June 9, 1989

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for upon the land there came a man, and he was given unto the people, and through him the Lord did those things that He needed to do upon the earth. And the man looked upon this and said, “If this is the Lord’s will I shall do this. The Lord has sent me forth to use me that the people shall know of the Lord and of His love and His mercy.”

But yet, there were many of the people who say [saw] this, and yet, they knew inside of them that, in truth, this was from the Lord and those things he had thought were from the Lord. But yet, they saw also the human side of him. And they could not adjust their minds one from the other. They thought, if this one wishes something, he shall think it and it shall be so. He shall rule all of us with his mind. He shall destroy our crops if we do not give him that which he wishes.

More and more talk and gossip and false judgments was [were] built upon this one. Yet this one went on day in and day out giving these gifts that he knew to give.

And one day, he looked upon all these things and these people the Lord has sent him forth to help, and he heard their accusations and he saw that which they did unto him, and he said, “Nay, no more, for I shall take back the blessings the Lord has given me. I shall walk as a man and no one then shall say these things about me.”

On [When] the fields that he had made to grow began to wilt away, and the children he had allowed to be born began to diminish upon the earth, and instead of the special births that were happening, they began to cease. For the fishermen, the nets were not full anymore. The crops were not as abundance. Yet no one saw and no one looked beyond themselves to know; all they knew was that suddenly this one had stopped.

But they did not know that he had stopped, for they thought, now he has turned his powers against us. He has ruined our crops. He is harming our children. And if we look unto him he shall take all of us and do as he wishes. And so, the talk was worse.

But the more the talk continued, the more withdrawn the man became and the more angry he felt within himself. And he went into the mountains and the valley and all places he knew the Lord might be, and he said, “Oh, Lord, take this bitter cup from me.”

And the Lord looked not [unto] him and said, “Let thine will be done.” And the man looked unto himself and cast all of the gifts the Lord had given him from his back and walked on and away from the people.

Now, the parable we have given you is a frightening parable, yet who among us have not seen this that we speak of is true?

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-561-2 says], ‘Dear Sir, I wish to request a life reading.’”

For this reading we shall do no life readings. We shall answer your questions; bring them forth. You have questions, ask.

[11-405-4] asks, ‘When finding out what happened to my people, where should I start regarding my past life readings?’”

Look at your feet. Look around you and find where you are now, and ask and you shall receive. For around you is an abundance of knowledge and there’s much knowledge that is passed from one unto another. So discuss with those who are your teacher and you shall soon have the answers that you seek. But remember, that which you are given, so shall you give. For we shall come unto your mind, for we shall come unto you for three days and you shall have three dreams. And in those dreams shall be the answers you seek at this time. But they shall bring many questions into your mind. Then, when you have them, ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15-562-1] asks, ‘When will my oneness come?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we say unto you, the oneness is at hand. You have yet to recognize it.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you Aka. [4-125-2] asks, ‘Aka, how can we harness cosmic magnetic electricity? Is cosmic magnetic electricity the electric flow into the poles from the interaction of solar winds into the Earth’s magnetic field?’”

We shall answer your question quite simply. You know it as cold fusion. This is the simplest method of harnessing this power, yet there are other methods that have been used as a continuous flow. You will find in your old readings complete detail of the crystals left in the great pyramid and how they functioned. It would be good if you looked forth, and bringing them forward so that your groups could study this and see it. It will be good for you to look backward as well as forward.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-540-1] asks, ‘Please give me guidance.’”

Yes, we see thy need and we say unto you, you have been receiving guidance in your dreams, and more shall come because you have been accepting these as a learning process. But there is other parts. We say unto you, for each master on your earth there shall be ten on the other side and ten on this side. Therefore, masters, as you would know them, are hard to find; yet you have that to talk to. It is with you at this time. Utilize it and understand it. Take the first of the reading and implant it into your life and you will soon see how it fits. You will also soon see where the answers to your questions have come from.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [18-553-1 says], ‘I ask for a reading that will guide me now.’”

Then we say unto you, a reading is what you seek, yet what you seek is advice. And this advice we would give you this day and this time, go back into the old readings one year at a time. Begin at the beginning when we first arrived with the comet, Kahoutek, and from them allow yourself to share with others. [Editor’s note: Aka arrived in 1970 with the brightest comet of the century named Bennett.]

If you do this we’ll give you that which you need.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-553-2 says,] ‘You were talking about the land, seven acres that I am about to buy. In the year 1899 there was an earthquake there. Can you tell me more about it? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need. Upon the land that you were about to buy there were earthquakes upon the land, and that that was shall be again. Beware of that that you build upon this land.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-362-3] asks, ‘I feel very good about the path in life that I have chosen to lead, and do you think that I have made the right decision?’“

There is a saying, if the shoe fits wear it. For some there shall be forever; for some there shall be never; for some there shall be now. Ask yourself these questions: what do I want? If it is now then take the now. If it is forever then go for the forever. You can have the now and the forever, both together, but you must put that, both mental and physical work to reach the forever.

You have other questions, ask.

“[18-562-2 asks], ‘Aka, I have a trial coming up in January. Can you please let me know the outcome? Would it be a good idea for me to try a house before the trial? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need, and we would say this unto you. Outcomes with the other, but rather than the house, make it a home.

You have the other question, ask.

“Aka, at this time I have no more questions.”

Then we see your need, and we would say unto you, unto the greater things of the land so shall a gift be given. Each of you in your own way have asked and have been given from this gift. But we say unto you, a gift should be given with dignity and received with dignity. And just because you have a cup that runneth over does not mean that you cannot appreciate the cup or he who fills it. But understand something − we come but to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We come to bring Ray’s flock close to God. Now we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

Yet we say unto you, glory be unto he who is about his Father’s work.

But even he who goes about his Father’s work must do his own work and take the time that his mind and his body can rebuild and regenerate. Do not trap the Eagle, set it free.

You have other questions, and we see into those, the greatest that you shall ask for in your tomorrow. Look around. You shall see the rose and you shall see the thorns no more. Let each of you come in truth of heart and soul. But we say unto you, do not judge yourself so severely that you try to cast unto [out the] best part of you away. Each of you are unique in your own way, and each of you have a gift hidden inside of you that shines through and is given to others. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of those who serve the Lord.

Now is the time of the cherubim. But harken unto these words. In the past we have told you of the time of the Dragon, and of the dragon which split into two halves and then into four. Beware. But we ask unto you, unto all things there is a reason and a time and a reason [season].

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: No transcript was available with which to check accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1989 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.