January 2, 1987



            Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee unto these words. Harken unto this time, and unto this of thy year.

            There shall be many, many incidents blamed upon the alignment of the Earth and moon and sun. But there are more to play a part of the whole than just these three, for if you shall look upon the rest of the planets within your galaxy and their effect upon the moon’s pull, and how it shall affect the rotation and the gravitational pull of the Earth, in con­junction with that of the sun, which should give forth the life unto your planet. At the present time, because of the wobbling of the Earth on its axis, many things can be contributed to it − among them, tidal waves, meteor showers, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

            Storms shall appear suddenly where they were not. The atmospheric condition shall alter and remain so into the month of May. It shall not return back to what you would call its normal self.

            As these substances are about to take place, you must realize that the change of the negative- and positive-ion field bombardment upon the Earth shall also alter. This should cause drastic mood changes in animal, fowl and fish, and the human race. You shall see drastic change from friendship to almost hatred in the splitting of an eye.

            The barometric change may go from one extreme to the other. This also will affect the mental state as well as the physical state.

            More from accident than planned cause, you shall have the unrest upon the Earth.

            We have told you before, the year of 1987 could be the year that would swing like a pendulum. You [can] have the beginning and the ending of war all in the same year. How shall you deal with these things?

            For those who are married, and your spouse and that of the married person, partner, should act in strange ways. It must come from within you what pathway it shall take you. You may allow it to draw you closer together or farther apart. It shall be your choice. It shall be a testing time. For friends may become closer friends or their worst enemy, unless you reach for a common cause, one that may bind you together.

            As we have said before, as you bind together, let it be for a cause that means something to you and comes from your heart and becomes an object that is before you. And if all parties look at this object in such a manner that it becomes their predominate being, then the other changes cannot greatly affect you because your mental state will keep returning back to the objective which you have placed before you.

            We realize that speaking of these things and un­derstanding these things are two different things entirely. We would suggest that once this reading has been transcribed and each of you have it in your hands, that you study it to understand the fullness of it. And the fullness of it can either – your understanding can either allow you to exist or to look back upon this year and say, “What a wasted time,” or it can be a fruitful time if you learn from what we have said and utilize it.

            The earthquake pattern − you know it, as we have said before, the “Ring of Fire” − the neighboring land in Mexico shall be shaken as it has never been shaken before. We have told you before of its economy. [The] economy of the land of Mexico is reduced to nothing and it shall be reduced even farther, to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of destroying their government and starting all over again.

            Russia shall be too busy taking care of their own, for Russia shall be struck from east to west with earth­quakes. And Siberia shall bring forth a volcanic eruption such as man has never seen before.

            In the land of South Africa, war and the rumors of war, are there already, but it shall be intensified. But South Africa shall have earthquakes unlike they have ever known, and the volcanic substance.

            I would look unto the tip of Alaska, unto the Mt. McKinley, Mt. St. Helena, Mt. Hood, the San Francisco peaks here in Arizona, Taos, New Mexico. And from there, trace the “Ring of Fire” through Mexico, through South America and back unto the Mediterranean, and China.

            Brittany or Britain, the island of Great Britain, shall be shaken.

            The island of Japan shall feel that the people are ready to leave it; it shall shake and eruptions shall occur.  

            But we say unto you, the large earthquakes would just begin.

            A time shall come in California when it shall break apart and become islands. It shall not sink, but it should go into the land you now know as Nevada. These shall not all occur overnight; they shall be spread out. And the destruction and regeneration of the land of California shall happen clear into the year of 1999.

            But do not look at these things we have said as disasters. Look at it and know of it as the earth changing, as all things change. It must change to renew itself. As you would get up in the morning and go and wash your face and comb your hair, so the earth is doing the same.

            Do not run and hide. Prepare yourselves, if you must, with enough food substance that could last you from six months to a year. This will allow you to get through any emergencies. Rotate the food substance and keep it fresh.

            Emergencies shall be short lived, even the rattling of the war chains.

            Now we know there’s many, many questions within your minds. But we say unto you, tonight is a night that we give unto you these messages that you may prepare yourselves to come forth in your own growth, not in the image of others, but in your own image, and in your own way. If you can do nothing more this year than learn to be happy with yourselves, to like yourselves, you will have accomplished more than the rest of the world.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [J_  A_____...Farmington, New Mexico]…asks, ‘How will my art career go?’”

            Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer you in this manner.

            Your art career shall never be what you expect. But whose is? For you shall always look upon it and think you should have done better or it should have been accepted better. If your art can satisfy your need, that is the greatest part. Yet, what you’re really asking is, “How will it satisfy my financial need?” We shall say unto you these words; it shall not make you rich, but comfortable.

You have other words, other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [M_____ M_____...Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘I suffer in my stomach; this affects my mind. How can I get ok permanently?’”

            (Chuckle) yes, we see thy need. First we should answer your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and immortal body of the same. The mind causes the over-secretion of acid into the stomach. There is a substance known as Tagamet. If it should be used as your physician should prescribe it, it should function and solve your problem. The second part is a problem with your sugar. Eliminate this from your diet, and that of chocolates and heavy, other spices. Also eliminate your cheeses or alcohol from your diet. If these things are done, your problem shall end.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [J___B ____ Jr.] asks, who is here tonight, asks, ‘Dear Aka, please relate to my grandmother, ________, born _____, left from this plane _______.  I love her and I want her to know this and that I feel sorrow for not spending more time with her. Please ad­vise if she has anything to relate to me. Thank you, with love.’”

            We should answer your question in this manner. Even upon the other side, freedom of choice is respected into the highest. One moment, and we shall ask.


            You should know this, that the one you speak of has passed through, and rebirth upon the Earth has already taken place. It will not be long until you know this per­son. Be glad, for it is their choice.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [R___ B____] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Can we please have advice on forming a closely knit Association with common goals to work together?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we would say, take the first step; learn to like yourselves. When you have accomplished this, then look upon your fellow man in the same manner.

            All of you have faults. If you may overlook the other’s fault, but in doing so, in learning to like yourself, adjust your attitudes in such a manner that you may respect one another. Through this common respect, and through the preparation that we have said, you shall know within your own hearts and souls that if we pour wines for you, and it [   ] sets before you and you wish to drink of it, all you have to do is pick it up. And for those who chose to drink of this, we shall provide the way for all the rest.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [G___ H____...Tucson, Arizona]…asks, ‘Who heals the healer?’”

            (Chuckle) yes, we see thy question. And we’d say unto thee, for “the physician who should treat himself, he has a fool for a physician.” This is why other physicians [over] the world are provided. The healer’s thoughts are never pure and they are never without fault. They are never perfect in the eyes of man. But in the eyes of God, who loves them and has provided a way for them and has placed them upon the Earth, would He not provide the knowledge to take care of them? If you went to a field and planted it, would you not go back and water it, and fertilize it? Would you not watch it grow?

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [J___B____], known as [S_____ B____], asks, ‘What is in store for the B_____ family this coming year?’”

            Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. There are many good things in store for the B____ family this year. But the B____ family must stand together, and be together, that they may receive that which they wish. We say unto you, unto to both G_____ and S______, for the vows you have brought forth and said, we have not forgotten. We promised you we would see to your needs, but not your wants. Pick up the wine and drink it. Watch your growth, but you must stand away from yourselves to see this, for a tree can seldom see itself grow or can seldom see the beauty that it shows to others. You have judged yourselves too harshly.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [C_____ J____ …Tucson] asks, ‘Can you tell me the purpose of other special energy working within me at this time?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The energy you speak of is the life-force energy of man, yet is the life-force energy of all things in this universe, unliking to matter and more liking to anti­matter, which may travel at 20 times the speed of sound or light. The substance that you are dealing with, and wish to deal with, may either be the brightest point of your life or disaster. It is in dealing with it that you shall find that you must put it together, as a carpenter, who would start with the foundation of a house and put the roof on, and then finish the interior. Do so in an orderly manner and it shall become in completeness. But look unto the flight of the Eagle, and see there is no waste. You shall know of these things from within you.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [L_____ B______] who is also here tonight, asks, ‘Aka, I have a lost interest check due to me in November. I have written to them and I have heard nothing. I have also lost one hearing aid New Year’s Eve night. Can you help me find it?’”

             We would suggest first, that from the source of the check that payment should be stopped immediately, and a new check rewritten. The hearing aid is in your home, in your front room on your couch, under the pillow.

            Now we would say unto all of you, our time now grows short. We are sorry that we have not answered all of your questions. Your time shall be another time. But yet, we have answered some of your questions in all of your minds.

            Now is the time of the cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his sleep.


[Note: This reading has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.