August 15, 1987

at a church to God

Dripping Springs Road, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto you, for now shall be the time of the transference, or transformation. For as it has been written by Daniel and by John that the time would come when the new world would begin, and the new world shall be the time after the half times − and so it is. [See The Revelation, chapters 21-22.]

And we say unto you, hark, for those who have eyes to hear [see], hear and for those who have ears. We say unto you, fear not. But as you should walk through the doorway, make certain that you prepare yourself.

            We have told you before of a time that the body should be cleansed. And now we shall tell you of the second part, and that is a time of the cleansing of the soul. For as you begin to go through the doorway you will be asked, “Is your soul ready? Are you prepared?”

            If you are not prepared, say, “No, my soul and spirit is not ready.” If you need help all you must do is ask for it. “Ask and you shall receive.”

            But remember, for those who walk through the door, the mark of the Beast shall never be put upon them, or can be put upon them. [See The Revelation 20:4-6.]

            The day of transformation is before you. It will open, and can be opened from 1:00 o’clock, p.m., tomorrow until 9:00 o’clock, p.m. But all things must be ready and prepared. It has been a long time, 3,000 years since this has happened.

[Please see the SEPT/OCT 1987 and JAN/FEB/MAR 1997 newsletters about the Corn Ceremonies.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. A__ _____ who is here tonight asks, ‘We need a profitable joint and/or individual business venture in our area. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.’”

            Yes, we see your need. And we would say unto you, if you should go into what is known as the western wear clothing, but do not buy what is known as what is called, the firsts, [only] the seconds and thirds; these are rejects from the factory. Do the same thing with other clothing. But we would say to you, for those who could use a sewing machine and style their jeans and western skirts, and blouses and shirts, by styling these, and selling them as your own brand, you could have a great [opening] – not only where you are, but in other places. It is something you and your husband are both capable of doing.

            If you would give this further thought and decide that you would like to look further into the venture, ask again and we shall give further information.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. J___ _____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘I would like to know if what I am doing on behalf of my mother is correct [for] her and in her best interest?’”

            Yes, we see your need. We shall answer in this manner. It is written, “Honor thy mother and father.” And we say unto you, you have honored your mother and father. And we say, glory be the name of the Lord.

            A long time ago, one who walked this earth told the story of the many sons, and the one son who did have his inheritance. And he asked the father for his inheritance. The father gave it to him. And he left. And he went out and he spent it. And he became poor and destitute, and he said, “Even the poorest of my father’s servants should eat and is dressed better than I.” And so he went back to his father’s house.

            His father heard before he reached his home and rushed out with a good robe and put it upon him, and made ready and had a great feast.

            The other brothers came home, and said, “Why are you doing this? He took his inheritance out and did away with it. We have worked hard.”

            The father said, “The inheritance is yours. But look, I have my son and he lives again.”

            And this we say unto you, there is no inheritance for such time that it is given. And those who would think otherwise, you must learn the [single] commandment to “Honor thy father and mother.” It is also written, “Thou shall have no other gods before Me.” If you take one commandment you must take them all. Honor is the greatest of all gifts.

            We would say, yes, unto your question.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. J___ R___ Jr. who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, guidance please, and any suggestions on where to find a house? Thank you, with love.’”

            In the land in which you dwell there are houses all around you. But we would say unto you, if a man should go and look for the richest of stones, the one which is uncut and cannot be seen fully is the richest. And we say to you, this is the way you must choose your house, and your home. It is not what you can see, but what you cannot see that shall count. It is not what you can feel, but what you cannot feel. Find the location that you wish. Then take one step at a time, and from there all things shall grow and mature. Walk in that direction. “Seek and you shall find.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. G___ Mc_____ who…is also here tonight asks, ‘Today, two big stores are coming into [Sasabe] this Fall, Kmart and Wal-Mart. Is there a reason for their coming out to our area? [     ] has a small population. Thank you, ____.’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. There are two things that should cause the growth in your area − one, a new dam shall be built; the second, mining shall increase. But your town, much as other towns have begun to realize that they may each not make concessions to attract industry. And because of this industry that is expected, the stores are being built.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka.  M______ H________, who is also here tonight, asks, ‘Please describe my future work with humanity in this life.’”

