September 4, 1987

Globe, Arizona

[For the Association]



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee, as you have passed from one world into another, in so doing we have told you there would be persecution, for you chose to separate yourselves from those who could wear the mark of the Beast, and in doing so, they would attack you, and try to persecute you for many reasons, and in many ways. But ask yourself these questions. For whom have you chosen this way − for yourselves, or your children, and for the generations to come?

            Long ago, we told you of a time that would come. And this time has come. But yet, the Lord does not leave you without protection, for your minds are strong. And with the gift of [mind] and the gift of mind power there are many things that you may do to change the path of those who would attack you. We have told you before, should those come and try to burn your fields, turn the fire back toward them with your minds. This you may do so now.

            But remember, now is the time not to shout or to explode your emotions, but to control those emotions. Do not allow these people to close your mind. Do not allow this to happen. The only way they may harm you is that should you close your minds once again and leave being one of the people, for you are the Corn People. In entering, you became a pathway for others. We tried in every way to show you what could come, and the energy that could come, and be with you. That, [what] came from the center of the vortex, you carry now within you. It is [of] one. But you, if you stand together, as one, none of these people may harm you. They will try.

            At a time, not yet, we shall bring an attorney into your lives, that [the] attorney may be needed; not yet, but at a different time. For they now violate your civil rights. Remember this.

            Also remember, do not let them isolate you. If they should come for one, let all go, and be present. And if they should say unto one, let all hear. Stand together, and this way, and only in this way, they cannot defeat you.

            If one should come to one of you and say, “Come, come into this private room and I shall speak to you,” do not go into this private room.

            Say instead, “No, I shall wait, and go with you when I have others of the Corn People with me.” Be sure that you go in groups of three always.

            We told you a long time ago, the “threes and thirteen.” As you came together and performed [either] ceremony of the Corn People, the ceremony of Life, we saw your need. We did not desert you; you did not stand alone.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “At this time, Aka, what could we do to take precautions, and when will they [both know]? Thank you.”

            They have taken possession of your records illegally. Action should be taken that this be put into public records. As a corporation, as the Association of Universal Philosophy, going to an attorney at this time to redeem these records should be necessary.

            Do you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.”

            Repeat, and listen to our words carefully. If these things are done, you have placed the burden upon their shoulders, not your own.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “What could each of us do at this time to help the Prophet?”

            Stand together. Be as one.

            And now we say unto you, because of soul Ray’s condition at the time, we shall make our visit short. Remember, you are one of the People. Allow nothing to stand between you, or come between you.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript has been compared with the tape recorded message for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.