WORLD indicates that all is right with the world. Its appearance serves
as a guarantee that everything is moving according to an intended
arrangement.. Your destiny unfolds as its proper pace as you constantly
move toward the goals of your lifetime.
WORLD pictures the slow and steady movement of the cosmos which gives
us time in which to actualize our destinies. Being the final trump of
the Tarot deck, the WORLD carries an exalted message: you are
progressing according to plan. However etheric this plan may be, you are
in harmony with it, though you may only feel this at certain times.
Also, the events which accompany this card seem to drag on forever, but
this pace is correct for the required unfoldment. Nothing happens
prematurely with this trump. Take your time to achieve thoroughness,
order and harmony.
we can actualize in our personal evolution is a level of perfection
after a lifetime of growth through mistakes. As the FOOL, you cannot see
this long range plan, but it is still there, though it may take one year
to move one step when you assumed it would take only one day. The
journey from the FOOL to the WORLD brings you into alignment with the
purpose of your being here.