JUSTICE signifies a trial during which problems must be resolved, options weighed and choices made. This card carries a verdict which establishes fairness and equity following a long drawn-out battle. The mistakes and imbalances of the past are settled and corrected. All injustice then becomes ancient history.

When JUSTICE appears, it can indicate a legal matter where equal satisfaction is achieved for both parties. Until the final verdict, the matter is in limbo and continually pending. During this time, you have to hope the rivalry will end and the law will be exercised to the advantage of the party in the right. When this card refers to the legal system, it can stand for courts, contracts, lawyers, partnerships, lawsuits and the situations that legal entanglement generates. Whatever JUSTICE represents will call you into battle and you must protect yourself with the formality of the legal system.

JUSTICE also speaks of being accountable for your past, whether this is an early life of imbalanced and negative behavior or a past life (if this is akin to your consciousness) of wrongdoings, mistrust, selfishness, egotism or greed. When this card appears, it is time to correct your past conduct and adjust your attitude and personality toward being more loving, gentle, selfless and honest.