May 1, 1987

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening Aka, where is soul Ray?”

             Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto you, we shall tell you this parable in this manner and this way.

            For in a time of the great Ice Age, when the people retreated into the Southern hemisphere of the land, [entered] a time when the ice barriers were being built to bring energy back into the land, that that is known as your pyramids. We would say unto you, this time the land, that of the warm climate land, belonged to clans. Yet there were cities and greater parts of the cities. Yet each city was separated into its own, as you would call them, clans. Yet the whole part of the clan was one of the same.

            And in competition, quiet often the clans would select one among them to compete against the other clans, in great shows of strength. They did so in many ways.

            But in this particular clan, and the clans that came together, the show of strength required both lifting, running, in such a fashion that it took all of the body and the body motion to perform this task. Quiet often it covered large and vast amount of land that these athletes must cover and return back unto where they had started. And quite often, the other clans laid traps along the way for the other players to delay them and give their player a better chance of winning, because such things as large quantities of their winter storage were bet upon this. Those who won could eat well during the winter months.

            In this particular competition there were many traps laid before. And the athletes did get ready and go forth into the land. And they found before them the traps that each clan had laid there. Each of them fell into a trap. Each of them found a way out, only to find another trap.

            The athletes came together and said, “What shall we do with our people? Why can they not compete in a manner without trying to cheat?”

            And each said, one unto another, “The only way this shall happen is if we all − there was no winners.” Then they made a pact among themselves that they would walk side by side, not one inch ahead of the other.

            And so, as they entered the arena, all together, there was a hush that fell over the crowd. And the judges said, “There is no winners; there is no losers. What have you to say for yourselves?”

            And the athletes said unto them, “We want an event that we can compete in that will be fair for all, for everyone to run, for everyone to be a part of, that we each have an equal op­portunity without falling into your traps.”

            So the judges sat down and they tried very hard to bring forth a game that could not be cheated in. No matter how hard they found they found there was ways of cheating. So they brought forth the athletes and the athletes spent great amounts of time; they too found no matter how hard they tried there was ways of cheating.

            So they went among themselves, and they said, “From this day forward we will have what is known, a code of the athletes. We will have those things we shall do and those things we shall not do. And if any person is caught cheating in any way and breaks this oath, then they and their clan shall never be allowed to compete again.” And so it was agreed upon.

            From then until now you hold these things holy. When you find among yourselves that these people have cheated you hold them in contempt.

            How can you hold an athlete in such high esteem, and yet, hold yourself in such low esteem? Bring your honor system forth among yourselves.

Let it spread upon the land. Let it enter into the governments. And soon you will have [fertile] land for the coming of the Messiah.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka, soul Ray asks, ‘In J___ R____’s recent trip to Washington D.C., could he have come into contact with something that may have [caused] him to have a relapse?’”

            Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. Because of these things that he was taking, in their exposure to a colder climate, they did react upon him in a more abundant manner. But you must realize that there is a greater amount of pollution and a different type of pollution, almost into the form of what is known as acid rain, that is now within the at­mospheric conditions of the Washington D.C. area. We say unto you, because of type of medication that you would take, when you came in contact with these chemicals they would cause a completely different reaction within your body, body substance.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. W___ H_____, who is here tonight, asks, ‘Aka, would you please explain to us again the Council of Thirteen, for many new members are asking at this time?’”  

            We should say unto you, that they stand of twelve, and the Thirteenth shall be the Father, God. And for those who should be [asked] to come prepare the way, for those who should know Him best and know these things that would be needed upon the Earth, for we’re as close as His heartbeat and His teardrops. We are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, but we come unto soul Ray, for he is I and we are he. It should be difficult at times to understand that we have tried to use your language and your language barriers to reach through and say unto you, come unto yourselves. Learn to love one another. But learn to love yourselves.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka, at this time I misplaced a question from W_____ S_____. Would you have a message for him?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. You have come forth this day unto soul Ray for counseling. And he has given you the counsel that is needed. We say unto you, you grow in despair because of your separation from your family. We say to you, let us reach out and carry your burden. It shall be yet a time more before your job shall change. But we say unto you, be patient, for that which you reach for is at your fingertips. But look, as you have said, unto the Universal Philosophy. Open the door that you may enter. We shall fill your cup.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka, thank you. B__  M_____ of W_________ asks, ‘Aqua, could you please help me find my bag with the checkbook and my other belongings that I have misplaced?’”

            Yes, we see your need. The bag that you speak of you have placed in your pickup, your own pickup. There are other papers that you have misplaced that are at your mother’s house. There is also, in the bedroom of S_____ M______ you shall find that that she used, you shall find other papers that you are missing that you have placed there. I think there is confusion in what we speak and the way we speak it. Take it not for confusion, only in the fact that different periods of your life have moved different papers to dif­ferent places.

            We say unto you, “ask and you shall receive,” for all things come in the glory of God.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. M_____ K____, who resides in Globe, Arizona...asks, ‘Please, would you give me my great-grandfather’s Indian name and also my Indian registration number? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see of your need. 18-25-48, and it should be started with a “C” and of the Fox Clan. We say this unto you, your grand­father’s name, we see two needs − one you wish to know it in the Indian dialect. And we would say it is called, [Skenuta, Skenuta Say], “he who sees.” But you will find that it is, in the name that he was registered under will be Harris, Dan Harris, Daniel Harris.    Yes.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka, at this time could you tell us how soul Ray’s body is now?”

            The body needs time to repair. We find additional growths in the sacroiliac. These will need attention. They are allowing spinal fluid to leave the body. They are also causing the ner­vous system, and pressure to be applied into the spinal cord, which is causing the nerves to be, as you would call them, cross-circuited.

            We would suggest that due to an increasing pressure from a blood disease known as polycythemia [verigo], this is also creating a greater problem within him.

            We can help him to help himself. Know these things, that there was great damage to the brainstem area and to the whole spinal column. We do not create, only our Father creates, and God in His wisdom has allowed a regeneration of certain tissue within his body. But there is other tissue, because of the work he seeks out, because of his desire, now more than ever, to bring healings into a completeness. In his frustration, because he knows within his mind that that has been given him to create new medications that could be used for the curing of the substance you know as AIDS. But his frustration grows because he reaches into the upmost realms of the universe. Yet, he is a doer, a dreamer and a doer. These are not commonly put together. He knows that his body will burn out one day, and he wishes to leave with you a legacy of the knowledge. He wishes to reach forth and bring forth an end to disease and famine.

There are many things that we could say, yet we would violate his freedom of will if we said more.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. M____ B____, who is here tonight...asks, ‘Should we move to [Parran], Nevada?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Look about you, and you will find that that you could seek, that would be both satisfying to yourself and your husband. If you do these things, that of your children and your children’s children shall then gather about you. Look about you. Look unto this land. Remember, there is a great buyer’s market.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. S__ B___, who is also here tonight....and he asks, ‘How is my health in general?’”

            We see your need. We say unto you, you have an arthritic condition, which is causing you to lose your hearing. You also have a condition, you are borderline diabetic. It is also affecting the eyesight. We say unto you, allow yourself to have these things [which] are needed to restore your body.

            And we also say unto you, do not seek out a higher altitude than you already live in, because you have a problem called secondary polycythemia. You are not receiving adequate amounts of oxygen into your system, as it is. These things can be corrected. We could go into elaborate detail of this reading, and should you request one a second time, we shall do so. But bring these things before soul Ray and he shall give you answers and solution[s] to answers.

            And now we say unto you, our time grows short.

            For those who would seek answers, allow yourself the time of growth, and know the seasons. Do not become impatient with yourselves, but bind together in your study groups. Let them expand, and exchange, one into another, the information, and the growth you desire should come forth − in more ways than you ever dreamed was possible.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[This transcript has been compared to the recorded voice for accuracy.]


 Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.