The MOON brings the other side of the light-giving channels into play, the dark side or subconscious layer of the psyche, which we cannot control and is capable of generating the most overwhelming imagery. The MOON makes you shudder as it presents a sordid reality which most people choose to sublimate or ignore. This card represents a purging process where deep memories are released to purify the subconscious layer of your psyche. You go deep into your soul and dredge up your anxieties, phobias, psychic blocks and personality disturbances.

During the phase of the MOON, your atmosphere becomes full and haunting. Any creations you realize in the wake of the MOON will be powerful and soul-searching. As the hidden drama is released, you capture the poignancy of the experience in creative works which have the power to shake up the conscious borders of people, putting them trough emotional catharsis. For the visual artist, the MOON is exceptionally inspiring, granting total visual sensitivity. You dip into the subconscious, bringing back intensely rich imagery.

The MOON brings many invisible things to the surface: secret motives, clandestine information and ancient hidden truths brought into the light. These newly discovered resources may confuse you, but once they are brought to your awareness, they will no longer haunt you.

The MOON can represent an attraction between two people that is deep and uncanny and taking place under conditions that are unreal or altered. reality plays little part in this alliance, whether these two share a high, spiritual state or a debauched and destructive connection, dragging them down together.