In a reading, the HERMIT portrays reliance on your own judgement; learning to live on your own; gaining a greater capacity for taking care of yourself; finding truth in your own separateness. For a time, your needs may not revolve around other people.

The HERMIT lives apart from the world because he searches for the truth on his own terms. For this he does not need society. In order to see through the masks, lies, cover-ups and hang ups generated by human behavior, he departs from the crowd of changing personalities and superficial transitions into a clearer more austere atmosphere. The HERMIT knows that to be absolute in your search for truth, you need to adopt a solitary viewpoint.

The HERMIT depends on himself, asking nothing from the world. In his attempt to pierce through convention and conditioning, he needs independence from the mainstream of humanity, if only for a short time. What he learns during this period of deep reflection will serve as inspiration for his whole life. The truths he recognizes during his search makes him a light worker when he returns to the world. This card can also symbolize the sanctuaries where HERMIT-types are found actualizing their philosophies in a more private atmosphere.