            Preparation of the coming of the Messiah – the preparation of your body and your soul. But beyond and before all other things, allow tomorrow to pass, and see for yourself of that which you enter. And then go and tell others who are in need.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “One question in general, Aka, ‘The Hopi believe that we are coming [into] the fifth world; the sacred calendar says it’s the sixth world. Can you please verify?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. In the interpretation [of] one language into another, and back into English again, should be difficult for all. It is of the same.

            But let me ask you a question, from all of you into your hearts. If you were in the desert and the Lord provided water and food, and you knew it came from the Lord, would you ask Him from which world? Or would you take it? In the same desert, if the Lord provided you a good river with abundance of water, would you not plant the land and make it fruitful? Would you wonder which world it came from?

            These two that you call, from the Mayan to the Hopi, are not the same, yet they are. For they come from what you would know as the sons of God. But greater than this, as you would know of the time of Moses and the time when the Lord, thy God, gave forth His [ten] commandments, and gave them unto the people, they all came, and all were of one. You have studied your migrations. Know this, that the Lord put seed upon all land. The knowledge and the greater plan of the Lord is but one.

Your religions, as you would know them, are like the bouquet that your bring before the Lord; it is all beautiful. This, and what the Lord gives back, is beautiful. Accept it, that you shall learn more of it and the truth of the answers as you proceed to your next step.

You have entered the valley. All the things that were provided for this valley were provided long ago. A time and a place were set aside long ago. The pathway that was guided into this valley, and even its name was given for a reason. [Note: Christmas Star route.] For much as the name of Bethlehem would be from one place, so would this be from another. Tomorrow the vortex shall be opened, and the sphere shall be opened. Respect it, with all that you have, and it shall respect you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka; at this time I have no more questions.”

            Then we shall answer that which lies [up most] in your minds. You will find this land has been prepared quietly. Those among you who shall receive the blessing, you will know of it, and know the truth of it, in your own hearts.

            We shall tell you a parable. The parable is of a small child, a little girl who used to climb upon the mountain, and there on the mountain grew a wild rose. And she went each day to talk to it. And if the water and the rains did not come she took it water. It was her private place. Yet the rose responded to her tender care.

            And she thought to herself, “It is so beautiful. I must share this with others.” [Then] a part of her said, “This is my private place; I cannot share it with anyone else. If I do, it will not be mine anymore.”

            But yet, she grew sad in her heart. Such a beautiful thing could not be shared with the world. She began to cry, and her tears fell upon the ground and nurtured the rosebush. And the rose responded tenfold, and grew even larger and more beautiful.

            And she looked upon it, and she said, “If the rose responded to my tears I know it would respond to the others.”

So she went forth into the village where she lived, and she told a few people. And she said, “It is so beautiful you shall cry when you see it.”

            And everyone who came before it shed tears, and it grew − greater, more beautiful.

And it became known as the “crying rose.”

            One day, a man came and saw such a beautiful thing and he said, “I shall make a profit from it. I shall buy the land up,” [and when he looked at] it, “I shall charge anyone who should see it.” And so he bought the land, and he built a huge building around it, and began to charge anyone who would see it. But each day, the rose shrunk, and began to wilt away and die.

            The man went to the little girl and said, “What shall I do? The rose is dying?”

            And the little girl said, “Turn it free.”

            He said, “What? If I do that I will lose all the money I have put in.”

            And she said unto him, “There once was a time when I, and I alone, knew of the rose. And because I loved it and wanted to share it with the world, I told others. And you came and you found it, and your greed took over. Now you have built a building around it where it cannot receive sunshine, where it cannot receive the things it needs to nurture itself.”

