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ok this page is still being worked on so don't get mad if u'r names not on here yet!And the names aren't in any particular order so don't think i put somone else before u or something ok!?

To all my friends i want to say thanks i've had some really great times and memories with everyone and i love u all!!!


Hey! lol, best friends forever! God we have so, a good 9 years of those i not raise your arms at me in anger!Mr.Fishel ate my candy gram! HERO PADDLE,"whys everybody gotta have a gun!" I didn't TRICK u into running into me!Remember when i refused to buy you ninja turtles shirts!Member when u threw reeses peices at my head and when u gave me a concussion when u elbowed me and when u threw a book at my head!?. But it's ok cuz i collapsed u'r lung and broke your finger!Lol, the MUMMY 2!MAKE A LIST, I CAN TAKE A BREAK! QUIT WASTING MY MINUTES! can u see the frustration in my eyeballs?Biology B is elementary. mr.lewis, your turtle has gone to a better place. one word, BELZER. lol, christmas tress "i picked a winner".Remember cedar point, apparently i have been misinformed about this roller coaster and when we watched melanie and chelsea get ditched from the skyline. haha, FRENCH CLASS, u broke my pig. remember the foot surgery, i beat u up with the crutch. haha, when i flipped around like someone stole my cookies.i'm a lil' protein(MR LEWIS!?) our adventures at arbys and our pity partys there too!do u remember BOB the camera and our 26 mile canoe ride!? don't make a fool of yourself. Remember the first day of school commitment crisis? remember wehn i "accidentally" pushed an unnamed person into the wall.TOXIC BOXERS.oh gosh , stage crafters with the twins!The expensive fish that died 1 day after we couldn't return it anymore and u'r poor stingray! Kevin we fail with presents every year!We ALWAYS go this way. When i made u buy the blue shirt when we went shopping before homecoming. CACODEMON wow she is ill built...poorly constructed!remember a certain someones accident on madison and lord of the rings and our parking lot adventure afterwards. do u have to make such a hooku deal about it? (during chemistry)u'r a retard u stupid failure.haha.u didn't get the right chromosomes, pretty got beat!wow,u have the BIG pouch(caprisun!)LETS PLAY COPS AND ROBBERS!whne we where at dennys...lets TRy not to spill any rootbeer this time, five minutes later tims rootbeer is spilled...remember the waitress who ignored me while i pleaded for help? lol, the country club, all i want is a hot dog..your dad NOPE i'll be ordering the steak for you as he takes my menu away!thats not hard lemonade catherine. the toasts and champagne never stop!?do we get rolls?obviously not!the steak was two degrees short!devoted waiter spilled champagne and kept on going!kevin(finally I got a moment!)Do you rememember the time...catherin, you are my sunshine!GRAB THE SIDE OF HER FACE(LOL,KISSING TIPS)it's teh song that never ends.WARRIOR BEES.dunkaroos.LOLThere is like 3 million more but i don't remember them all! lol.

Melanie* oh gosh, we've been through alot i love ya girl. haha, TRUTH OR DARE.we'll never forgive ourselves for that one! the tredmill! RAILROAD TRACKS i can't believe u just kept riding!k-mart dumpster and strawberry daquaries baba. lol, our cookie dough wars.Lol, when u got ditcehd at cedar point! Remember our bike rides to the tanning bed, lol, your the dare devil. remember when we painted the fence, uh melanie, thats not a swimsuit!popsicles. i'll never forget the night i stopped to pet the cat and u jumped out from behind the bush i swear i thought u where a murderer. lol! the walks through the dark spot, look walk halfway turn and run!jumping bushes at cedar point! all the times u've snuck into my house and come up behind me and scared me to death when i've been home alone!the time we cleaned my whole house so we could go do something then i went and did something with someone else! sorry bout that one baba!Is that the thumb?clearwater beach baba, i'm feeling a lil' sharky! the girl that jumped the line at the stop light, "whats teh matter you scurred?"NO, your dirtY!"LOL

Tim* we've had our ups and downs over the years lol but you still mean alot to me! lets play cops and robbers.when we tipped the canoe and i held on to u'r sunglasses while i was drowning!when i use to hit u in the eye so much.remember when kevin had a spider on him and he kept asking us to get it off of him and we just stood there cracking up?When u pulled my stitch in my foot after my surgery!I don't want no scrub.Remember when we went on a walk while we where camping and the deer jumped out at us.when u dressed up as a girl on haloween and threw the baloons at me!SKITTLES! the time u told me not to jump on the big boulder in the lake and i was like "yea i know!" and then jumped right on it and almost drowned!JAK !Helium baloons.warrior bees. when u pushed me on to the saw table and about broke my back.We had so many more but it's been so long i don't remember most of them! Sorry!

Emelia* Hey girl thanks for being a good friend i love ya!Turkey Run girl oh my god this cliff is alot taller than it looked from the bottom! and cedar point! Remember when we went to see serendipity? when u hit me in the head with the dice and when u'r pants ripped while u where dancing at the y! When your bookbag broke in the dog attacked your nose.subway and taco bell!your party lol babe.the gay waiter at chi chi's "they hsouldn't call u cat they should call u bunny cuz u'r nose wrinkles up like abunny when u laugh!"when those guys in the blazer followed us around at the mall and we couldn't get away!

Chelsea* hey girl u crack me up!oh gosh...u don't want my heart cuz it's broken and torn and ripped to pieces! but don't worry we'll get u a nice monkey heart! remember when we where sooo late and u spilled makeup all over your pants in the car and we had to go back! oh god, u'r not gonna cry are u? ROCK AWAY THE PAIN. "don't u think u should go put on some make-up now?!" haha POPCORN BAG. how is it possible to screw that up? U can't work a toaster or start a car! My bad luck with u and my car! 500 dollar ticket! when we where walking inside and the birds where plotting on us!we'll just tell them the locks where frozen! remember when u and kelly got water all over the guys table behind us and the guy we almost drove to suicide by asking him to sit with us.When u fell off the curb at the movie theater!Quick duck, it's a cop! U won't make it don't even say be a pediatrician you won't make it! lol.LIL BRANDON MACEY who woulda thought his legs could move that fast!taco bell and subway!the gay waiter at chi-chi's and him calling me bunny!child development class...oh my god that can just fall out one day walking along the street?

Whitney* girl turkey run! remember when we got on kips camera and acted like the blair witch!? us and our MANY guys and how we all got played by the same guy with eachother and didn't know it! lol. Remember when we went rock climbing and we where getting followed and so was CHRIS! Uh, guys "your package is on display". mud masks, the gay waiter at chi-chis and him calling me bunny! u look like simba!girl i love spinning with u at the y(u know what i'm talking about!)remember when i bought the toothbrush at the gas station and all of our rides home from kims in the morning when we looked uh...lets hide!kim"hey don't make fun of my bunny hate my grandma made that!" and "it's my austin powers watch!"

Justin* your the best friend ever justin thanks so much for everything your great! if there was an earthquake right now, we'd be screwed. oh crap, we're about to get mugged. whales don't eat plankton, i'm telling u that diving board is not three stories high!?Remember when we got lost at the mall and everyone kept telling us the wrong way to go! operator "it's REALLLY EASY I CAN'T BELIEVE U GUYS CAN'T FIND IT!". when we got lost on the way home from the mall and u kept going the wrong way "if i just keep going south we'll be alright!" we where going north! my dad went to boot camp in SOUTH carolina face it!TRANQUILIZERS. haha,our friend at jonathan byrds(u know who!)theres more but i don't remember them???

Kim* Hey girl!your such a good friend to me i'm glad we became so close! green mud masks. lol, one word BRANDON glad we became such good friends in the end! remember when u got bit by the mosquito on your eye!our fascination with super target! subway after school!our soccer practices!remember when we "stalked" a certain someone oh my gosh taht was hilarious! when i broke the chair at your dads house and karen was like 'u stupid bitch!"lol, remember when i ate all the "biscuits".LOL oh gosh teh night u hit the car at the y and we spent the entire night trying to think of a way to get u out of it!haha, when we dared eachother to go without sweets for a whole month!lol,legally blonde,bend and snap!thanks for all the long hours of chemistry help girl!we'll find our prince charmings:)!the track meet at purdue,can we say HOT guys! WOW, thats my austin powers watch, it's dead now! LOL "hey don't make fun of my bunny hat, my grandma made that!"


remember the kohls parking lot and my great jumper cables christmas present!? your FAT. when my car broke down on the way to climb time. "JUST ADMIT IT YOUR BAD LUCK WITH CARS STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" remember homecoming when we drove around for hours looking for a place to eat and we ended up eating at ARBYS! next time, we'll make the reservations!"that poles looking nice right about now"JULY 3rd two summers ago milkshake lol thats what u get for getting us almost kicked out of the restaurant.JAK , antibacterial soap

Derin* you've been good to me over the years...thanks! lol. when i took off running and u pulled both feet out from underneath me and i went flat on my face on the ramp! when i gave u a black eye with that bottle i threw at your face!Homecoming my sophmore year and our dinner adventures before! July 3rd two summers ago that was a fun night! Hang up , call back, start talking like the converstaion never ended(u know what i mean!)Valentines dance u'r freshman year when u invited me to the dance 5 minutes before it started cuz your date diddn't show up!

Kid your awesome i miss you so much come back ok! Member how u use to talk like a mexican and jacob would be ...well something? u guys would crack me up . the MOP(girlfriend) haha , body cavities? Thanks for all the laughs at work it's not the same since u left. but i'll see u again sometime right?
Hey girl remember when we poured milkshake all over caseys car! hey how where we suppose to know eggs pealed off paint?lol. we've had such great times at kevins house over the years girl u'r awesome!never change!remember when we all got played by robbie at the same time and didn't even know it!LOL u'r pool party two summers ago!remember u'r band instructor that looked like a rat?
Hey girl! Your a great girl and a good friend i'm glad to have u at work! Remember all we went through with the "stalker" that liked us both. lol, we won't mention names !
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