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Our haunted house and the Ghost Car
Mom and dad's house is a repossed house. After moving in they found out why their new house was repossed. A family of two small children and their parents lived here. The rumor was that he was a very violent man at times, usually drunk. The mother worked at a factory and worked second shift. One morning the husband wasn't able to find her. Her car was outside, with the drivers door left open and her purse and keys still inside. She was reported missing and was later found in some woods dead. No one was ever convicted of the murder although the rumor is that she was involved in an affair with her boss, and he had her killed because she was going to tell his wife. The two children were the same age as me and my sister when we moved into our house. My sister often woke me up to tell me something was in her bed, or getting in bed with mom because something was in her bed. One night she got up to get a drink of water and began screaming saying something was trying to pull her night gown. These stories would have probably been dismissed as a five year olds imagination if a few other things were not happening also. Mom always left the bathroom light on and the door ajar so that we were able to find our way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. About the time she would get us to sleep and lay down herself, the bathroom door would slam shut. She would get up and re open it, to only have it happen again. The fourth or fifth time she would forget about leaving it open! Often times in her trips to open it the light would also be shut off. One morning after getting us off to school, she lay down in my sister’s bed to take a nap. She was awakened by something sitting down on the bed. She said she could feel the weight of someone sitting there, but no one was there. She said she reacted by saying out loud what came to her mind, "I don't know where your kids are, but their not here, I wouldn't want to leave mine either, but I don't know where yours are. Their not here" She said whatever sat down by her sat a few more minutes, then got up and left. After that day, she was able to leave the bathroom door open with the light on, and my sister stopped waking her up in the middle of the night saying there was something in her bed. Years have passed since then and we were never told this story until we were both over 20. Nothing spooky ever happens in the house now. However 4 or five nights of the week the "ghost car" pulls in. Usually about 12am or 1am. We all work second shift so it is about the same time that we all are getting home. You can hear the motor and the gravel in the drive being driven on, see the headlights go across the walls and hear the car shut off. No one ever comes in or comes to the door. The dog even waits at the door to welcome home whoever is coming in. We have only dubbed it the "ghost car" because at times we are so sure that someone pulled in that someone goes to the door to see who it is and finds no one there.

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