June 6, 1987

Globe, Arizona




            Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall tell you the parable in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            For upon the land there came two men. First, one came into the valley, and then the other.               The first in his wisdom saw the need to plant of foodstuff. He also saw the wisdom to clear the land and make fields that could grow in abundance. And so, he went about it, and he built, and grew fine horses and fine cattle, and good fields.

            The other who came into the valley looked upon all this and coveted, and said unto himself, “I shall have all these things that this man has.” And so, he plotted. He came not − or cared not, that it took much work to make the valley flourish. All he saw was that it was there and that he could become abundant.

            Soon, in the valley he brought thieves that would go into other places and steal and rob. And he continued to covet the land. Yet, he said unto him, “What you have given unto me, I shall take tenfold.”

            And the other said unto him, “Nay. But go unto your land and grow what you may.”

            After many attempts to take the valley and to take the man’s land, he had decided he would buy the land.

            But as he had brought forth not unto good substance, he brought forth a bad and dangerous element.

And the Lord, God, had looked down upon this place and said, “FOR THIS IS MY LAND, AND THIS IS MY PEOPLE, AND I SHALL PROTECT IT.”

            There were those who had laughed and thought great folly upon it. Yet, in the backs of their mind[s] they knew that the Lord was with this one. And so, they became afraid. And yet, they put out bad rumors about him, and they said cruel and horrible things.

            There were those who came to say good about him, and to tell the world of his goodness. Yet there were more that came to tell the lies, and to bear false witness against him.

            At times he would think, “I shall find someone and sell this land and go elsewhere, for why should I continue to battle this battle day after day?” And it seemed that no one else cared. He felt alone and rejected. For the only one he could truly talk to, he felt, was the Lord, God.

            And he said unto the Lord, God, “Lord, where are Thou? Why are Thy not with me? Why do You not stand and destroy mine enemies?”

            And the Lord, God, looked upon him and said, “We see that that is your enemy, but it is our child that is your enemy. Does not the sun and the rain shine upon both?”

            He could not understand this; he became more paranoid, and said, “Lord, I shall challenge you − protect me. Take these evil people away from me. Allow me to go back to my simple life of living, and being and seeing.”

            Yet the Lord spoke not unto him.

            And so he wandered about the land. He worked; he built his fences. He did good work upon the land, and the land yielded forth in abundance.

And still, those of the other people stayed. And then another year passed, and still they were there. And then another.

            And he went unto his sacred place, his place where he had built a shrine unto the Lord. And there he knelt and said, “Oh, Lord, look upon me. Know that I am tired and weary, that I can no longer stand, night and day, and wait for these people to come forth upon me. So, Lord, I shall take and place into Your hands all these things I cannot do.” With this, he went into his house, went to his bed, and went to sleep.

            When the other man heard that he had gone to sleep, he was sure that he would project and bring forth demons unto him. And so he said to his fellow outlaws, “Come, go with me and we shall destroy this one.” And so they all went with him.

            And he reached to where the bedroom was, and they all circled around and proceeded to killeth of him. But yet, the Lord, God, would not allow this; so the weapons they had became useless and the bullets they had fired did not touch him.

Then great fear rose among them. And they wailed so loud they woke him.

            When he woke up, he said, “Why do you wail; why do you make such horrible noises?”

            And they said, “Because we fear you.”

            And he looked at them and said, “Why do you fear me? Have I done you any evil? Have I committed any crime against you?”

            The crime that had been committed was not in the eyes of man, but in the eyes of the Lord, God. And the one had not committed a crime against Him, for this one had committed a crime against himself for that which he thought and thought to do.

            It is not always that which you think you see that is true. Before you bear false witness against someone, go and find out the truth for yourself. Allow the love of God to enter you. Allow that love to be transformed through you. And let it come out in the words of love, faith and hope.

Now, you have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [S____ R_______ in Tucson, Arizona], who is here tonight, asks, ‘Who were the people of Chaco Canyon? For what purpose were they organized, and where did they go?’”

