February 20, 1987

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka; where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall answer your question in this manner. For upon the Earth in a city in the Americans, there once lived four brothers, each born within a few years of the other. When they were very young, they started competing, one among the other. At first, it was for the affection of their father. Then it was for the affection of different girls in their village. It was a game to them, a game that, as soon as they had this person and the person possessed [professed] their love to them, they no longer needed nor wanted.

The father saw the folly of his sons and went behind them picking up the pieces of destruction left. It was soon evident [to] the father that he would have many grandchildren born out of wedlock. This did not bother the father, for he only enjoyed the joy of enjoying the children, his grandchildren. And he went about farming his farm and running his ranch.

But soon it became very apparent to him that should his sons continue as they were that there would be no inheritance left for his grandchildren. So he called his four sons in and said, “I shall give each one of you a [parcel] of land. Whoever can do the best and have the best crops for the next ten years shall own all of the land. But in owning all of the land, you must provide for all, in­cluding your mother and I, and the children you have been responsible for bringing into this world.”

At first, there were those of his sons who would not accept, or did not want to accept, this type of respon­sibility. And he said, “Fine, then leave.”

There were those who would accept, but said, “How can I know this child is mine?”

And the father said unto them, “For I know, and that is enough.”

Soon, two of the sons decided that they would go together and pool their land and work against the other two.

The youngest son, at this point, began to see the folly of his ways, and he agreed to the terms.

The other son thought, “I can go to surrounding farms and bring in extra cattle to show my yield; this shall be a way I shall win.”

And so, the first year passed. The two that had gone together, theirs began to multiply. The youngest seemed to have many problems. The other, his was multiplying because he had bought from other farmers to show a yield and he had bought cattle from other ranchers and sold them.

The second year passed by. For the two, the competition against their brothers did not seem to be great because the two together combining their forces seemed to outdo the other two. Yet the youngest brother had a better quality of stock and his fields yielded more per acre. The other son still continued his folly.

 The father watched.

And so it continued into the eighth year. And the father knew that the two were working together. He also knew that the one son was only buying and selling, and really growing nothing. He also knew that the younger son grew a better quality. Each part of the land he had received began to flourish to his touch.

So he went unto the youngest son and said, “My son, what have you learned from this?”

And he said, “Father, I have learned that the seed that we plant, both upon the earth in many ways, must be tended to with loving care. I shall accept − should I win or lose I shall accept the responsibility of the children.”

The father went to the other two sons and said, “What have you learned?”

They said, “To compete, to be better than our brothers.”

And he said, “What are your responsibilities?”

And each of them said, “We have found fine wives and shall soon provide you with fine grandchildren.”

And he said to them, “What of the grandchildren I already have?”

And they said, “Well, who’s to know whether they are ours or not, or whether they are really your grandchildren?”

The father looked upon them and said, “I shall know. And as I shall know, so shall the Father in heaven know, and so shall your mother know.”

And so he went unto the one who was trading, and he confronted him with the fact that he had traded. The one who had traded laughed and said, “Yes, Father, I am a good trader. I enjoy trading. At first I thought to trick you and my brothers, but I have learned that I enjoy the trading and I shall make my living from this day forth of trading. But I shall accept the children. And whoever wins, I shall help to support them. And my own, I shall claim and give them my name, and your name.”

The father left with great gladness in his heart.

And so, the tenth year came. The two sons had married and their wives were pregnant. And they went to the father to claim their reward. And father said, “You come to take your reward, yet you have not heard from your brothers. Where are they?”

And the one said, “For the one brother has become a trader; he has given to us his part.”

And the father said, “Nay, he did not give unto you his part; he gave it unto me and I gave it unto your brother. So we’ll see what the greatest yield is.”

The youngest brother came forth. And he had an abundance of crop and an abundance of cash flow. And he said to the father, “I could not have done this except that my brother took our stock and our harvest and did great things on the market. If I have won anything, Father, it must be shared with my brothers.”

The two brothers protested.

The father said, “The youngest brother has won.”

And the youngest brother said unto them, “Then if it is mine to do that which I wish, Father, give unto my brothers that that belongs to them; give unto my other brother that that belongs to him, and I, Father, shall take that that which belongs to me. But first, Father, let it all belong to you until the day you pass, and let us take the responsibility of the work.”

The Father looked at them and said, “I will accept this except for one thing. I shall never retire; I shall become a productive part within all of this.”

            Some will think that the story we have told you is a story that you might have heard many times, but yet, heard it not.

We say to you, there are many pathways to heaven; our Father has many mansions. Yet, He has but one first-begotten son. Yet it be the first, He gave the joy unto the last as much as the first. As He gave the joy unto this one known as Jesus of Nazareth, so has He given the same joy unto the last begotten of His children. Forget this not, and know that the Lord, thy Father, thy God, loves you. And so He shall not retire, He shall always be with you in all things that you do.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, thank you. I ask, Aka, for help to a lady named [J__ R______...Houston, Texas] in which her husband passed away in January, and is finding −‘Needing much peace of mind.’ Can you help her? Thank you.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

There has been much deliberation of the “yeas” and “nays” of this situation. But we shall say unto you, blessed be the house of the Lord, thy God, and blessed be His child who should enter. This one is awake and well. He is concerned greatly for your welfare, and he sends his love. Know these things that he said unto you.

            You feel that the com­munications between himself and soul Ray might be over, yet they are not. You feel, because you are still receiving literature from the Universal Philosophy, that it was only for your friend, your beloved. And we say unto you, it was meant for both; now it is meant for you.

See these things clearly and know that nothing passes from the Earth that our Father does not know. Nothing passes without a reason. The day shall come when you will see that smile again, yet in another. Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God; blessed be the name of His children forever and ever.

You have other questions, ask. 

“Yes, Aka. Do you have a few words of wisdom for [K___ H_____] who seems to be having much trouble at this time? Thank you.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The Lord has seen the conceivement, the reality, within a child. He would not allow its removal. We know, at this time, you do not understand. But understand these things. That that was given shall not be taken away. That that seems impossible at times, when you look at your burden, know that the Lord is with you always. “Ask and you shall receive.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [W_____ _____...Florida] asks, ‘Do you have a few words of encouragement?’”

 Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. The parable that was given in the beginning of the reading, you shall bring − draw strength from, and un­derstanding. Know these things that are true, for those that are true will last.

Know that if you have laid a pathway before you, and you ask for help in a righteous manner, the Lord [God] shall send those from both sides to help you. When you hear the knock upon the door, open the door, and allow that help to enter.

We say to you these words. You look for a word of wisdom. Come unto soul Ray and ask, and the question that you want answered privately may be done so in a delicate manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [W___ B_____ ...Aztec, New Mexico]...says, ‘Dear Aka, can you help me locate my jewelry which I keep in a small pink satin case? I may have placed it in my purse and lost it while on a trip to Albuquerque or misplaced it in my home. Thank you.’”

            Yes we see thy need. We see that you have ridden in the car of a friend. You have placed this in this car and you and your friend have forgotten.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1987 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona