September 18, 1987

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

           “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee, harken into these words.

            For once on the land there was a man who went from place to place, and he took his art of healing with him. And gradually his fame grew upon the land, and many brought their sick for him. And most he healed.  

            He kept searching for a way to heal those he could not. He knew that God had [given] him the gift to heal, a beautiful gift. He knew that God had given him a mind to think with, a psychic mind, the psychic mind beyond the dawn. And there, he took all things and brought them together, and he did heal many. Yet there [were] still some he did not heal. Yet he tried each day harder.

            And there were those, because of that that he did, became jealous of him. And they said foul things unto him, and about him. And soon, many of the people he had healed no longer trusted him.

            But he went on.

            And he said unto the Father, “Father, show me the way. Give me a way; show me that that I have done wrong and I shall righten it, in Thine eyes.”

             And the Lord looked upon him, but did not answer.

            And still he went forth.

             And he was thrown into the dungeon. And still again, he prayed unto the Lord, “Lord, if I have offended Thee, show me.”

            And the day came when they released him. And he went back among the people. Some accepted him and some did not.

            And he went into the churches and he spoke to them, and he said, “For long I have looked for the reason that I have offended the Lord. I have thought that it was my arrogance, to think that I could heal all men. I thought that it was my arrogance because I accepted no sickness in any way. And then, one day in my darkest hour, in my prayers unto the Lord, the Lord appeared unto me and said, ‘My son, for he who is named, beloved, shall be beloved, and he who acts beloved shall be beloved for all time among all men. You have not offended Me, My son, but you have brought My name into the greatness of all things. But I say unto you, My son, to know where others have been, sometimes you must go there also. If some were cast into hell, and there is where you would go to save their soul, then go. But know I am with you always.’”

            Many of the people that he had known no longer spoke to him. And many of the material possessions he had had were gone. And as the days passed, as days do, age came upon him. And one day he too passed on. And in this day, all he had healed came forth with roses in their hands, to place them upon his grave.

            And the Holy Spirit spoke unto them and said, “Behold, you give my son flowers, when he cannot smell them. Why could you not give them to him when he could?”

            And one small child, who would have died except for him, the tears flowed and struck the flowers in her hand, and they took root. And the Lord looked upon her in great favor, and bestowed upon her the gift of his son.

            We have told you a parable, a story, a thought.

            We say unto you, there are many things that happen in your time, and shall happen.

            And for he who led the Corn People through the doorway, he shall have more than his share of testing. There are many things now that he feels he must do. Be patient. For we have come but for one reason − the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We pass through this instrument with his per­mission and his love.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [15-461-1] asks, ‘Dear Aka, please offer any permanent advice regarding my job situation, to include some advice on early retirement, with guidance please. Thank you.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Go forth in what you would call your early retirement plan.

            Yet, there are other plans for you. If you believe that which you believe, and you wish to complete your karma, your reason – as you have become one of the Corn People, be it so in all ways.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-538-2] asks, ‘Dear Aka, please offer any permanent advice regarding my situation at work, with my family, because I don’t feel comfortable in this situation. And also, should I consider a job change at this time?’”

            We should answer your question in this manner − for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same − we should say unto you, make no changes at the present. In six month’s time, all things shall change around you, and you shall find it shall be for the better. And then, ask again.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka, I am confused; I read that the Seal of Solomon was a five-pointed star, and I have heard that it was a six-pointed star. Can you please tell me which is correct? Thank you, [9-360-1].’”

            We say unto you, the Star of David is the Star of Solomon, and is the star given forth by the Lord, thy God, for His people. As we have given it forth unto the Corn People, so it should be the sign. But in the center of the star place there a symbol of the three corns − on the outside of the star, the three circles of corn, a completeness. Allow room for the cortex [vortex], the center.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we say unto you, we shall place in soul Ray’s mind the symbol of life.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. In a dream that I had last night I was told something about my grandson, [18-538-1]. Could you please elaborate on this? Thank you, Aka.”

            We say unto you, time shall bring forth that which he has been given. But permission must be given from the mother and father. The gift is there, and shall be given at his christening.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, ‘I had a dream’ − this is from [11-399-1] − ‘Aka, I had a dream a few weeks ago about outer space. Will this dream come true or should I write a book about it? Thank you, Aka.’”

            Allow the dream to become a reality of your mind. But write the book. But allow us to place farther knowledge in your mind. There is, “those who shall dream and those who shall interpret their dreams.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [14-459-1…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks that in her dream she kept hearing ‘Ontra.’ Could you please explain this to her? Thank you.”

           [Entrez] is that which you have heard, [entrez], which means to enter. You have been taken by he who should provide the place of entrance for the Corn People. And as you were made one of the twins, so the word should be familiar to you.

          Other things shall come to you; other knowledge shall come. Allow yourself the time. But do not be as a wild horse and run away with the bit.

          And we say that [10-391-4] and [10-391-5] should be at a reading together that we might speak unto them, that they might hear our voice, that those who would learn can learn a whole, and a part of [the] complete knowledge.

          You have other questions, ask.

          “Thank you, Aka. [11-05-4…Houston, Texas] asks if you can give her a message pertaining to her destiny?”

          The word, destiny, is a permanent word, which covers a great deal of space. Rather than destiny, we would say, your choice. Your choice shall be that now you have entered and become one of the People, so you shall spread the seed of the Corn. There shall be others who shall wish to enter, but they must hear from yourself and others a truth. Your own destiny is so intertwined that it must be the destiny of all people. For the good shall be of the one and of the many − yet, the one shall be of the many.

          You have other questions, ask.

         “Thank you, Aka. At this time I have no more questions.”

         [And] we should say unto you, fear not, for the watchers are there. Understand, that as you would call it, destiny, has to be played out. [If] soul Ray wishes to heal, so his wish would be not to hurt anyone. Respect his wishes.

         For the Eagle takes flight and is an Eagle once again.

        Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy.

These words have been compared to those spoken on tape that night.]


Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona