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Haunted Slave House-Jefferson County Indiana

Location:Cannot disclose due to private property.

Legend/Reported Haunting: A large home built in the early 1800's by a man involved in slave trading. He reportedly kept a large number of slaves on his property as workers as well as trading slaves for money. The home reportedly had shackles built into the cement of the basement. A mysterious out building that is visible some days and others not, babies crying, people moaning, things being moved and shadows.

Investigation: Unfortuantly the home was burned to the ground before we could investigate it. However a trip to the remains and the land seemed like and interesting trip. We arrived to the property about 11pm. We took many pictures, and just sat and listened for awhile. We heard or seen nothing.

Sorry for the poor photo I was using a new camera (Canon EOS Digital Rebel) and I am not used to all of the various settings yet, and especially trying to find them in the dark!

Conclusion: Well we defiantly seen no mysterious outbuilding, or heard or seen anything. The place may have something to it, but my gut feeling is that it doesn't. The rumors probably result from a small truth. That the home was once a big farm operation with slaves. This part of the story can be proved. I have a news article somewhere with that history. The other fact is that it has been empty for a long time (years). The current owner leases out the land for farming and the home was so old that it needed new electrical wires in the entire home, a cost the owner did not want to spend since he does not live in the area. The fires origin was not found, but electricity was ruled out since the old farmhouse hasn't had electricity to it for years. It is quite sad to see such an old historic structure ruined by fire most likely caused by a bunch misfits.

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