July 10, 1987

Globe, Arizona



      Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto you this parable in this way.

            For the seven angels came upon the Earth in their creation. And the Lord said unto them, “CREATE THE EARTH.”

            And they brought upon the Earth the land and the water. And they separated the land from the water. Then they brought forth the rain and the seasons.

            And the Lord looked upon the forests and the lakes. Then He looked upon the desert lands, and He said, “WHY HAVE YOU CREATED THIS? WHY HAVE YOU CREATED SUCH A HARSH PLACE FOR MY PEOPLE?”

            And they said unto the Lord, “From this land shall come your prophets, for it shall be a testing place. For the best of things shall be hidden within the cactus, and it shall take both wisdom and fortitude to unravel this. And so it shall be for the men and women who should come forth in prophecy, for they shall withstand the harshness of the land and build the greatness of the soul.”

            The Lord thought upon this. And He said, “WHY HAVE YOU NOT PUT LEAVES ON THOSE TREES?”

            And they looked and they said, “Lord, those are not trees, and they have their leaves. They are the wisdom growth of the cactus plant. They are the largest and the mightiest. Some shall grow in the beginnings of time. It is their patience that they shall teach your prophets.”

            And so all came into completeness.

            And the time came forth upon the Earth when all the times would come together.

            The Lord looked upon the Earth and said, “I SHALL CHOOSE THE PLACE WHERE MY FIRST BEGOTTEN SON SHALL BE BORN AGAIN. FIRST HE WAS BORN IN THE LAND OF PLENTY, AND AN EASY LAND. BUT NOW HE SHALL COME FORTH IN A BARREN LAND, A HARSH LAND, YET IT SHALL BE OF PLENTY.” And there He brought forth upon the Earth the one known to you as Jesus of Nazara.

            It is written that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. And how can this be so? Why could at one point of a lifetime a man be born in a garden of plenty with every con­ceivable thing he should want, and yet, could not see the wisdom within it; yet the same man be cast upon the earth in a barren land, [as] the land of the cholla? You, who study the land and the people, we say unto you, look unto the fertile crest, in the sand of the Magi, and you shall find it, in land, much as this. But you, who should come into a time of the before times, in the time of Quetzalcoatl − we say unto you that this time shall be as a dividing time, that the [Lord’s] great Sword shall strike both land and land masses, and people. And those who should be straight with God shall go one way, and those who shall not be straight with God shall go another. And the land and the land masses, where water flowed no water shall flow. Where no water flowed water shall flow. The land shall come apart, and yet, be born again.

            The beginning shall begin now. You shall come together to celebrate this time. Some shall come in fear, and yet it is not a time of fear. It is a time of greatness.

            It has been said that you look at the clouds and you know that you have a time for planting. You look at the seasons and you know the time it is. Yet now, we say unto you, now is the time for the harvest of the soul and the spirit.

            Can you not see it? Have we not told you so? [See Mark, chapter 13.]

            For we say unto you, the greatness and the greatest of all things shall become upon your Earth once again. This time you shall know, and there shall be no doubt in the minds of the doubter. [See John 20:24-31.]

               But approach it in a peaceful manner. Approach it in a manner of prayer, of dignity. Give it the dignity [that] it deserves.

            But those who would look upon the desert lands and see the barren and waste, there is no waste in the desert land; everything is used. Because the water is [scarce] the Lord saw fit to hold great amounts of water beneath the earth. Yet it shall blossom, and become a garden once again. For much like the other lives that a man may live, so shall parts of the Earth. It has proved its worth; now it shall prove its kind.

            We have left many questions in your minds. We say unto you, all the land was the land of Quetzalcoatl, “the People.”

            You have other questions.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. This is a group question. In the beginning of the Association, the spelling for your name was “Odka,” which was chosen for your council. We have recently questioned the need to change it to the name of the speaker, “A.k.a.” Would this be appropriate at this time, and how would you suggest that we proceed in the spelling and have an ex­planation for the people? Thank you.”

