Thanks to all that came to our Friends Day and to those that prepared the wonderful food. It is good to fellowship in the glory of family and friends and good food, is it not?
February 9, 2003 we baptised a group of new Christians into the Body of Christ. We would like to welcome Jeremy Davidson, Charity Davidson, Mark Cochran, and Mathew Cochran into the church. God is truly wonderful in all things.
Ever get the urge to blast away with a lazer gun? F.O.C.U.S. is planning a trip to Lazer Blaze on February 16, 2003. We will be leaving the Clark's home at 3:15 P.M. and will be returning no later than 8:00 P.M. Youth Service as been canceled due to this event
Highlander Assembly of God will be celebrating it's first anniversary on March 9, 2003. Please come and join us for this special occasion. We are truly blessed to have two of the most wonderful people for this special occasion. Brother David Wiggington will be delivering a special message and we are very glad to welcome Rachel Perkins, Mrs. Kentucky 2001 as our special guest singer.