March 24, 1989

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening Aka, where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto you, for we shall give you this parable. Some of you shall understand the parable; some of you shall not.  Some shall interpret it to suit themselves; some of you will interpret it as it has been given.

            For upon the land there were two brothers. Each had brought his flock into the valley, and the valley was green and bountiful.

            One brother said unto the other, “This valley is too good. It cannot be. Let us hasten from this place, for I know bad things shall come unto us.”

            And the other brother said unto him, “No, brother, I shall not go from this valley. If you go you shall go, but I shall stay.”

            The other brother said, “But our flock shall perish.”

            The other brother just turned his head and went about tending the flocks. And the flocks began to multiply. And the one brother planted crops.

            And the other brother said, “We should not plant the crops, for if we plow the land surely bad things shall come on us.”

            But yet, where the land was planted it grew an abundance of crops, and from the lake in the valley the fish multiplied. Everything within the valley was within harmony. Yet, the brother continued to tell the other what a horrible place this was and surely they would perish.

            One day there came into the valley a great bird, the largest bird they had ever seen. The bird flew through the valley and looked at each thing in it. It found a place to nest and it began to build its nest.

            The one brother said, “Look, I have told you what an evil place this is. We should leave the valley now.”

            The other brother said, “No, this in not an evil sign. It is a good sign, a sign from God that things are as they should be with man and nature.”

            The other brother, in his own despair, plotted each day to trap the bird. The bird had not taken any of their flock nor bothered their crops, and even when the brother took his own flock and slayed it and laid it out as a trap, the bird would not touch it. The bird only took the food that nature provided for it.

            And so, this brother followed and watched the bird, and one day he was successful; he did trap it. And he said unto his brother, “Now we shall have a great sacrifice, and sacrifice the bird unto the Lord, and you shall see I have been right all along.”

            That night a great storm came upon the land, and it destroyed the crops and it killed the flocks.

            And the one brother said, “Now I shall destroy this bird, for it is an evil thing.”

            The other brother said, “No, my brother, what you have done is an evil thing, for you have taken one of God’s creatures to torment.” And he reached within and he released the bird, and the bird soared into the heavens. And the light of the Lord looked through the bird into the light of man, and their fields were restored and so were their flocks.

            Now we say unto you, as we said before in the beginning, we have come not to change your world, but we have come for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some shall not see this, for they shall be blinded because they have not known. Others shall just be blinded. But we say unto you, for if the [blind] shall hear and they shall see, for all that has been covered shall be uncovered, and all things before you shall be laid, that the road shall be easy and smooth before you.  

But remember, we did not come to fulfill your wants. We have said unto you, for those who should follow this way, we shall see that they shall have their needs and they shall not go wanting. And so it has been.

But we also say unto you that now is also the time when the Father shall take that that is His; the bird is what is His. [Editor’s note: Within Ray was that of a vast spirit that soared the heavens and universe, yet saw the earth and the needs of the people, a spirit as a great Eagle.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-561-2] asks, ‘I wish to request a life reading.’”

            We apologize, but soul Ray is not yet fully recovered. Give him time and give his body time to heal. You have other questions, ask.

            "[18-562-1] asks, 'Was the Messiah [      ] on July 29, 1979?’”

            Nay, we say unto you these words, the Messiah is upon your earth. He shall come into his own being here in 1999 and you shall know of him, but you have touched and known and heard before this time. For only the Lord, God, shall share that information at the time and place that He wishes. But know this: he walks among you; not as a spirit, but yet as one, for he shall be a body, a soul, a spirit and immortal body.

            All things will be as they have been before; only you shall not be allowed to shed the blood of the Lamb, for the time that you wish, your thousand years, are but ahead of you. But they can begin any time you wish and be extended. Many of you shall see him walk in the valley and shall walk with him. Believe. [Editor’s note: When Aka spoke of the valley, they usually were speaking of Dripping Springs valley, Arizona, where the AUP church to God was built.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-556-1 says], ‘I have been taking Ray’s supplements for ten months now and my health is a little better, but I am still plagued with my any allergies and depression and hormone imbalance. Can you give Ray some insight about what else I might need to take for this or is it just a matter of being on the supplements a little longer?’”

            We shall answer your question at this time. The greatest potion of all potions is that which is in the heart of man, the heart of the soul. We have given you a parable and the parable [is] one of depression [and] one of hope.

            We say unto you, within the Rose without Thorns you shall find the journeys of the spirit[s] of God. Bring [these] forth, not by yourself, but with others; study and learn from them.  Know the meaning of what it is and what is said.

            You have been given many parables and much knowledge in many ways. The cup is before you; drink from it.

            [Editor’s note: A second book, the book given to ministers upon ordination, is also called  A Rose without Thorns, and the book given to teachers is The Cup and the Rose.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [18-502-3B]..., and she asks, ‘What should I do to prepare for the Corn ceremony?’”

            You have come at the spirit of things. Take the time to see the blessings that are about to be given to you, for each blessing is like raindrops of water upon the desert; soon a great bouquet shall grow. Know these things and know them to be true, and allow nothing and no one to take from it.

            You have one more question, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [12-424-2] asks, ‘I desire to have acute hearing. Will you help me to accomplish this? Thank you.’”

            We understand thy need; we also understand thy want.

            But we should say unto you, look into the time of Daniel and study the prophecy therein, and bring it forth into today and look at it and see of it, and you shall begin the journey you wish to begin.

            We say unto you, you have come forth unto this time once again to pass through from one world into another. [Note: in the Corn Ceremony, which was held several times through the years by Ray, the Eagle, at the church Ray built to God on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona, as a spiritual doorway was opened between this time and a new heaven and new earth.]

            Each of you shall have your own reasons, and each shall bring a list that you shall put into the burning pot, and the twins shall be in place in fulfillment of the earth, and once again we shall give you a sign. And some shall say it shall be greater than the last. But who is to say? Let it be in the heart of each who gaze upon it and hear it.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Soul Ray grows weary; awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

No transcript was available with which to check the accuracy of this reading.]


Copyrighted © 1989 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona