September 25, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee unto these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

The Lord, God, sent forth His messengers. And they went forth upon the land, and they went forth unto many places, unto many religions. And the messengers did say unto them, “Harken to our words, for soon upon the Earth the half-times shall be over and the full time shall come about.”

There were some people who needed not the message, for they and their ancestors had waited for many years for these words. But for those who did need the words, they [came] unto them and they said, “There shall come upon the Earth a great time, when all religions shall walk together, [and] they shall become the bouquet [of the Father]. Come together.”

And so, the preachers heard. But rather than go themselves, each sent a representative. And each went into the designated place, which was a valley. And when they arrived, each day that they went there they built [each] fires and let them burn into the heavens. At first their fires burned separate and apart, each standing to his own fire. But gradually, one by one, they began to join. And when finally all had joined did they begin to discuss why they were there.

And it was decided that each one would speak out and say that which he would. And so it went, all the way around.

And at the end, suddenly there was one who had not been planned for. He stood and said, “Have you not expected me? Do you not know that this is the time? My Father has sent for you. And He has sent me to your father, and your father sent you, his representative. And I say unto you these words, go back unto your fathers and tell them that my Father wishes to speak to them.”

The next day they all broke camp, and they went into [the] many lands, back unto their many religions. And into each one, councils were drawn and words were said. And [each] said, “We have told the world that each of our religions are the only way. How can now we go and meet with this one who says that he shall be the Son of God, the Father? How can we all walk in and say, ‘All of your ways are right?’”

They discussed this for a long time. And time passed, and the Earth went on warring. And [man], whose deserts formed upon the good land and the fertile land, wasted away.

And then one day the assistants all became the leaders, and they met once again. And they said, “Let us go back to this place. Maybe God shall forgive us.”

And they went back unto this place. And they formed unto one fire. And they talked, all around. And they decided that their religions were not so far apart. And then, they had the council once again. And as each spoke, unto the last came the first, and he said, “Now you shall listen unto my Father.”

We have told you a parable, a parable of time, of faith. Ask yourselves, do you have so much time to waste that you can continue to fight over your religions? Now is the time of the cherubim. The half-times are no more. The Lord has made ready to collect His debt.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Last week you asked [10-391-5] and [10-391-4] [to be present.] They are here tonight, Aka.”

We see. And we have before us the body, the soul, the mind and the spirit. And we say unto you, greetings. For now that you have been schooled and made ready, you shall walk among people who shall not quite be ready for you. Yet there shall be a member of the council, which shall be ready to assist you, help you. We as a council must come together as one.

Your paths shall be hard at times, at a time when you think it shall be easy. We say unto you unto these words. You have come to prepare the way. You have chosen a hard path. Yet by choosing this path, it has shown us of your desire to serve together, and serve the Lord, thy God, in full.

We say to you that soon that that is needed shall come forth, and we know that one even greater than the words we speak. But we say unto them, come forth and join the Corn people that you may be in truth and complete, and ready for your task. You have come to listen; this is good. Soon you will have questions. When you have [thought], and you have decided and prepared yourselves, come back and ask the questions that you wish. Take the first of this reading and study it close.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11-405-4], who is here tonight, asks, ‘My son had a dream about a plane crash in which I am involved. Could you please explain?’”

Yes, we shall explain. First, the crash which your son saw is a real crash; it is a clairvoyant dream. But you must remember, your son reaches for greater meaning, so he places you in the crash. His mind is seeking out for guidance and understanding.

Give him the understanding he needs, that his mind might grow. He, too, seeks the path of the Corn people.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-529-2], who is also here tonight, asks, ‘Can you please tell me if there is a lesson for me in the break-in and the theft in my home?’”

There is always lessons, in all things, to be learned. We say to you, a thief is a thief.

Soul Ray said unto you, “Place those things that you would take unto a safer place.” And you said, “After while.” We say unto you, think of this. When counsel is given, it is given for a purpose, but it is your choice whether to accept that counsel or not.

We say to you once again, there are those who would see, and go and pay just prices for the things they want. Yet, there are thieves. But the greatest thief cannot take your most precious treasure, and that is the soul and the spirit of yourself, for you are the guardian of those. Understand this; profit from the loss.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka, [14-459-1] asks a question in general. ‘Would you please repeat the information about the earthquakes, the tornados, and Kennedy, as stated today?’”

For one, those things we placed in soul Ray's mind today you have already written down. You have those, full and complete.

But we say unto you, keep in your hearts your greatest treasure.

The time shall be when the leaves turn color, and that shall be after the 10th of October. But the time shall be crucial until the completion of the leaves’ fall, and that shall be until the 20th day of November. But do not stand and tremble in fear. You have been protected so far; that shall continue to be.

[Editor's note: October 1, 1987, a 5.9 magnitude quake on the Richter scale in Whittier, California, and a 5.3 magnitude aftershock killed eight people. But, October 17, 1989, a 7.1 magnitude quake in the San Francisco Bay area, California, area killed 63 people. These were two of the eight most devastating California quakes this century, according to the L.A. Times.]

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. [18-539-1], who is also here this evening, asks, ‘Will I finish retyping a book I have written? If so, when will it sell, and what publisher [can I have]?’”

Yes, we see your need. Complete your task at hand. The book itself needs to be revised to a certain degree. It would be wise, first, after you have completed the typing to take it to what we would call, a finisher, that [they] might smooth this out. Then we would say unto you, the next point, you may submit to many places. But an agent shall come forth because you shall look for them, and you shall seek it. And from that, they shall find a place that shall buy your book.

You say, when and who? We would say in June, the 6th of ‘88, and the who shall be known as Hill and Hill.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘1 have found three different references to Hyperborean continent. Was it an actual land mass? And what is its relationship to Atlantis?’ [12-419-6].”

It was part of Atlantis. Atlantis was a chain of not one land, but many − as you would know it, a chain that reached across the Atlantic.

Now we should say unto you, our time grows short.

And therefore, we shall leave you with this thought. All things that have been shall be again. When you bring your hearts forth in purity before the Lord, the Lord has never closed His eyes upon you. Do not close your eyes unto Him.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names that were spoken to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to audio recording.]


 Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona