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Online Quizzes!
My Quizzes!

What is your inner Old Age Creature??

Discover Your Inner K-9 Spirit!

Which of Water's Forms Represnts Your SOUL?

Encounter Your Personal Paradise!

For more Quizzing fun...

Take some cool quizzes here!

X-treme Quizzes!

Make and take your own quizzes!

Make a personalized Friend Test!

Quiz your friends here!

Taking Quizzes Rocks!

One of my favorite online hobbies is...

Taking quizzes! You could almost call it an addiction. If I'm bored, that't the first thing I do! If my friends are bored, that's the first thing I suggest. One reason is I love analysing people and there personalities. Another reason is that I just love having good ol' fashion fun on the computer (ok, so maybe it's not so old fashioned).

Here I've included links to 4 quizzes that I've created and a couple other quiz sites for those of you who are after my own heart!

Have fun!

M@IN| !JoyChat! | *Pen Pal Online* | #Game Zone# | ...First Words...| <~Other Sites~>| }My Quizzes{| *)Poetry Page(* | +Words of Wisdom+ | ¤My Photos¤ | ¿Did You Know? |