October 2, 1987

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, blessed be the time that man takes to make peace.

            For upon the Earth there lived four brothers. Each brother lived upon his father’s farm.

            Their father said unto them, “Go forth upon this land that I shall lay apart from my own and show me what you can do with it. For first, I shall give you one-fourth of the land, and that fourth you must divide into four parts.”

            And so, they did so.

            Two of the brothers came, one [unto] the other, and said, “Let us go together and work together.” And the other two decided to separate themselves from their brothers. And so they took their piece of land.

             All four worked hard and did what they thought was best for the land. The two who had worked together, you could see that on their two parcels the land was thriving and growing. The other two, you could see it was growing, but it was struggling with each step it took.

            And the two brothers who had stayed separate decided the father had given them the best parcels. And so they went unto their father with this grievance.

            And their father said, “No, I have not given them better land; it has all been equal.”

             But the other two brothers came in to hear this discussion, and they were hurt quite deeply that they [would] make an accusation against them and they said, “Allow our brothers to have the land we have farmed.”

             And so the brothers again began to farm the land. Because the brothers who had farmed together had built the land, it was beginning to produce more. But still once again, the two brothers who farmed together, and did so in unity, began to produce much more.

            And the two brothers who had farmed separately came forth and said, “Brothers, we are wrong. We’d like to join you and put all the land together. Let us farm it together. Let us each take the thing we the do best on the farm and perform the task. But the separate things that should be done should be done all together.”

            And so they set out and they planted upon the ground special foods. They went into the city and they sold the foods, and they found marketplaces for their vegetables of many kinds and their fruits of many kinds. And they began to plant both nut and fruit trees in abundance.

            Soon the father saw that that fourth of the land that he had given to them was producing more than all of his farm together. And the father said, “I shall join you, and we shall become equal partners in all the land.” And so they did so.

And as one year passed unto another they began to buy additional land.

            But the people who lived around them became jealous of that which they had. And they began to tell lies and cast stones upon them. At first, the brothers [and] the father tried to reason with these people. But none of them would come out into the open to attack them; they did so from hiding. And so they went into a court of law. The court lasted long, but near the end truth prevailed. But those of the brothers and the father had spent much of what they had and it was damaging, both financially and mentally. And so they decided they did not recover that which they had lost, and they decided to pick all they had up and go to a new place and start again.

The father decided he would retire, for he could not take the heartache any longer.

            Now we say unto you, the parable we have told you is much like your own [situation]. We shall tell you once again that an attorney shall come into your lives, and you shall use him when the time arrives. But for the present, seek out an attorney and begin to put together the pieces and the parts of the whole. When you feel you have them, then take action. [Then] the action shall be complete and abrupt.

Your problem with the Association is [that you] have divided; you have been separate, in many places instead of together. It is only by your strength of standing together as a whole. If you begin to discuss your [politics] and vote the same, they shall soon find that you have strength.

            If you begin to work in the com­munity and run your own people for office your strength shall grow. And those who had fought against this shall fall aside.

            As we have said before, nothing from either side shall be allowed to affect this work or destroy it. You have entered into the later days, the time for the half times are over. But allow each person to make their decision to stand or walk away.

            Do not hide these things from your whole of the organization; bring them out and discuss them, that they may understand the problems. Only then can they be allowed to stand with you. But be like the brothers; do not attack all the land[s] at once, attack a part, a small part. If you have to defend yourselves, defend first from the city, then from the county, and then from the state, and then from the government, and you shall be successful in all these things.

            But we say unto you, there are other financial things that you should seek that have been placed before you that shall help you.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, in the lawyers, in the attorneys that we have picked out now, are they the right people for us at this time?”

            Yes and no. The “yes” is that they would seek out extreme cases, leaving you in a position. But they wish to have big cases, large cases instead of small. Soon there shall be coming into your awareness attorneys that shall [have helped] you. Use them as seed, [leaving some for these]. Yet, we have said this before and you hear not our words. Begin to put together all of the pieces that would make your case in law. Take from it that which you have in [18-540-2] and bring that forth, and begin to look backward into other times and bring that forward, and soon you will have a whole case, one piece at a time. But only if you stand together.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes. Thank you Aka, [15-461-1] asks for guidance, please, regarding the proof.”

            We have just given you that. Look unto our words and you shall find the answers which we have given. For what you wish, you must first crawl before you walk.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. On a financial basis, is this going to be a lot of money that we are looking at?”

            On a financial basis, this could amount to a great deal of money. It could also amount to a great deal on both sides. But first seek out a civil rights attorney. This is what you need. Before you spend anything, seek this out, talk to these people. But put together your parts and your pieces before you go to speak to them.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have a question from [18-540-1]. He would like to know his destiny in life. He was born January 16, 1970.”

            At the present time we will not answer this question. Bring it forth in a different reading.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Look unto the land and see that it trembles beneath you. Your California is the beginning. The earthquakes shall come forth in larger number. Bind together. Throw aside your jealousies and your petty reasons. Bind together.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

The accuracy of this transcript was checked by comparing with audio tape.]


Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.