Name: Brandon Boyd

Band Position: Lead Vocals/Percussion

Birthday: 02-15-1976

Relationship Status: Singel

Equipment: Shure SM-58 Microphones

African Percussion

Djembes Ku' Didjeridus

Personal Bio: Written By Brandon Boyd

"Nothing is true. All is permitted."

-Last words of Hassan i Sabbah X

To think that one's life is interesting enough to write about is indeed flattering. I wouldn't say though that my life was necessarily in that particular category.

For I still have a couple of nasty drug addictions to go through, a divorce or two to fight out, two filed bankruptcies, an arrest for indecent exposure and the total public annihilation of this band to bear before I can go as far as calling my life 'interesting'. Then, of course, I must tell my story on one of the myriad different television documentaries. Spill my guts, cry for the world, then put out a book called, "A Life Less Lived." (How Incubus ruined my childhood, etc, etc.) But, alas! 'Interesting' is a multi-interpretable term! And besides, a few of you have expressed desires to know the goings on in this little atmosphere of mine, so I guess I'll elucidate.

Name: Mike Einziger

Band Position: Guitar/Backup Vocals

Birthday: 06-21-1976

Personal Bio: Written By Mike Einziger

My full name is Michael Aaron Einziger and I play guitar in a silly rock band called Incubus. I was born in Los Angeles, Ca. on June 21st, 1976. My favorite color is blue (at least right now it is). My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I like to spend my spare time working on music (I'm a mad work-aholic). I can run really fast when I want to. I love Indian food. I do not have a girlfriend. I really love to play golf because it gives me a chance to hang out with my dad. I have a fat white Labador Retriever named RUFUS. And a not-so-fat Lab named BILLY. I like to play Basketball. My favorite place to go while on tour is New York City (it's fun). I have an older sister named Rachel. My little brothers Ben and Paul have a band together with Brandon's little brother called Vent. I admit that I like that Christina Aguilera song. My mom rules, she's the coolest.

I play Paul Reed Smith guitars and Mesa Boogie Amplifiers because they're the best, even though they cost a lot of money. I used to ride horses a lot when I was younger. Brandon and I did a report for school together on Tahiti when we were 11 years old. The first song that I learned how to play on the guitar was the theme song to James Bond. My first concert was the Go-Go's when I was 6, followed shortly after by Michael Jackson when I was 7. The first album I ever owned was the Soundtrack to Star Wars. My first real guitar hero was Steve Vai. I love touring in Europe. I'm not allowed to snowboard anymore for fear of snapping off one of my fingers, but thats ok, because I'm still allowed to surf. I've been surfing for 11 years. It's fun. Someday I would love to score the music for a wierd major motion picture, like BeetleJuice. I love our new album, "Make Yourself". I'm good at soccer. It's hard for me to go shopping because I'm extremely indecisive. I love Bjork's music, I listen to it often. I'm not really allowed to skateboard anymore, but I do sometimes anyway. Everyone should own a Led Zeppelin album and a Police album. South Park is funny. I love anything that has to do with Space Exploration. I believe that aliens exist, but I've never seen one.

Name: Jose Pasillas

Band Position: Drums

Birthday: 04-26-1976

Personal Bio: Written By Jose Pasillas

I began playing drums in 1990, pretty much when the band started to form. Before that I had been playing air drums for about two years and got pretty good. It was an impressive sight, and actually made me look like I knew how to play. I have never had any formal training in my 9 years of playing, which has its positives and negatives, but I think for the most part its been okay. Unfortunately discipline is not really a word I would associate with my drum playing. I learned how to play my instrument by studying my favorite musicians (Stuart Copeland, Tim Alexander, Chad Sexton, etc.) and by listening to many styles of music, which I believe is key to expanding your playing and technique. I basically would listen to my favorite bands and steal as much as I could from the drummer and incorporate it in my playing. So yes, I am a thief!

I have seen and listened to many bands and feel that I have taken something from all of them to help my playing, whether it is a way of setting up my drums, playing a beat, learning a roll, or whatever. There will always be an infinite amount of musicians for everyone to learn from.

I met my band mates through school. I met Brandon in the 4th grade, where we spent a lot of time playing commando in the bushes with water guns. Two years later we met Mike in jr. high where mike and I spent a lot of time skateboarding. Dirk came around in high school, I met him through Mike when we started to jam together (me, Mike and Dirk). We had all just began playing our instruments and were not very good, but did have a great time.

We would cover bands like Metallica and Megadeth. I personally never was into those metal bands, but Mike and Dirk were, so I would just learned them for fun. We actually played a couple of parties as a trio then a couple of months later, Brandon joined us, and at that time, we began writing our own music. We played all through high school and continued after we graduated.

We hooked up with Kilmore in the beginning of 98 and our band was complete. Now it is 2001 and we are still writing and playing together.

So in a nutshell, that is a brief history in time of Incubus and myself. One last thing, I like to take long walks on the beach.

Name: Dirk "Alex" Lance

Band Position: Bass Guitar

Birthday: 08-18-1976

Personal Bio: Written By Dirk Lance

What's up boys and girls, if you're reading this, you've clicked on my page. If anyone is looking for some really insightful info about me, you may be out of luck. Instead, I think I'll start with just a little background info. For instance, I'm twenty-three years old and have been playing bass for the last ten years or so. I never had what you would call any formal training, rather I learned by simply playing and making mistakes! Playing with Incubus for the last nine years has probably been about the best schooling anyone could have. Quite a few people have asked me what type of bass and other related gear I play. I guess you could say that's my most frequently asked question. Well, as far as basses go, I play: 2 Warwick streamer Stage II five string fretted, and 1 Warwick streamer Stage II five string fretless. Gear wise, I use Eden heads and cabinets. Obviously, there is a lot more to it than this, so sometime in the future, I'll post a complete description of my rig down to the last detail. Hopefully, I'll also be able to answer questions from other bass players out there about what it is that I'm doing in some of the songs. Quite a few people have tried to transcribe our music, and while I applaud the effort, most of the time, the transcriptions are just plain wrong. I'm also looking forward to feed back from everybody in cyberland; what it is that you want to know, what you want to see. So feel free to write in with any and all questions. I'll be talking to you soon!

Name: Chris "DJ" Kilmore

Band Position: Turntables

Birthday: 01-21-1973

Personal Bio: Written By Chris Kilmore

After accidentally being ejected from the underworlds of Io (one of the moons of Jupiter), I traveled inter-dimensionally to this place presently named Earth. The date...1973. The place...Pittsburgh, PA. Immediately on the search for suitable hosts brought me to a small town called Dillsburg, PA, where I developed my inner senses at the age of 13. I discouraged the only means of communicating with my species...the turntable. So instantly I set out in the underworlds of various East coast cities to train. My abilities improved, however, communication was never established. Knowing it was time to expand my East coast web, I traveled to LA where I was sought out by fellow turntablists...the Jedi Knights. After becoming a Jedi master, I was sent on a mission...promote the turntable as a musical contacts...Incubus.