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Do you believe you can capture a ghost on film? The following photos, found at various websites are my favorite "real" ghost photos. I do not claim that any of these photos reflect evidence of ghosts. Some of them are even fake in my opinion. Draw your own conclusions as you veiw these photos. To the believer these photos may scream "real!" while the skeptic may be filled with many ways to explain away these images, afterall, anything can be explained away.

While everything at this site is owned and © to the Do You Believe, The Force of Southern Indiana website the following photos are not ours. We do not support copyright infringement and will remove any of the following photos with the request of the owner. Copyright violations is not our intention with this small gallery of spooky images. Links & credits have been provided to owners/websites when known.

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Website Copyrighted 2005 Do you Beleive?
Photo Copyrighted 2005 C0al
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