        In the beginning, we said if you could agree upon any spelling you would have taken one step closer to God. Now we shall say unto you, it shall be spelled with an “A.” If you should change it, use both spellings so [that] does it not confuse the people − for a time.

            The “A,” you now shall know the meaning of. To know where you are going is to know where you have been. Now you know where we have been.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. J____ T_______ who is here tonight…asks, ‘The Hopi Indians have clans. What was my mother’s clan?’”

            Your mother was of the Eagle clan. Your mother was of the clan, as you are of the clan; you are of “the People.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. S___ L_______ who is in Houston, Texas, asks for a life reading.”

            We shall give it at a different time.

            You have many other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. L____ K_____ who is here tonight, and also resides in Houston, Texas, asks, ‘Could you please advise me what to do to improve the condition of my back and spine?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. The time is needed that soul Ray may give continuous treatment to this. There is also additional knowledge that we shall place unto his brain that shall bring about a total healing. Be patient. That which you ask for shall come first; you have asked for a deliverance of the spirit. You shall have both.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. J___ R______, resides in Tucson, Arizona, and is also here tonight, asks, ‘Could you give me a past-life reading as to what my purpose is in this life?’”

            We shall give that at a different time.

            We shall give them both in the next reading.

            “Thank you, Aka. L___ ______ who resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is also here tonight, asks, ‘I have lost or misplaced my book, Rose without Thorns. Could you help me find it?’”

            You have not misplaced the book. Your friend has borrowed it.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you, Aka. M__ B___ ... Tucson, Arizona....asks, ‘I want information. Can you give me [any] on the homestead of the Butterfield Ranch Estates that I am wanting to purchase? And how is the water supply? Should I buy it, an, if so, when?’”

            We see your need. We would answer your question as straightforward as we know how. There is a great complexity in the title of this. If this matter could be straightened out and the water rights brought forth into the grant for the water [  ] rights, then you should purchase it, but only with negotiation. Do not accept everything at a face value.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. She also has one more question. ‘When do you see the house at 1647 N. Bluff, Wichita, Kansas, selling, and for how much?’”

            Yes, we see your need. In the month of October, and it will be in the amount of $78,000.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. At this time I have no more questions.”

            Then we shall answer the question. And you have asked unto yourself, “What became of the great Hohokam people? And who and how did the Pima come about?”

            And we would answer your question first, that the Pima and the Hohokam were of one. But they were of a clan and of a different clan. Those who lived, what [as] you know as the Phoenix area now, some left this planetary substance; others fled the land, because of two reasons − one, of a great climate change, the other, of great illness, that that you know of as Valley Fever.

            They spread upward, but the Pima people were the core, or the center of the Hohokam. And the land that they chose to dwell upon was a clean land without disease or problems. They chose to remain upon the Earth to till the land, to bring the knowledge of “the People” to the people. The fertile crescent you shall find shall be as old as that that should exist in Africa and that that should exist of the Sumer people. And these people that you speak of, and we speak of, were of the Sumer people, as you would know them, the Sumerians. It is where you get your word, “the good Samaritan,” because of their good deeds.

            The greatest gift unto these people was the gift that they could give unto others. And they left upon the land the greatest knowledge. They left upon the land the only knowledge that could make this land grow fertile and grow − the land of the agricultur[e], the [land] of the moon cycles, the land and knowledge of all mineralogy. They brought forth unto you the knowledge of mathematics, of astronomy, of astrology, of microchemistry. They gave you both the material of the cotton, of the corn, and many others which you use today. And they gave them freely from the heart, because they knew that a gift given must be given expecting nothing in return − even unto the land of the Shining Mountain, which was given unto them by the Great Keeper.

            And all the prophecies that were before shall be again.

            And hear unto us now unto these words − for look unto the 16th of August, on the time of Quetzalcoatl, and you shall know the link between you, and that he walked among you and he gave you a great gift, and you have given it unto all mankind.

            Yet it shall be given again.

           Now is the time of the cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]


Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona