1989 Readings
Click on the dates to see the messages
March 24, 1989
June 9, 1980
August 30, 1989
(The last trance reading)
These readings are copyrighted 1989 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona U.S.A. 85502. All rights are reserved. U.S. Library of Congress registration A 624240.
The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke March 24, 1989:Now we say unto you, as we said before in the beginning, we have come not to change your world, but we have come for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some shall not see this, for they shall be blinded because they have not known. Others shall just be blinded. But we say unto you, for if the [blind] shall hear and they shall see, for all that has been covered shall be uncovered, and all things before you shall be laid, that the road shall be easy and smooth before you.
But remember, we did not come to fulfill your wants. We have said unto you, for those who should follow this way, we shall see that they shall have their needs and they shall not go wanting. And so it has been.
But we also say unto you that now is also the time when the Father shall take that that is His; the bird is what is His. [Editor’s note: Within Ray was that of a vast spirit that soared the heavens and universe, yet saw the earth and the needs of the people, a spirit as a great Eagle.]
In their last reading spoken through Ray Elkins in Globe, Arizona, the spiritual messengers of God said: And we would tell you goodbye, but we shall not. We will tell you these words. For we come but for one purpose, and one purpose only − for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. So did your soul Ray come for but one purpose and prepared himself, that he might prepare the way for the coming of his brother. We say unto you, that the last be first and the first be last, that the words of the Lord shall be glorious in all places and all times.
And then, for as long as soul Ray’s health allows us, and he wishes, we shall continue to come unto you and bring you blessings and bring you guidance. Permission has been given....
Now, we must say unto you, our time is short.
Now is the time of the cherubim.
We shall tell you to take the readings, take this reading, give them to the world. Give them to the people. Put wings upon it; set it free.
We know that you all have many questions, but time has run out. His body will not allow us to remain [in him] without harming him.
Now is the time of the cherubim.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
The WORDS - Christmas