August 30, 1989

 Globe, Arizona

(The last reading)



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, and in this way [and in this manner]. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

            We shall say unto you, harken, [and] hear these words. For from now until soul Ray recovers his health it will grow harder for him to allow us to come through. He has done that that was expected of him on the Earth plane. He has completed his task.

            And we would tell you goodbye, but we shall not. We will tell you these words. For we [come] but for one purpose, and one purpose only − for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. So did your soul Ray come for but one purpose and prepared himself, that he might prepare the way for the coming of his brother. We say unto you, that the last be first and the first be last, that the words of the Lord shall be glorious in all places [and] all times.

            And then, for as long as soul Ray’s health allows us, and he wishes, we shall continue [     ] to come unto you and bring you blessings and [bring] you guidance. Permission has been given.

            But we will tell you this parable. It is of the [   ] shooting star that you see.

            For once man looked upon the heavens and saw this star. He thought in his own mind, if he could only be as the star, [he could] only be through time and space at such a speed. So man went out and he built a great spacecraft, and he hurled himself through space. And he went faster and faster. And one day, he not only broke the time and light barrier, but he exceeded life in itself. 

            And he thought unto himself, “Where shall I go? I now can visit the universes upon universes. Which one shall I seek upon my own?”

            He thought very long and hard upon it. He thought, “I guess I should ask my God.” And so, he went forth unto his own private place, and he spoke into the Lord, and he said to the Lord, “Forgive me, Lord, but I should speak unto You, for I do not know what to do. I have [gone] and taken Your knowledge unto its limits, yet I know there is more. What shall be Your will, oh Lord?”

            And the Lord spoke back unto him and said, “Let thine will be done. But remember, there are places to go, and things to see, but have you seen all those things upon your own planet? Are you ready now to leave it behind you? Or have you yet more to learn from it? Have you touched all things upon your earth, that you are so ready to leave it FOREVER?”

And the Lord went by.

            And he thought upon this. And he went out into his garden and he saw all its beauty there in [it], and it multiplied tenfold. And he went unto the smallest of things upon the Earth and saw [them], and the greatest of things upon the Earth and saw that. Yet he knew that he had not seen enough, or tasted, or drank, or touched, or felt, or sensed all of the things there was on this Earth. He had yet to take the time to be able to smell the roses, for he was so busy in trying to reach the universes. He did not give up his space travel altogether, to have always returned back to the Earth that he loved.

Now we say unto you, so it is with soul Ray. He has taken you to the outer boundaries. Now he is taking the time to smell the roses. He will reach into the outer boundaries with you many times, but he will do this in his own way. He now can take you to the light in his way. His way, you will find, is quite different than you might have experienced. For his [own] time, he has been a teacher many times. Yet each time he has moved aside to allow us to speak, to talk, to touch and feel. He has allowed, at all times he has moved aside to allow his brother, who he prepares the way for, to speak, and to be heard and to be seen. He has made him the most important part of his life.

            Now, he shall begin to lead his own life, to touch these things of Earth, and smell his own flowers. If he is to live − he is an eagle − let him be free. For we have known this. This is why we have freed him, so he could live, because he was dying. And he will die if you do not free him. 

[It’s not meant] to be because of his health. [It’s] not meant [to mean] that we cannot continue to heal him. But he needs his own time, his own space. He needs to be his own person.

Allow him; give him these things.

            You have seen him reach for them, and you have thought him angry and insane. Have you not seen a person that was starving, a person [that] did not have water and was dying of thirst?  He reaches for it. This is why he is now fighting. Even the eagle [can] be free. He is reaching for his freedom, for his right to exist as a person. Give him that. If he has that, that time to himself, he may heal and mend. If he does not, he will die.

            In your mind you have had many questions. We have answered some of these. Now we shall answer others.

            In your own mind, you have asked the nature of his illness. We would call it, stress syndrome, which has aggravated, a rheumatoid arthritis condition which was created a long time ago when he was involved in 1965 in a wreck. [Note: Systemic lupus erythematosus.]

It was like a time bomb waiting to go off. He’s known this and he’s lived with it. He [knew] that he was living on borrowed time. He has never asked us for additional time; he never asked us for any­thing, but to be able to do his work. [See the February 14, 1976 reading.]

            You have to realize that when the brain stem is damaged, a malfunction occurs in both the biochemical [and] emotional supporting, and the muscular reaction of the same; for both [are] necessary electrodes and neutrons within the brain, throughout [emotion], therefore, within the same. His mind [has been] without, but he has kept control. We have warned him before that should he reach too far to his limits, this could happen; he knew it. He has known this for some time.

            But he did not know that when the prostatectomy was preformed, before the prostatectomy, that which occurred to cause the infection in the hemorrhoid area, the lesion of the rectum removed, was, as you would know, a form of cancer. He asked us at that time for help, and it was given it. When the prostatectomy was performed there were er­rors made in the surgery. Instead of the sperm entering into the bladder and it being expelled, it is entering, and being contaminated as it goes into the body; therefore, it is attacking his body as his own immune system is fighting it. In the process of doing this, the body [creates] your [immune symptoms] such as a kind of anger, or sometimes even in joy, but mostly of anger. There are other parts that can [create] it. The adrenal system can even speed it up, and be aggravating and aggravate the [injury in] itself.

            Soul Ray at the present time has [the formula] in his mind that he is about to prepare to bring about the possibility [that it] will buy him time, the time he needs for this. You can help him greatly by bringing forth the seed and the leaf and [the pulp] of the different species of yucca that he wishes. He will show you these species. He will show you [the] seed form. There will be other plants that he will show you. Gather them for him. Before he leaves this Earth, it is his choice and his wish [ he has discussed], that he has asked the Lord, thy God, that he will be able to leave upon the Earth a cure for your AIDS, for your cancers, and for the type of rheumatoid arthritis that is now possessing his body at such a rapid rate. The chemotherapy [which] he is taking will aid to help control this. But the true healing will come from his own work.

            You must understand that because of his great pain that he does not share with you − most of the time you do not know he has it − it shall make him irritable at times; it will almost seem as though his personality will be changed. Sometimes it is very difficult to act, to work as a calm person when inside your body is being torn apart and your nervous system is failing.

            Now, we must say unto you, our time is short.

            Now is the time of the cherubim.

We shall tell you to take the readings, take this reading, give them to the world. Give them to the people. Put wings upon it; set it free.

            We know that you all have many questions, but time has run out. His body will not allow us to remain [in him] without harming him.

            Now is the time of the cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


 [Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1989 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona