In the Beginning
Perhaps these first words spoken April 3, 1970, through Ray Elkins by Aka, spiritual messengers of God, will help us to understand how the trance readings began.
"Ray?" his wife calls. The lanky, six-foot-four Ray Elkins collapses on the sofa in his Globe,
Arizona, home before falling unconscious in an epileptic seizure. The 40-year-old man experienced sudden
losses of consciousness since brain injury in 1965, five years before. Neurologists didn't expect him to
survive this long.
Ray's breathing slows and becomes undetectable. Nothing can reach him. He seems to be gone, not even in his body. But Ray is a man who doesn't relinquish control easily. A fighter, he never gives up. Maybe his strong will had kept him alive this long, and his equally strong faith in God. Though sometimes stubborn, he has great love for God.
As he collapses unconscious, into a catatonic seizure from which he may not awaken, it it likely his
dying prayer was to be with God.
Ray's frightened wife leans over her husband. She can't detect his breathing, only deep silence.
Was he there? "Ray?" she calls.
This time the seizure is different. He whispers! "Not Ray."
He has never whispered before during a coma-like seizure since his brain injury five years before. His wife grabs a small tape recorder to record the whisper, in case the neurologist needs to hear this.
"Not Ray," she asks, "who then?"
The whisper grows stronger, with such love, "Body...spirit...soul...God!...Many worlds, many universes, many galaxies -- like pebbles on a beach, so vast. Each galaxy set up for man's expansion."
"Which is most important?" she asks.
"God!" an unfathomable, loving whisper seems to come from all there is, in the greatest love she has ever heard.
"Who is God?" She feels a strong spiritual presence in the room."An entity?"
After a long, long pause, as though reaching through immeasurable space and time, the loving whisper answers, ""
"Not one thing?" she asks, awed as she feels this presence.
The whisper grows stronger,"Not one thing, but everything."
The words seems to resound from
where they come. A love so great answers, "God is -- is God!"
Humbled by a presence not her husband's, that feels so spiritual, she asks, "What do you want to tell me about?"
"In the beginning," the words pause, seeming to reach through time to speak, "in the beginning
God gave man spirit because He was lonely. Then man's spirit was not enough because spirit always
knew of God -- in spirit -- so many spirits -- so many, many spirits," the loving voice whispers of all he sees.
For there were many gods, like our God! Before [this], worlds and worlds."
As "our God" is said, such love is expressed.
The story of the creation has been told to many faiths, and recorded by some.
The words suggest that it is God's will that man should become as he was made in the beginning, when "God said, 'Let us make man in our image and likeness'...So God created man in His own image." [Genesis 1:26,27.]
Could something like this have happened this day, April 3, 1970, as a gift was given as a whisper began through a catatonic and dying, man: "Body, soul, spirit, God -- many worlds, many universes, many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach, so vast - each galaxies set up for man's expansion and growth."
We may not be able to hear some of the words that were tape recorded that day. Ray's wife had to back up the tape which had run out before the voice finished speaking to record instructions she was being given on how to awaken Ray, to bring him back from a death-like sleep, or trance. She recorded over the middle of the tape.
Although we don't know what was said, it seems from the recorded words that continue, the voice may have been speaking from the beginning of time. Was he seeking to remind us, through far memory, of our knowing God?
Is there evidence of what we do have recorded on tape? In the earliest records of Western Civilization is evidence of our knowledge of our Father, by whatever name we call Him, written so that we may know a way back to God. Such records predate and possibly influenced later scriptures of the Vedaic, Judeo-Christian and Muslim faiths.
The unerased portion of the tape continues with his wife's question, "Where can we prove this?"
"Cairo. In Egypt (cough), in Egypt. I was there. And he came and said, 'Form thy a church for one God.' I built Him a temple."
"What was you name? Do you know?" she asks. After a long pause, she says, "We can find out later."
"I built Him a temple, and God, God said -- " The voice seems to reach through infinity, beyond form to try to speak.Was he seeking to truly answer - not as himself, but to answer in God's words, yet in her own language, English, so she could understand? Perhaps this was why there was such a long pause, as he tried to let God enter to speak?
Note: Scholars of the history of Western Civilization say that the first records found of the worship of one God are in Egypt. Amenhotep IV (1379-1362 B.C.E.) built a temple and palace to one God about 20 miles from Cairo. His temple had no idols and was open to Aten, the great unseen God beyond. On his temple walls, one can see him depicted with rays of Aten coming down and reaching to him, and in each outstretched hands he holds an ankh (an Egyptian, tau cross with a loop at the top) used as a symbol of generation or enduring life.
Some say he was the first in recorded history to worship one God. The Pharoah renamed himself, Akhnaten, which means "one who is useful to God" (Aten). He began a religious revolution by replacing Egypt's many gods with the one and only Aten, whose spirit he believed he embodied. He was an instrument through whom messengers of God spoke." "What did God say," she asks? Still the word God spoke is unexpressible.
"Can you hear me? Ray?"
"Not Ray."
"Why can't I call you Ray?" Ray's wife asks.
"Ray is of this plane. I, by my name who speaks through him, who has taken possession of his body and soul, there to guide him that others may learn through him -- that they may learn a way to God."
"What can Ray do to help you?"
"For Ray is I and I am Ray."
"Can you help him?"
"Yes," is loving said.
Every day, in his walk, in his speech, sometimes he grows irritable with people. The reason is because in his conscious state his mind projects such force, and he does not understand it all.
"How can we help him understand it?"
Love, understanding, and listen to him.
"Don't I?" his wife answers.
Sometime[s]. His mission and my mission are to bring man back to God. For when he awakens he will have new knowledge that he has not had before, for you will be able to speak of things I have thought of, and to think -- now, he will be closer to God.
