June 26, 1987

Globe, Arizona



           Aka is here.

          “Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto you this parable and in this way.

            For upon the land there lived a family, and this family lived in a village. They were not rich, yet they were not poor. Yet each of the family worked together, that the family might exist as a whole. For in their home their father and their grandfather lived with them, and the mother and the grandmother. And each had built onto this themselves an apartment onto this main part of the house that they might have some privacy.

            But the children, as children will, wandered into all parts of the house. And there was a young girl, and she was barely into her teens. And her greatest delight was to go to her grandmother, and unto her great grandmother. For she went unto the forest and brought forth trees and planted them close in, that her great grandmother, who could not walk well, could see. And she went into the forest and she brought the flowers.

            The other children sometimes complained because she was always late with her chores. And sometimes her father would scold her and would say, “Mary, why is it that you are always late? Why is it you have not completed your chores? Why is it that you always must bring the trees and the flowers from the forest?”

            And the little girl looked upon her father and said unto him, “For, Father, did not the Lord provide the beauty of the earth for all to see?”

            And her father said, “Yes.”

            And she said, “Father, even though our eyes might dim with age should we still not see the beauty [that] God has given?”

            And the father said, “Yes.”

            She said, “Then, Father, I do my chores. I know I spend longer moving the trees and the flowers, that great grandmother and grandmother might see and enjoy, and that the joy that comes each day as my great grandfather and my grandfather come and help me plant the trees and the flowers I have brought forth. It brings great joy unto me. And I hope that I am bringing joy unto them.”

            The father thought upon this and thought, “One day I shall have my grandchildren, and maybe, if I am lucky, I shall see my great grandchildren, and they shall run before me. Should it not be within me to hope and pray that God shall give me such as this, this child, to see that I share the beauty of the earth, even into the oldest of my ages?”

            So the father said, “Nay, I give you a new task, for from this day forward I shall do your chores. And from this day forward you shall go forth, and you shall bring those things that are needed and [enjoyed] unto your grandmother, your great grandmother, your grandfather and great grandfather.”

            And so Mary went forth. And soon she found more and more different varieties. And soon she was adventured farther and farther from home. Soon her trips were to take her days and weeks to return with the new varieties.

And it was soon to become [whole], and time she would become a woman; yet she continued. And she knew the plants, the trees, and she knew the herbs that would cure the sick, but she knew the plants that would bring joy to the heart and the soul.

            And then she entered into her almost 30 years of age and she had not married. Her father came unto her again and told her, “If this is what should keep you from marriage and happiness, I shall take this, for you should have children also, that I might enjoy my great grandchildren.”

            And she said, “But, Father, please do not take my life’s work from me.”

            Her father looked at her, her beauty, both inward and outward, and he could not bear to see her childless and without a husband; yet he could not bear to take her work from her. So the father that night, he prayed to the Lord and he said, “Oh, Lord, give me wisdom and give my daughter someone to love and share her life with.”

            And the Lord, God, looked upon the father in his great wisdom. And so, He rewarded the father, for he saw a young man with great interest in plants. And He brought the two together, and they did marry and they did have family. And they built, as was the custom of the day, onto the other part of the house. And soon they had children. And Mary, her husband and their children went about their tasks. And soon the garden they had planted was becoming known all over the world. And the people from the four corners of the Earth did venture forth to see such a bounty. And when they arrived to see it they saw another little girl taking flowers to her grandfather.

            The story we have told you is simple. Yet, it has great meaning, for it covers all those areas

that we have told you about – hope, love, and faith.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. ____ ______ who is here tonight asks, ‘How will the purchase contracts and the trenching for the gas line turn out?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we say unto you these words. It shall turn out, as you would call it, favorably.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. E_____ ___ H_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Who visited my sisters and I when my sister was ill?’”

            We say unto you these questions and these answers, for from each question shall come an answer in one form or another. Look unto the first of the reading, and we say unto you, look unto your great grandfather. But we say one thing, look unto that that is known as Saint Frances.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. G_____ B_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do we have any drastic problems around the time of August 16th or 18th, or is it a [marker] for the beginning of tougher times? Thank you.’”

            We should say unto you [that] of these questions and of these answers. Remember that the clock that you watch shall be 24 [hours] older when your 16th day arrives. Therefore, we say unto you, in the days of Quetzalcoatl, these who you call as Jesus, who walked upon your American land and who brought teachings, and who went with the evening star and promised to return with the morning star − for it shall be the first step of his consciousness. And it shall be felt around the world.

            Yet, they [are the other] side of the coin, that that you know as the Anti-Christ, his footstep shall also be felt.

            Your consciousness, therefore, must be guarded and placed together, bound together, as one. Come together in harmony and in prayer and in learning. If you do so, learning and har­mony is what you shall receive back in return.

It is our sincere hope, for we are not allowed to interfere.

            Now is the time of testing. From the time we have come until now, we have told you of this time, the time when the great Sword shall divide both man and land masses − for that also shall occur and begin to occur in such a manner that you shall feel the earth shudder upon its axis. Yet, for those [who are to] have the Lord in their heart, they have nothing to fear. But as you come together, remember, if you come in the house of the Lord, come with your hearts without prejudice of any kind, respecting one another, at all times, and bring prejudice against no one or thing.

We shall explain to you the difference between that which is prejudice and that which you do not care to associate yourself with. If a man came to kill your loved ones, and he was from the Anti-Christ or even if he wasn’t, and you must kill him in return, then you have not sinned before God. You have defended those things you love and cherish, and you have stopped this person from committing murder, and therefore, you have saved his soul, even though you have slain him. This is hard for you to understand. It is written, “Thou shall not commit murder.” There is a difference between the two. These things we say may be hard to understand, but we try to simplify it for you.

            Praise be the Lord, thy God, in all manners, and praise be Jesus of Nazara, Buddha of Buddhas, Lord of Lords.

            We know it is hard to understand fully the Lord’s way. Yet, is it like the river. The river you see you think is the same, but it is not the same, for the water is always changing, and so is the Lord flowing like the river, flowing to His children their needs. As their needs change, so the Lord alters and changes. But within truth, the great plan never changes.

            We say unto you, now is your time and shall be your time of testing. Take the time to go unto all the people you can and say, “Come be with us. Let us take the time to worship. Let us [try and] take the time to bind together. Let us take the time to pray together, and learn together.”

But do so unto all, that they might hear this that is to be heard and seen and felt. For this con­sciousness shall cross the Earth many times, but only one time in this way and at this moment.

            We say unto you, at what you would know as 1:00 p.m., in the afternoon, all the candles in your candelabras should be lit. All the single candles should be lit. Make there forth an area, of 9.5- inches [feet]-by-9.5-inches [feet], of a triangle in double sides. It shall [gain for you] forth the Star of David. [Plant], therefore, your candles at every one of these points, and you shall come unto the [point] in the center shall be the Thirteenth. Place that before your altar. And bring your prayer unto the Lord at this time, and you shall be within the conscious realm of all the world. It shall link you together.

            We know that you will want to listen and read this message very carefully. For in truth, those who have eyes to see shall see, those who have ears to listen shall hear.

And unto the 9th hour of the evening they shall be lit again. And then look unto the heaven[s] and see that which the Lord has to give you back in return.

            You have other questions, ask.

    “Thank you, Aka R_____ H______ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Aka, I am thinking of acquiring a contractor’s license. In what area should I proceed?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. At first, [require] a “B” license, general contracting. But it should allow you the latitude to go unto many areas. And this is required and should [occur] in your pocket and upon your wall. Then proceed forth for the “A” license. This may seem strange, but one shall give you a way to bid on many jobs.

            We shall also tell you that there are many, both government, federal, state and city jobs that should be available then to you to bid upon. But there shall be others. Do not become carried away with your own success. Do not run out and hire other people to do your work. For the present time, between yourself and your wife, you will be able to do these things. Take one step at a time, and your growth shall be healthy and firm.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. F__ had a question that I would like to ask. ‘Where could we find the information that is needed to find the Temple of Beauty, the Temple of Power, and the Temple of Knowledge?’”

        Look into your old readings. All the information you need is there − their location, and much of the knowledge which you desire and are looking for now. There is information within the readings that shall give you more than all the books that have been written.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary; yet we see other questions, and even with their emergencies. We look unto the land of California and we see a child, and the child has the disease of cancer. And we see your concern. And we see soul Ray’s agony, and we should give him that that he desires for the child.

            Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name, of the name of His children, forever and ever.

          Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript has been compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]


 Copyrighted © by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona