May 22, 1987

Globe, Arizona



               Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need; we should answer your question in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

            And we should say unto thee the parable of the stone mason.

            For there was a young man who had served an apprenticeship in stone cutting. He worked long hours in the quarry.

And soon the stones he cut were of some of the finest in the country.

            One day he said into himself, “Each day as I should work I shall cut one stone for myself, and it shall go into my own mansion, to my own house.” And so, for ten years he cut stones, and he carried them home and placed them, one after another, into the house he built.

            At first the house was small. And then his dream[s] became bigger and larger, and so the house grew. And unto the 10th year it had become a great mansion, a beauty that even the rich would have held in awe.

            But the mason was not married. He had moved into the house. But finding that with his salary he could only warm a room at a time, he thought to himself, “Why do I not sell this house and build another, a greater house? And by selling the house I should have the funds, that I could buy my own quarry, be my own boss.”

            And so, he went about doing such. He sold his house. He bought the quarry. And soon, with many hands helping him, an extra stone a day from each man that worked for him, soon he had another great mansion, but not in ten years, but only in two and a half.

            Still he was not married. But he decided it was time for marriage. And since he had not found a wife-to-be in the land [in] which he dwelled, he took it upon himself to make a journey. And now that he owned businesses, he was invited to many places, into wealthy homes, because all wanted him to build their home.

He married one of these. But he soon found that she could not keep his house, she could not bear his children, for in her life she had been prepared for nothing.

            And since the land in which he dwelled in liked multiple marriages, he began to look around the land in which he dwelled. And he found, therefore, a young woman, [who] came from the same village that he came from, who was not wealthy, and the small dowry that her parents could pay was very little. But he took her as a bride, and she bore him many children.

            Soon the first wife became very jealous of the second, because she worked in the house, she worked in the fields. She was everywhere, with joy in her heart. And the first wife planned and plotted to have her cast from the house.

            The man looked upon all this and knew the truth of it, but he did not know that what to do. And so he went in to the high priest. And he said unto him, “What is it that I must do to stop the jealousies in my household? It is not enough that my first wife does nothing in my house, bears me no children? Yet she plots against the happiness that is in our house with my second wife.”

            And the priest said unto him, “Go and take a third wife.”

            And he looked unto the priest and said, “But, I cannot handle the situation as it is. If I have a third wife would it not be three times worse?”

            And he said, the priest said unto him, “Nay, but be careful of who you pick.”

And so he went back into that town, [into] the land in which he dwelled, and he did not pick from the rich, but he picked once again from the poor. And they had a small dowry to pay. But once again, the wife that he chose [bore with] many children and was joyous in the task of making a home. And her and the second wife joined together in their work. And soon, they had the first wife going about her tasks and performing work. And they teased her and laughed with her until she lost her jealousies, until she lost her ways and became one of them.

            And so he went back to the priest and he said, “For my happiness I must tithe unto the Lord something.”

            And the priest said unto him, “Tithe, therefore, of stone, as you did in the beginning. Tithe one of your stones a day.”

            And he said, “But this is not enough. Surely for such happiness I should tithe more?”

            And the priest looked at him and said, “Tithe from your heart. Give that which you will give, but give it because it is gladness.”           

And so he did so.

            But once again, his wives saw this and thought, “He is taking these things from our children, their inheritance, and giving it away.”

            He heard these things, and he went unto the priest and said, “What should I do?”

            And the priest said, “Then give the tithings unto your wives and let them bring it forth unto us.”

            And so, at first, the wives did not know what to do. They thought, they plotted, “How could they hold back a part, a portion of that what their husband had tithed?”

            At first, they gave a small percent of the tithings and kept the other. But each time they went into the place where they kept it, it felt foul and bad.

            And so they talked, one unto the other, and they said, “Let us take all the tithings and give it. But let us give it from the heart and be glad that our husband is giving this.”

            And so they did so. And as this happened, their husband’s wealth becomes abundant, and tenfold unto tenfold.

            You say unto us, “How can this that you have told us affect us? What is it to be learned from that which we have heard?”

            We say unto you, take away the jealousy, the greed, from your eyes and you will see in truth what all saw. And you shall find, therefore, within your heart a gift of life.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka, J__ R__ asks that, she has something in her report that she would like answered.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner, and in this way. We know your desires, and we know that which you seek.

            First, we should answer the first of you, and that is the part that you say unto us, “How may I best serve? How may I become a whole part of all that is before me?” And we say unto you, you are a part; you can serve.

            You also say unto us, for us to answer your question of need. And we shall say unto you, for those who have chosen the work and to do the work in truth and harmony, and without prejudice of any kind, and do so because it has come from the heart, their needs shall be seen to.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. G____ B____  who is here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do you have any suggestions for S____ and me in our present endeavor? Thank you.’”

            We see your need. And once again we will say unto you, if you come to a river and you see the river and you drink from it, and you leave it and you come back, you think you have come to the same river and you are seeing the same river, but it is not, for the water has changed each second, each moment. The cup that you drink from one day shall differ from the cup you should drink from another. And so should the water.

            You have placed your cup forth. And we say unto you, can you not plant a field in one day and hope to reap from it in the same? Give it the time. You have placed the cup before; allow it to be filled from your field. It is hard to understand. Yet the truth is so simple. Commit yourselves to the commitment and it shall be so.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. At this time there are no more written questions.”

            We see thy need. And we should say unto you, look at the whole; look at the all and the part of the whole. As you prepare yourself, you shall soon find that the financial statement that you shall receive shall differ in benefit from that of before, allowing the new development which you have just seen to be worked out. Go forth there and utilize the amounts in which you need to complete your task. It shall be made ready. But it does not have to come from a loan upon the financial of the property of the same. It may come from any number of things. Utilize this and recognize what it is. This will allow you to reach for the comfort [into] which you deserve. It is hard at the moment to understand what we have said and how we have said it, but listen carefully and you will know that which we say.

            Now is the time of the cherubim.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Look unto the month of June and July, for two things shall happen. One shall be − the peace that seems to be growing upon the Earth may shake as a great earthquake had shaken it. And it could topple, but it will not. Second, once again, from the tip of Alaska to the Panama Canal shall be [new] ear­thquakes in number and in strength. We say unto you, into your central America − Kansas area, Missouri − these areas shall be hit hard. From tornado to earthquake shall ravage the earth for a short time. We say unto you that that which has affected the mental capacity of the people, and the physical, is drawing to an end. But look unto the month of June for completeness.

            Now, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript has been compared to the tape recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.