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Shadow Man and The Girl In The Pantry

My grandmother’s house is not really old. I believe it was built in the 40s. I always feel like I am being watched there. Not just being watched, but being observed closely. My first experience in this house involves me and my little sister. I was about 10 at the time she was 9. My mother was working night shift leaving us with grandma to sleep and picking us up in the morning. Nether one of us got much sleep. One or the other always was seeing shadows, waking the other up scared. We slept in the family room, next to the kitchen on a pullout bed. Grandma left a nightlight on in the kitchen in case we needed to go to the bathroom. We would suffer until morning if we did need to because on most nights, a shadow man would be pacing back and forth in the kitchen. We both watched him, praying that he would stay right there in the kitchen. Occasionally we would watch him go into the living room and disappear around the corner towards the hallway leading to grandma’s room. We would often hang onto each other tearful that he went into grandma’s room to hurt her. Before long he would be back into the kitchen. In the morning we would relay this to mom or grandma. Both would tell us how we dreamed this or it was our "imagination".

Our nights became no more peaceful even with the many reassurances that there was nothing in the kitchen. Before long the activity moved into the family room with us. One occasion is as vivid today as it was then. On the weekends, we often stayed later and watched Saturday cartoons. We sat on the floor playing checkers. The sunlight was bright and was streaming into the room. The family room has a small area in the back that is a walk in pantry. It has no door; grandma had these pretty white lace curtains in front of it. We both looked at each other when a wind blew the curtains to the side. Then a strong gust of "wind" blew the curtains up, in the doorway of the pantry stood a girl about our age, with a white dress on, dark hair which was long, and smiling at us. We both looked at each other with our mouths dropped open, looked back to the pantry doorway where the curtains were still blowing in the "wind" and she was still smiling at us. We jumped up and ran into the living room to tell grandma about the girl in the pantry. She went to check it out; we stayed in the living room, and refused to go back into the family room. She of course saw nothing except our left game of checkers! After this we refused to be in the family room any more. We slept in the living room on the couch and love seat, and only caught a glimpse of the shadow man on occasion.

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