Facts and Quotes

"Making songs in some weird way, I don't have any children but I would imagine it's similar to, like, the concept of having children, you know, and the things that you do and the love that you put into each and every one of them sort of will dictate how they turn out. So, every one of our songs that we have ever written and recorded, for that matter, but especially on Morning View, they just happened, we almost didn't try. And there was just a lot of really good energy in the house and amongst the five of us and just a really beautiful atmosphere."

3.Brandon’s looks have been described as heartbreaking. You’re the pretty boys of nu-metal.

D: You break girls’ hearts, man. That’s not cool
J: Lady-killer!
NME: Are you a lady killer?
M: Say nothing. No comment.
B: I don’t know man. Fuck.
M: He doesn’t think girls like him. He’s right. He’s ugly.
B: I don’t have good luck with women. I don’t have bad luck either. I’ve had some really good relationships but nobody just really wants to kick it. I’m lonely…This is a very embarrassing question.
K: I’ll kick it with you
M: Really, we’re all his lovers, we each have a different day with him
B: Wouldn’t it be easier that way?
D: We could all fight over Brandon: “Hey! I thought he was going to sleep in my bunk today!”
B: I think I’d go for Mike and Dirk.

Brandon. "It was basically five guys squatting in a house. It woulda been nice to have naked midgets serving cocktails everyday."

I have always idolized eccentric people

Brandon once said, "We're gonna play a show, there might be ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand people out there. But all that matters is that I saw boobies and I liked them."

Brandon is of Indian descent, Aztec indian descent.


Brandon: Brandon of the Jungle, Brandon of the Earth, Cornelius, Granola, Happy Knappy, Superstar, invisiable floating torsel man

Mike: Dynamike, Jawa, Mic1

Alex: Dirk Lance, Felix, AK47

Jose: Badmammajamma, Salsa 16249

Kilmore: Kilmorfuphilsithe


Jose, Brandon, and Mike attended A.E. Wright Middle School in the late 80's. They graduated senior year 1994 from Calabasas High. Brandon was voted Best looking, and best hair in the high school year book.

Brandon was born-Van Nuys, Calif. in the valley of LA. "I grew up in Calabasas"

“50 bucks to anyone who eats it??”- Eat moldy food

“At one point we had an Alligator in the pool [shut up], ya but then it became a liability thing, because one guy lost an eye so”

“ya we turn the motor on and we all be like meerrrerrhhh” [laughs] - having boat in the pool

“What is this photo shoot for?” Brandon “Versace”

“your a really good artist, keep it up, it’s awesome, you make me wanna go back and draw now”

“should I look hard”-getting his picture taken

“We used to drive ourselves around in a little gray van, with a trailer. we had no help, it was like the five of us, and we would sell our, we’d take turns who was gonna sell T-shirts and who would load up the gear.”

“Him and I [pointing to mike] were huge Escher fans, like in high school, we would smoke pot, and look at his books going, “Oh my god, like it go’s on forever” look whoa, turn it around, and we thought it was made for like trippers or whatever.”

"There was this pirate that walked into the bar and he had a steering weel sticking out of his zipper. He walked up tp the bar tender and asked for a drink. The bar tender said "sure, but if you dont mind me asking, Why do you have a steering weel sticking out of your zipper?" the pirate said, "Ya'aaar, its driving me nuts!" -brandon

"She who go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with smelly finger" -Brandon Boyd

"I freak girls out a bit. Maybe it's the porn in my bunk that does it." -Brandon Boyd

"I've never even thought about it before," Boyd said. "Doug is cool. We hang out, chill, do hairstyles together. It's cool."

Brandons most emabarrsing moment- "When I was 13, I used to go to the beach with my older brother's friends. Once they locked me in a Porta Potti. I had my brother's sandwich with me and they were shaking the thing, and there was fecal matter going all over the place. So I'm all, 'I'm going to throw your sandwich away!' And he was laughing, so I threw it away and started crying in front of all his friends. That's not funny. That's distressing."

Area:One veterans Incubus played emotionally charged sets, crafting ambient beats and singing near-lullabies as the sun set behind the mountains that frame the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre. Incubus provided quite an evening view as their shadows cast on video screens showing close-ups of singer Brandon Boyd, eyes closed, hands clenched, feeling the music.

Singer Brandon Boyd said when "The Osbournes" is on, his eyes are glued to the TV. "The Osbournes are an amazing family, and they are amazingly watchable," he explained. "I knew that they were a quirky family, and when I heard about the idea initially I was like, 'Hmm ... I don't know if that's going to work.' But it really worked."

"Britney Spears. Because she's a girl I wouldn't smack her-I'd lock her in a closet with poisonous spiders or something. Let her think about what she's doing to the youth culture of America." -Brandon Boyd

"We were recording in a huge villa in Malibu, it was beautiful, a great sea view, TVs, playstations, pool table, barbecue and a studio, absolutely great. The only thing was, when we were recording late at night and opened the window to get a bit of fresh air we couldn't understand a word we were saying, we were entertained by frogs. Millions of frogs that made a hell lot of noise and even ventured into the house, so it was kinda natural to record some of the frogs and add it. It was just so much part of the recording process, that we almost had to do it." Brandon chuckles when he thinks back and remembers how annoyed he used to be with the frogs and their noise all around. "All of a sudden I had an idea why the French eat frog legs, they were probably annoyed by noise the little bastards make and decided to eat them. I almost felt like shooting them sometimes, you can't believe the noise frogs can make!"

Mike “ That’s two shirts in one man”