January 23, 1987



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee unto these words. “There shall be no other God before Him.”

There shall those who shall come forth and say unto thee, “I am God.” And they have profaned the name of the Lord, and in their profaneness, they have even profaned themselves, for they have allowed no place for themselves.

             If you wish, you may go back to the time when the Anti-Christ, known as Adolf Hitler, walked the face of the Earth. And he came forth and he talked in a voice that attracted many people. He used his talent for organization. He used his psychic talents until they had depleted him. And he used the psychic talents of many others. And those who would not agree with him, he slayed them and had them slain. He killed 12 million people in his concentration camps alone.

            We are concerned to see this once again appear on the face of your Earth.

            There are those who should know better and do not in the land of Russia. But there are those with all the choices of freedom that your land should give, “one nation under God,” and they should say a profaneness. We say unto you, this is not the way. These people shall not lead their people unto God, but away from Him; they shall lead him not to the coming of the Messiah, but away from him.

            And you say unto us, “Is these the Anti-Christ?”

            And we say unto you, as we have come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, there shall be those who come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ.     Believe in the Lord, thy God. Believe in the wisdom of Jesus of Nazara. Do not sway and allow them, anyone, to sway you from the path, and you shall never wear the mark of the beast. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

            We say unto you, there have been many times and half times. There have been many tests, that test people down to where there is no more. Why should this be so?

We say to you, we have told you before that the times were coming and would come about. We say unto you, prepare yourselves. Do you have to build a castle or a monument? Nay. The only monument you must build is within your body and mind. And know that you are the children of God. You are the creation of God. You were created in His image, of His kind, of His likeness. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I would like to know, if we started a little metaphysical school for children, how well would it go in this area?”

            At the present time, it would not. We should explain. There are those who fear any and all parts of the word, metaphysical, some with good reason and some without.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [S___ L_______] who is here tonight asks, ‘Why is this group being bombarded with changes?’”

            We say unto you, changes were needed to strengthen the fiber of those within.

            Yet, there are many parts of a whole. We say to you, in any decision you should make, you shall have that which is needed to go with it, to help you with it. We gave you a multiple choice before. These still exist.

            In the land of Houston, there is much work to be done, for as you have seen yourselves, there would be those who would take the food from babes, and we say that in a manner of speech. But the food we speak of is their spiritual heritage, that which is rightly theirs − their gift of God and from God. There is many things that would happen to change this about. If you fear these things, then [you’ll] want a change, you’ll want your way to be preserved, then you must do something about it.

            There [will] be many people who will say, “Look at this, this sparkles; this is great in the eyes of man. Let it be so.” Look into your heart and soul, you know the difference. Look into the first part of the words we have spoken tonight and you shall find the fullness of the answer.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [I_____ P_____] asks, ‘Is my luck on money contests good or not? Am I cursed on money matters or what?’”

            No. You are not cursed. Sometimes you do not look before you leap. That is all. Look into the depth of things; pray upon it and ask the Lord for His guidance and His help, and you shall receive it.            

But the Lord cannot help you because you have been given free choice. If you run forth and do things without thought, without consequences − we say to you, look around you. There is help available. There is advice that is sound and stable. Take it. But we say unto you, for those who choose to do the work for the Lord, their needs shall be provided, not always their wants.

You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [E_____ P_____] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Why do my kids turn against me now in the time of my sickness?’”

            We say unto you that as you stand, and bore your children in truth before the Lord, it is not always with understanding that a child can see. You will notice there are some among you who when they see blood will faint; there is others among you, when they see faint and pain, they will run. Yet, because they do not know how to, as you would say, “handle” this in their own system, they do not know how to face pain; they do not know how to face illness. But your illness is short lived, and you shall go on to do many things.

You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [L_____ B_______] lost her left hearing aid on December 31st. ‘Can you please help me find it?’”

            Yes. [Surprised chuckle.]We would say look on the bedroom, where you sleep. And we would tell you that you have a chest of drawers, a place where you keep your clothing. And in the top drawer on the left hand side you shall find it.

You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [M___ H____ R_____ ...Albuquerque, New Mexico] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will my health improve? Will I find love and peace of mind?’”

            We shall answer, yes, unto all of these things. But remember, a gift that is given − if you were given the greatest of jewels and you put them before swine, [and the] swine did devour them, you would have nothing. Cast not your pearls before swine. It is hard, we know, to understand that what we have spoken. But think upon it and you shall understand.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [R___ B____] asks, ‘Will the place or house that I have in mind for storage of emergency supplies in the Mesa, Arizona, area be a safe and adequate place? Thank you.’”

Yes it shall be.

You have other questions ask.

            “[J____ W____...New Mexico]: ‘How could I be of spiritual help to others?’”

            By being yourself. And we shall say unto you, there are many parables, there are hundreds of parables that have come through in this work that are available. Take these, form a group and study and understand the fullness that has been spoken. Add to this the true awareness of the psychic laws before God. This shall bring about an opening of the awareness of those around you. As this transpires you shall find that your servitude to God shall multiply tenfold.

You have other questions.

            “No, Aka.”

            Yes. We shall say unto this one who has traveled far to be here and who is very afraid, the healing you seek shall come unto you. Fear not. It shall come one step at a time. As the healing[s] come, there shall be a healing of the body, the soul, the mind, and the spirit. Fear not, for you are not alone. It is said, “Seek and you shall find.” And so it shall be true. The love of the Father is for all. Let it flow through your veins; let it be and vibrate through your very being, and know the Lord, God, is God.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1987 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.