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My Favorite Links

Here are some other cool sites you can visit! But first, please feel free to include some favorite sites of your own!

~Sites For More Christian Coolness~

Meet Hannah and go to her cool site!

Meet Andrew and go to his cool site!

Meet Pat and go to his cool site!

Check out this site full of stuff for teen girls!

Check out this site full of stuff for teen guys!!

Fun place to get more help & info on Christianity for all ages!

Meet A teen Webzine that tackles all kinds of subjects!

A devotional magazine for teens!

Tools and tips for you to help further the gospel of Jesus Christ!

The inside scoop for any Christian girl interested in modeling!

Meet A step-by-step guide to salvation!

Meet and Learn from Rebecca St. James!

For Reviews on Films, Music & Television from the Christian Perspective!

A Great Godly Source for Evaluating Movies and TV Shows!

For more Christian links!

~My Favorite Cool Teen Sites~

Reviews of the latest films, albums and TV shows!

If heaven had a music store, this might be it!

For Girls who want to stay in style!

Interesting facts and fun on being a girl...

Being a teen girl is tough! Come here for some friendly advice!

4 some annimated fun & downloads, come here!

For Teens who like a good debate, or just wanna express your opinions!

Come here for some funny junk! (note: some language is not appropriate, please choose with care)

Wanna laugh??? Just click!

Wanna test your friends' knowlage??? Create your own quiz here!

Like horses? Gallop over here!

These cute animal pics are to die for!

This site is 4 X-treme Horse Lovers!

~How-To On Building Your Own Web Site~

Free Web Building Help!

A beginner's tutorial on building your site!

Move your files like a pro with th FTP Guide!

Get to know your banners and all about ads!

Visit David's FAQ for an expert's guide to anglefire!

How to create a web page!

Kevin's create a page!

Communicate with others on message boards!

Get great graphics and annimations!

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