            The man thought long. Then he went out and instructed his people to take down the building and the fences, and remove all things that he had put there. And the rose blossomed, and blossomed again.

            And one day the men who worked for him came, and they had a great bucket of money, and said, “This is yours.”

            And he said, “For what? Where would I get such amount of money?”

            And they said, “Well, when we finished our work and removed all things except for this bucket, which [laid] on the road to the rose, because people appreciated your allowing them to be there, they gave donations. And this is for you.”

            The man, seeing it, could not accept such a thing, and he went to the little girl and said, “Here. Here, you take this money.”

            The little girl said, “No. The rose has given me a greater thing.”

            The man, [he] realized something, that both the little girl and the rose had given him something greater than money could buy. And so, the man took the money and he built a chapel, that the people might stop and pray along the way and thank God for such beauty. And so, his soul was fed, and his spirit.

            So tomorrow, when you are asked if your soul is ready and your spirit, you will know how to answer.

            Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. Now is the time of the cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]


Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


Editor’s comments: On August 16 and 17, 1987, there was an “harmonic convergence” of the planets. Some felt this facilitated the opening of a vortex to the new world, which some refer to as a new heaven and new earth. This guidance, from Aka, spiritual messengers of God, was given on the eve before the opening, at a church to God.

            Ray Elkins, at the last minute, had agreed he would serve as an instrument or prophet in giving a sacred Corn Ceremony, to open a pathway into the new heaven and new earth promised in prophesies long awaited. More than 50 people came to join in this sacred ceremony.

            As the prophet began the ceremony, three circles were made (of three colors of corn flour), to encircle a star of David (also of corn flour), which was drawn out onto the church floor, so that the new world would fill the church. Ray asked the ministers and some Board members to stand at the points of the Star of David on the edge of the circle, to serve as guardians of the boundary between the two worlds, that nothing could interfere with the sacred entry of the new heaven and earth in this moment in this world.

            Within the circle, the “Sacred Twins,” known to Indian peoples, were enacted by teachers in the middle as the ceremony began.

            Each person had written on a list those things he or she did not wish to take into the new world, and as Ray came to them he took from them their list and burned it in a ceremonial pot in the circle, cleansing their souls for entry into the new world.

            During the ceremony, Ray came to each person who gathered outside the circle, on the edge, to ask if they were prepared and wished to enter into the new world. If they said, yes, he placed three marks of corm flour upon their forearm. He then asked if they wished to accept the mark of the Eagle; if they said, yes, three marks of corn were placed upon the other forearm. As he asked if they wished to receive the opening of the top of the head, he sprinkled a vortex of corn flour above the top of the head. He also asked if they wished to receive the giver of the gift, and said to some, the Holy Spirit, each according to their faith. If they answered, yes, he placed a mark of corn on their forehead, blessing them with a gift of Spirit sent from God.

            Each, who now had been prepared to enter into the new heaven and new earth, lit a candle representing the light of his or her soul. Ray placed each person’s candle, one at a time as he came to each, within the center in the middle of the Star of David, which was encircled by three colors of corn flour that had been blessed and became the entrance way into the new world.

            A powerful, peaceful, loving energy radiated within the sacred corn circle as pure energy, like something made all anew. Within the circle of radiant, pure, clean energy -- which seemed to have no persona but was pure, perfect being without form, or light without beginning or end -- burned the candles, which the prophet had delivered into the new heaven and new earth. There they stood within it, throughout the night and next day until sundown, shimmering in the powerful spiritual glow -- symbols of the peoples’ souls standing amidst all this radiance and love, in the new world, as a great blessing in this and the next world.

            The vortex which had been brought down to make an opening into the new heaven and earth for the time of the harmonic convergence, continued to shine within the sacred corn circle throughout the night and into the next day, for the time of the harmonic convergence.

            Those who participated will always remember, for it will remain forever -- it was given within our souls, to know.