That night, a gift was given to Ray when he passed on, up a stairway into increasing light of the Father to stand with God. Ray said the gift had been given to him after he left his body by one around whom many stood. This one had more love in his eyes than Ray had ever seen. Ray did not know what this gift was. And for many years, Ray did not fully understand the gift that had been given to him, "that others may learn through him, that they may learn a way to God."
Ray tells his account of what happened to him.
The story of his dying is published in the book, A Rose without Thorns, in his own words.
"No sooner had I finished my prayer than I found myself leaving my body. For the first time in
years I felt no pain...I saw before me a great plane where there were many people standing. The crowd
parted, making a path for me to approach one seated in their midst.
"All I can remember is his eyes. His eyes held a look of great compassion and greater love than I
have ever seen in my life. He spoke no words, words were not needed.
"Then I felt him give me a gift. I had the choice to remain where I was or to return back to my body. If I returned to my body, I must give the gift to others in the same manner it was given to me. Nothing would be changed. I would never gain anything from the gift. And I would even face ridicule because of it.
"I did not know what the gift was. I only knew that in those eyes I had found one whom I could trust as I had never trusted anyone in my life...."
Ray chose to return.
On April 3, 1970, spiritual messengers of God began to speak through his body; they said they have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.
At another time they spoke of their coming, when Ray prayed for death and went before the one with such love in his eyes who gave him a gift: "Thy have asked before from which we came. And we shall say unto thee in this manner, as soul Ray was reborn, and in this manner, so were we -- for, as has been said before, soul Ray is I and I am he -- for as he prayed unto his Lord for death, and this was given, but as he looked back upon his body and looked into our Lord's eyes and knew that, with the gift that was given, he should return and give it unto others. But he had to give it in this manner, with love, with compassion at all times...."
July 15, 1970, Aka spoke these words through Ray in trance, "We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested - for we call, as thy would call it, ourselves, Aka. Think of the first of the name, Aka, and thy would think of the Almighty. Think of the second of the name and thy would think of the word, karmic. Think of the last of the name and thy would think of the records, the records, which are kept from the beginning, of all things, of all knowledge, which man was born and born again. This knowledge, as our Father gives us permission, we should give of thee.
We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know of the love of our Father, and by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all man of all religions should come to our Father together in peace and love....
"Then it does not matter how you spell of this. But if all of you could agree upon this one simple thing, then you have taken one step closer to our Father."
"We are the spirits of Aka,
for we stand as close to God
that we feel His teardrops
upon our foreheads;
yet, we are not great.
Only God is great."
Ankh means "Life" or "the Living One." Ka means "spirit(s) of." Ankh-ka means spirit(s) of the
Living One or of Life. The name also means "my spirit lives."
A name that sounds smiilar to what was heard through Ray comes from the time of the fifth King
of the first dynasty, Den and Queen Merideth. (See Ancient Egypt in the Metropolitan Museum Journal.)
This phrase translated from the Egyptian Book of the Dead seems to speak of this: "The living
ones, he becomes 'God, the son of God,' and all the heaven become his brethren." Many Biblical scholars
consider the early concept of the resurrection, predating and influencing Judeo-Christian and Muslim
teachings, to have come from Egypt.
In Egyptian myth, Akh is the transfigured and beautiful spirit of a dead person. Ka is the Egyptian belief in eternal life that teaches that man is made up of many parts.
"One part of man is the ka which could move freely from place to place, separating itself from, or uniting itself to the body at will, and also enjoying life with the gods in heaven. The ka dwelt in man's statue just as the ka of a god inhabited the statue of the god," the Egyptian Book of the Dead tells us.
Throughout time, seekers of enlightenment have sought to attain this knowledge. People of many faiths have searched for a way to be closer to God, each in their own way.
Perhaps it is not surprising that his wife did not understand, for this concept mystified even the most learned religious scholars who questioned Jesus about being born again of spirit.
"For Ray is I, and I am Ray."
"My name is Aka"
"I come to Ray --
To bring his flock to God"
April 6, 1970, when the messenger(s) again speak through Ray's unconscious body, his wife asks, "Can you tell us who you are?"
The messenger(s) of God answer, "My name is Aka."
"Why do you come to us," she asks?
"I do not come to you." The spiritual messengers of God answer about this link of their spirits to Ray's body and soul.
She asks, "Who do you come to?"
"I come to Ray."
"What do you want Ray to know?" She asks, not understanding what cannot be understood fully until it is known with and in one.
"To bring his flock to God."
The only people present were her parents, and Ray's best friend. After the session, they laughed about the word, flock, as they looked around the room and just saw one another. But over the years, they themselves reached many others, and then thousands of people flocked to Ray for healing and spiritual guidance. So this answer of the spiritual messengers of God was to come true.
"How shall he go about it?" she asks.
"Through I. Ray shall know."
Ray had been asked, by the one with such love in his eyes who gave him this gift when he passed on to God, to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it was given to him. He was asked to bring those who came to him to God, each in their own way -- to show them a way to God. The spiritual messengers of God who speak through Ray, "who had taken possession of his body and his soul, there to guide him," said this was done so "that others may learn through him, that they may learn a way to God."
They have come, they say, but for one purpose, to prepare a way within others for the coming of
the Messiah.
As their guiance continued that evening, April 6, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God spoke of the needs of those present
and other loved ones -- his wife, his wife's aunt, her parents, Ray's best friend. And they suggested how to
improve Ray's health and diet, for his health was not good.
Ray's wife asked, "Does your coming hurt Ray's body?"
Their answer proved to be true for the next 19 years that the spiritual messengers of God were recorded as they spoke through Ray's body in trance (and later through Ray's mind in waking state). "No, [it] shall improve Ray's body and mind. I am he and he is I, for I was reborn at [this] time as he -- for we are one."