The LOVERS refers to a union between two people that is based on mutual attraction, which is both intense and magical. This magnetism is often portrayed in the design of this card by a cupid shooting his arrow at two people who fall hopelessly in love as their hearts are joined. this type of romantic union can generate shyness and over-sensitivity in calm people.

In a reading, this card can represent a union through business or a harmonious partnership. On a personal level, the LOVERS speaks of resolving the incessant battle within the personality and unifying different aspects of your nature through a marriage of your tendencies. The LOVERS can also indicate making a choice between two different types of people who represent opposing archetypes in your mind: positive, loving partners or negative, destructive partners.

This trump symbolizes love that is uplifting and positive and makes you desire the good for anybody who you embrace in their respective world, no matter how far out your immediate circle they are found.