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Map of Fort Bradley

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Fort Bradley Key:
Thick, Light Gray Line: Level 2 Heavy Wall, 100CF
Thick, Dark Gray Line: Level 2 Heavy Gate, 100CF
Thin, Light Gray Line: Level 1 Light Wall, 30CF
Thin, Dark Gray Line: Level 1 Light Gate, 30CF

(A): Headquarters, Level 1, 2 Basement Levels, 300CF
(B): Lounge and Mess Buildings, Level 1, 25CF/each
(C): Barracks, Level 4, 100CF/each
(D): Motor Pool, Level 1, 1 Basement Level, 50CF
(E): Sensor Control Alpha, Level 1, 35 CF
(F): Armory, Level 1, 25CF
(G): Aircraft Hangar, Level 1, 1 Basement Level, 50CF/each
(H): 'Mech Hangar, Level 2, 2 Basement Levels, 200CF/each
(I): Vehicle Garage, Level 1, 1 Basement Level, 150CF/each
(J): Air-Space Control Center, Level 2, 130CF
(K): Auxiliary Warehouses, Level 2, 25CF/each
(L): Dropship Landing Pads
(M): Runway
(N): Water/Waste Control, Level 1, 50CF
(O): Hospital, Level 2, 1 Basement Level, 75CF
(P): Sensor Control Beta, Level 1, 35 CF
(Q): Training Centers, Level 2, 1 Basement Level, 50CF
(R): Base Power Generator, Level 1, 200CF
(S): Gate Control Center, Level 2, 65CF

Base Defenses:
(1) Anti-Aircraft Emplacement, Level 1, 100CF
(2) Base Turret Control Center, Level 2, 125CF
(3) Turret Generator, Level 1 100CF
(4) Anti-Aircraft Turret Control Center, Level 2, 75CF
(5) Anti-Aircraft Turrets, 60CF/each
(6) Autocannon Turrets, 50CF/each
(7) Missile Turrets, 60CF/each

Anti-Aircraft Emplacement:
Unlike many of the defenses of Fort Bradley, this emplacement is crewed and not remotely controlled. Significantly tougher than the turrets and running on its own power, this emplacement makes it difficult for Aerospace fighters and Dropships to fly over Fort Bradley. The clouds of flak from this emplacement keep the air clear.
Weapons: 6 Mydron Excel LB 2-X ACs (12 tons of cluster ammo)
2 Mydron Excel LB 10-X ACs (12 tons of cluster ammo)

Anti-Aircraft Turrets:
Controlled remotely, these turrets engage unfriendly aircraft and keep the air clear.
Weapons: 6 Mydron Excel LB 2-X ACs (12 tons of cluster ammo)

Anti-Aircraft Turret Control Center:
This building controls the nearby Anti-Aircraft Turrets remotely. Using cameras and sensors, the crew in this building rotates and fires the weapons of the Anti-Aircraft Turrets.

Aircraft Hangar:
These open structures contain the Aerospace fighters of the 3rd Baxley Aero Wing, the 45th Draconis Interceptor Wing and the 58th New Avalon Support Group’s conventional aircraft. They also contain VTOLs used by the 58th New Avalon Support Group, the 803rd Federated MRT and the 309th New Avalon CMR. They also contain all equipment necessary to repair and maintain these craft. The hangars have an upper floor and a basement, where all maintenance is carried out.

Air-Space Control Center:
This building and its attached control tower and radar station monitor the airspace around Fort Bradley and organize the comings and goings of the bases air and space craft.

This building contains infantry weapons and equipment that can be quickly passed out if the base is attacked.

Autocannon Turrets:
One of the two types of turrets that defend the base from vehicles and BattleMechs, this turret contains 2 Rotary Autocannons and 2 Machine guns.
Weapons: 2 NAIS Model 2b Rotary AC/5s (8 tons of ammo)
2 Mydron Minigun Machine Guns (1 ton of ammo)

Auxiliary Warehouses:
Situated next to the Dropship pads these warehouses are the interim storage area for supplies entering the base. They also store the mobile repair and support gantries for the Dropships.

Merely glorified apartment buildings, the barracks comfortably house the RCT’s personnel.

Base Power Generator:
This massive fusion power plant provides most of the power to the base. If it is destroyed, any building not running on its own power, or a different generator will shutdown.

Base Turret Control Center:
This large building controls the Autocannon and Missile turrets around the base remotely. Using cameras and sensors, the crew in this building rotates and fires the weapons of the Autocannon and Missile Turrets.

Dropship Landing Pads:
This area of reinforced Ferro-Crete is where spheroid dropships land and unload. Although aerodyne dropships land on the runway, they too unload here on the pad. All repairs on dropships take place here too.

Gate Control Center:
This building monitors and controls the massive gates in Fort Bradley’s walls. Video cameras and IFF signals are used by the crew to determine whether or no to open the gate.

The heart of Fort Bradley, this building contains offices, conference rooms, bomb shelters, emergency supplies, communications equipment and the core of the base’s computer system. In the basement is an emergency generator, which can power the building in the event of enemy destruction of the main generator.

On any military base you’re going to have injuries, and this hospital helps provide medical attention to all RCT personnel.

Lounge and Mess Buildings:
Separated into enlisted and officer buildings, these buildings provide recreational areas and cafeterias for RCT personnel.

'Mech Hangar:
These buildings contain the ‘Mechs of the RCT’s 107th Cavalry Battalion, 77th Striker Battalion, 17th Recon Battalion and the Mobile Assault Force. They contain upper level hangars and large basements to store ‘Mechs. Each ‘Mech is placed in a bay with gantries to easily repair and maintain them.

Missile Turrets:
Missile turrets are the second type of anti-ground unit defense used by the base. These turrets contain 1 LRM20, 2 SRM4s and a Narc Missile Beacon.
Weapons: 1 Doering Electronics Glowworm Narc Missile Beacon (3 tons of ammo)
2 Harpoon SRM-4s (6 tons of standard ammo)
(2 tons of fragmentation ammo)
1 Exostar LRM-20 (12 tons of standard ammo)
(2 tons of flare ammo)
(2 tons of fragmentation ammo)
(3 tons of Thunder ammo)

Motor Pool:
This parking garage and maintenance building store the few private vehicles of RCT personnel and transports/non-combat vehicles of the 58th New Avalon Support Group.

Primary Warehouses (Not Pictured):
Safely underground, these massive warehouses contain the bulk of the RCT’s supplies. They can be accessed through underground tunnels around the base.

This is a large strip of Ferro-Crete, with various lights to highlight it’s location. It’s purpose it to provide a landing/take-off area for conventional aircraft, Aerospace fighters, aerodyne Dropships and VTOLs.

Sensor Control Alpha/Beta:
As well as providing ground to space communications, these buildings provide radar and also monitor Sensor Towers in the surrounding area. Together, these systems make it difficult to sneak up to the base.

Training Centers:
These buildings contain simulators, shooting ranges, gyms and other such areas to help keep the RCTs personnel in top form.

Vehicle Garage:
Similar to the ‘Mech hangars, these buildings contain the tanks and other combat vehicles of 302nd Federated LA(R), 803rd Federated MRT, 278th Crucis AB, 309th New Avalon CMR, 10th Mirage AI and 58th New Avalon Support Group. The garages have two levels, one above ground and one below.

Water/Waste Control:
This building controls the base’s water storage and supply as well as all pipelines in the base. Although not always the cleanest job, it needs to be done.
