November 6, 1987 

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God. Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

            And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

            For in the desert there was a spring, an artesian spring, and it produced a small amount of water. [And] a few of the animals came to water there.

            One day, a man came. And he looked upon the land and he said, “This is where I shall live. That I should live here, so should all of the other animals, and people, live in harmony. And so, he dug a well. And the well became as the small spring, and good, sweet artesian well. And he allowed the water to form a small pond. And as [other] people came they took from the well, but he laid that land aside that all the other creatures could come and drink from it and take from it. And soon, all the creatures, both those of the predator and non‑predator, came. For this was a peaceful land. This was land where no life was taken.

            One day, the man thought to himself, “I must give something to this land that the rest of the land does not have, for this is a special place before my Lord.”

            And so he ventured forth into the mountain city. And there he saw a plant he had never seen before. It grew and it produced beautiful flowers. And he went forth to the flower and he found it had sharp thorns. And he thought to himself, “This flower can grow in my land, for no one shall take it, for the thorns shall protect it as the other vegetation in my land has thorns.”

            And so, he bought these and with them he bought grapes and apple[s] and all sorts of fruit[s] and vegetable[s]. And he brought them forth and planted them in the land. And he planted the flowers, the roses, and they grew into a most beautiful plant.

            And soon, many people from many lands came to see this miracle that grew in the desert and to see this great plant. And some would come and ask that they might get a sapling from it.

            And each year [were ten planted from the] same plant, and each year he gave freely without a charge for those who would ask.

            But one came and looked upon this plant and said, “I must have it, this plant; I must own it.” And all of these people who travel so far shall pay me to see it.

            And so he went forth and tried to buy the plant and buy the land and the well.

            The man said, “No, for I have not this to sell.”

            So the man went where the records were kept, and he found fault in the way the man had purchased the land. And he drove the man from the land, and he fenced all of the land. And each day, the well stopped running a little more and the plants began to die. For the animals had stopped coming, for they could not get in. And even the bees who pollinated the land could not get in.

            The man who’d been greedy and selfish had brought his family with him. And a child went out to the plant and was saddened to see that which had happened. And the child spoke to the plant, as most children will, and spoke with the mind and heart of a child in truth.

And the plant spoke back to the child, for the child had asked the plant why it was dying. And the plant told the child, for it to grow it must be free. It must receive the sunshine that had been blocked by the huge wall. It must have the birds and the bees and all the other plants and animals for company.

            And the child went back to its father and pleaded with him, and said, “Father, do not let this happen.” And soon, the rest of the family had joined in with the child.

            At first, the father’s heart was hardened, for he was greedy. Then he walked with the child and saw what he had done. He tore down the fences. And he found the man he had stolen the land from and said, “Can you forgive me for what I have done to you, what my greed has done?”

     The man looked upon this one and said, “If the plants and the animals can forgive you, surely I can.”

            And we say into you, unto the worst of times, can not you forgive? Can you not have the faith in the Lord, thy God, into His wisdom?

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. We have a question from [M____ P____]. She would like to know if the building that she has now is safe?”

            We see your need. We shall say unto you, no place is safe in truth. Put your heart and your faith forth, and if it is strong enough, then so shall the building that you have.

            But we say unto you, “Give unto the Lord, thy God, that that belongs to the Lord, thy God. And give unto Caesar that that belongs to Caesar.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18‑541‑2…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘Being under your care, will my mother’s liver return to normal? If so, how long will it take?’”

            Yes, we see your need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Time is a fleeting thing. There is never enough of it. Yet, you count it and you cherish it.

            We should answer your question in saying, it shall take whatever time it shall take. You will think that we’re being harsh with you, yet we are not. We’re answering you in a truthful manner. For it is not all one‑sided, this healing. The other side must come from he who seeks it.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [13‑432‑4], who is here tonight asks, ‘Please give me guidance, or counseling, with the adolescents that I am now seeing, or will be seeing.’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Since those you are seeing and will see, it shall be, as you would say, confidential communication. Remember, that as you minister to the body and the mind, there is the soul and the immortal body and the spirit of man. We did not say, “Stand up and preach to these people,” for they have their own religions. But we do say to you to serve one is to serve another. To know this is to know that the problem that you are looking, in what you would call, the chemical addiction, can alter the brain in a most permanent manner. If you should seek a cure for this, you must take from the brain one thing and replace it with another. The body accepts the chemical addiction, a substitute, and therefore, you seek a substitute for a substitute. But the greatest tool of all lies within the brain, and the greatest healer of all is the brain itself. Tune, therefore, into the brain. Reach deeper and farther than you have ever reached before. Find your replacement for this chemical substance. We would suggest, there are certain formulas that lie in the mind of soul Ray. Come unto him and ask.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18‑533‑1…Albuquerque, New Mexico]: ‘I have recently invested in a business. Will this business be very profitable? If so, when? How soon?’”

            We shall answer your question twofold. The business shall be profitable, and it shall be soon. But understand something. Your nation and your economy has taken a very bad turn. Therefore, do not stay in this business long. There are other manners that your money may make money. For people shall buy in the [needing], in the things they need, to continue life. If you should be a merchant be the merchant who serves the need.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18‑511‑1], and is also here this evening, asks, ‘Dear Aka, would you please explain the Federal Reserve and the international banks to us. Thank you.’”

            The international banks control the monetary value of the world currency. Your Federal Reserve controls the monetary value of your national currency and your interest rates. They loan to your local banks money and your local banks loan the money to you, each making a profit. To understand this is to understand the economy of the world as it stands now. As we have said before, your crisis is not over; it shall continue. You had before an inflationary depression. It shall continue. In some areas it shall become quite bad. In others it shall become quite good. Investment should be done in a manner that has the least risk. Yet, when we answered your question we did so with a parable at the beginning. Understand the parable fully and you will have a full answer of that which you need at the present time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [11‑407‑2] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Will I get a job? Also, I have a case with a special counsel at Washington, D.C. Will I win the case and get my retirement?’”

            The first, the job which you seek at the present time, the retirement shall come first, and you shall receive the retirement. There is another job that you seek, and this you shall have.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12‑412‑3] who is also here tonight, asks, ‘I have a very serious problem now. How will it be resolved?’”


            And now we say unto you, for the Tree of Life is very important. To know of it, and know of its meaning is that which you cannot ignore. To know of the Star of David in its full meaning, to know of the sign of the corn and the hands it has been handed through and to, to know its life, one cannot be ignored without the other. For the Corn people must have the water to grow the corn with, and the water is the spiritual substance of man and his journey through life.

For some, you shall understand our words, and some shall not. [But those who seek meaning, nothing shall remain] without understanding.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the recorded voices on audio tape.]


Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.