. “Why would it be dangerous? Why could it be poisonous and kill you?”

            The question was discussed. In the nightly encampment it was discussed. In the road travel it was discussed. Into the richest and the poorest of households it was discussed.

            And then came one who took of the flower, and only a part, and prepared it, and had given to this one who had died a part of it. And the person came back unto life and rose from the dead. And no one could understand what he had done, or what had killed him and saved him.

            Now, we say unto you, this is very true in most things that you should encounter in your lifetime. But we say unto you, what you might be, or become, is but a small thing compared to where you have already been.

            Now we say unto you, you have many questions, ask.

    “Thank you, Aka. J___ C_____ asks, ‘From your viewpoint, are there such things as accidents?’”

            If a man should go and sit under a rock and know the conditions of the rock, and the rock fell upon him, it would not be a rock [accident]. But if a man went and knew not of the bad condition of the rock and sat under the rock, then, yes, that would be an accident. [But] for it was not ordained by God or man that the rock should fall.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. R___ B____ …asks, could they have a later guidance on the food storage, and how to go about it?”

            Yes, and we should answer your question in this manner. The food storage, each time that you go to the store, buy extra of canned goods, and those things that would keep of a long time. Put aside a year’s supply of food for each member in the household. Put it in a place that in essence is fireproof. Put it in a place that you yourself might go for safety. Put a year’s supply away. And whether it from famine, disease or war, it would allow you the safety to exist until help has arrived.

            There is many things that a person might store, but when you’re about storing, find books that you have not read and store them, so that there shall be a use for the mind also.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. A__ S_____ who is here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, it is important that I help soul Ray and soul R___. I need to supplement my income. Is a multi-level marketing plan, like ____, something that I should do at this time?”

            You should bring this forth into discussion. But it could bring forth into you that which you need at the present time, and this is good.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Ma____ K____, who resides in Globe, Arizona, asks, ‘Would my registered Indian number benefit me in any way? Do you have any other messages for me?’”

            Yes, we should answer your question in this manner. Yes, because there is both land and oil rights in the land which you have dwelled in. Second, the message I give unto you is this. We have seen thy needs, and the need of Mi__ K_____.  And the healing that he needs shall be given freely.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. R___ S____ who is here tonight, and resides at Springerville, she asks, ‘Will I ever get it all together, both mentally and physically?’”

            What you ask is shall you ever become gods, and we say unto you, there is but one God. The rest of us, as you would say, have put it together the best way we know how. And it seems to be good enough for God, as yours has. Everything can be improved, our bodies, our mind, and our spirit. Ask and you shall receive; reach out your hands and they shall be filled; bring forth your cup and it shall runneth over.

            You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. L___ L______ …resides at…in Tucson, Arizona, she says, ‘I feel I misplaced my diamond wedding and  engagement rings. Can you tell me where they are?’”

            Yes. We would say in the bathroom where you wash up, in a medicine cabinet, as you would call it, you have stored them there. Look and see.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. J___ R___, who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will the Lord provide love in my life and a marriage or a loving relationship that will last?’”

            It has been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” That which you ask for shall be given. But it can only be given if you recognize that that is before you.

            You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. P______ M_____ …resides at…in Aztec, New Mexico, and she says, ‘Will my pursuit of stained glass be successful or should I be going in a different direction, and if so, which direction should my life be going?’”

            We would answer your question in this manner. If your pursuit into the stained glass continues it shall grow and grow. Those things that are there before you shall materialize into a greater substance. Allow these things to happen. Allow your growth to become known to yourself and others.

            We say unto you, soul Ray grows [so] weary. But before we go, we shall leave in your minds this message.

            For the other man upon the mountain took the same flowers and made medicine that healed lives. There is no good and no bad upon your earth. It is really in between. For what is deadly poison can be turned into a life saver, if you just look farther. The Lord, God, has placed around you all the things that is needed to fulfill your lives, make them rich and promising. [Editor’s note: the rest of this message was recorded over and cannot be verified for accuracy.]

            We say unto you, look around you, accept the love of the living God.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.