            The question you ask is threefold. First, they were organized together for their religion. Second, they came together so that they could provide food substance for one another. For one, as you know, can plant but a little and hunt but a little, but many can hunt a lot. That that you would know [of] Chaco Canyon would be those of the cousins of the Hohokam − much as they − for they were what you know now as the Hopi. But their search for the truth, and the vastness within it, allowed them to live on through eternity.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [A__ S______ …Dripping Springs] and is also here tonight, asks, ‘I am concerned with the quality of the water in my well [and] my neighbor’s well. What information can you give me? There is a high incidence of cancer and tumors among my neighbors. Is it possible that Agent Orange sprayed in the Pinals has infiltrated the water?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We will answer your question in this manner − that both, of the defoliant, has been used, but yet there is another. Through the strata in the water supply, there is two supplies, one which is know to run through Silver Canyon, the other is known to run through Dripping Springs. The one that goes through Silver Canyon and supplies the water for the water table which you are on is on this same strata that − within the uranium mines above you. As a result, the water you have has been contaminated when they shut the mines down.

            It would be suggested that for drinking water, that bring it from the Dripping Springs area, the land here; the water is pure in substance. There is a small amount of lime in this water; that could be filtered out. It is not significant amount, in amounts, to hurt anything.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka,’ J__ R____ …asks for ‘any advice on speeding his recovery, to include vitamin supplements, diet, medication, etc. Please feel free to offer this advice at any time. With love.’”

            We understand your need. And we would answer your question in this way. When the emotional stress has left your house then the rest of you shall get well. We would answer by one other question. Soul Ray has a new substance in his mind that you shall soon use to speed your recovery, and those and many others with similar problems.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. B__ L_____... asks, ‘Will we complete our bond, bond sales to [the] Arab and receive our full commission?’”

            We will explain in this manner. That which you feel you have is what you have not.

            You have spent many hours toiling, to elevate your income. We say unto you that this could come about in a greater means and manner by looking, one thing at a time, and taking it to its completeness.

There are many opportunities upon the Earth, and many before you.

            We see that you have certain things that you need to do. First, we would say, if you feel you cannot fulfill your vows as a student teacher, withdraw those vows. You do not have to serve God only in one way; there are many ways to serve Him. But remember, promise not the Lord that which you will not give Him. If you are to succeed, fulfill your promise. If you cannot fill it with [a] good conscience, or you do not feel that it is now the time, then say so. But do not blame the Lord, nor the religion, or anything else other than yourself, for there is time for all things. If you wish the help that you ask for, then it shall be given, but ask in a righteous manner.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, at this time I have no more.”

            Then we shall say unto you, the laboratory at the present time is in its infancy. Its needs should be immediate. So there is two needs: one, that a new crop shall soon be at hand, and soon you will have a new [marketing] system that shall work well for you. You shall soon find a new person that shall work with L____ F___ and shall help in the restoring of the greatness that is about to become so.

            We say unto soul Ray once again, place your ideas for your machine on paper, and proceed with the patenting of the other devices you have in mind. For producing your press is a necessity at this time. If you’re not satisfied with the one you have in mind, there are those of commercial value that could be bought.

            You have other questions, and they are many.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto the land of Oregon that that of the land beneath Mt. Hood, of the Cascade Mountains, shall shake and rumble and shall give off quakes in numbers. And it shall look as though it shall erupt, but not yet. Your San Andreas fault will give further destruction. But look unto Mexico and unto South America, for there shall soon be a rattling of the land in great masses. Look unto the politics of your country. But we say unto you, look unto the politics, into your own local government. It has become time to take an interest in such a manner that the land shall fulfill itself. We say unto you, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Now is the time of the cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


            [Editor’s note: On May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens in Washington State, USA, erupted in the most destructive and deadly volcanic eruption in United States history.]


[This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.