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                        Hardware Resources


REVIEWS:          Crack lingage Below:        




HardOCP (Overclocker's Comparison Page)

The HardOCP actually comes from a gaming background, but that's all history now.  Kyle and the gang are now fully dedicated to squeezing every last bit of performance out of their rigs.


AnandTech is one of the first and best hardware sites on the next.  They have a very large database of reviews, and are usually quite fair. Their motherboard reviews are especially tasty.

Tom's Hardware Guide

Anand and Tom consistently put out the most recognized hardware reviews in the business.  Their updates are infrequent at best, but everything they put up there is worth reading.  If you're into hardware, you should check both of these guys out at least once a week...


BXBoards is a site where its usefulness surpasses its original purpose.  Well worth reading.  And hey, all you dedicated speed freaks should already have a BX chipset motherboard anyway!  :-)

Storage Review

The hard drive is often ignored as an item worth paying attention to for the speed freak.  Check out this site to find out why bigger isn't necessarily better.  And their comparable hard drive database can't be beat!


This specialized search engine collects links to reviews of all sorts of products, not just hardware.  Want to hear what a dozen sites have to say about the latest video card?  Then this is your place!


A hardware site with an excellent attitude.   They give their reviews from the perspective of an end user.  Plus, they have been known to post on our forum!  :-)

Ace's Hardware

These guys obviously know their stuff, and their stuff includes the X86 architecture, Sparcs, and Alphas.  Recommended reading.

Hardware One

Review Zone

iXBT Hardware

The High-Performance PC Guide


AGN Hardware


CPU Review



sCary's Shugashack

Speaking of gaming and hardware news, check out the gaming news site with the most entertaining perspective and the best true-deathmatcher's FPS evaluations and info.  From the Quakeholio to today, the 'Shack is a classic.  Be sure not to miss the Reasons to Live and Words of Wisdom.

Voodoo Extreme

Its title to the contrary, Voodoo Extreme goes beyond coverage of the 3Dfx chipset and its associated games, and branches into lots of related areas.  One of the best 3D news sites out there for sheer quantity.

Blue's News

Primarily a gaming site, but with frequent mention of issues important to the gaming community (i.e. hardware), even a non-gamer can still glean some good stuff from here.  But hey, we're all gamers anyway, right?   :-)




A wonderful resource and an early friend of Ars Technica, BetaNews keeps you up to date on what the latest releases are for an ungodly number of programs.


For the technical side of Linux news, pop on over to freshmeat.  There, you can catch up on the latest releases for almost every Linux app known to man!  For us multiplatform geeks, it makes a good companion to BetaNews.

Tweak Files



The Linux-centric news site, slashdot also covers "News for Nerds" like Star Wars happenings and Lego Mindstorm.  Plus, if you like flame wars, every single news post can be commented upon by any visitor.  Very high traffic.

Dimension X

The Register

"Biting the hand that feeds IT."   Hmmm..  Must be a British thing.  :-)  Seriously, though, what you've got here is a great place for tell-it-like-it-is industry news and opinions.



A wide-ranging computer site, they have everything from product reviews to an advice column to a weekly "Geektoon."  Be sure to check out their excellently thorough Processor specs.  And I don't know about you, but I'm impressed by anyone who had the foresight to snag the ultra-cool URL!



To Buy Hardware


                                  Tiger Direct


                                     New egg








All LINKS worked March 2004!! BUT they come and go quick!!!
Mostly Tuts 
AntiCrackBig shitload of stuff...gotta visit
BiW ReversingTuts, Tools & other
CodeBreaker's MagazineReverse Engineering on-line mag
CoDeInSiDe's Homepage Tuts and other...
CoDe_InSiDe's...Manual UnPacking PageTuts about unpacking...
Crackerz Paradise Indian_Trails SiteTuts
Cracking.AccessrootTuts and other
cr0aker's Pages Tuts, tools and other...
Crudd's Page...of Reverse EngineeringTuts and other stuff
Delphi Site...TorriesTuts, and more
Dracons HomepageTuts, and more
Eternal Bliss's SiteTuts and other
Flying Horse Cracking ForceTuts and Other
fOdder's SiteTuts, tools
Fravia's...thanks woodmann for hostingShitload of Tuts (Gotta Visit Here)
Fravia's SearchloresLearn to Search site targeting newbiesTuts
GreythorneLots of info
Kanal23Tuts & other stuff
Lockless World HeadquartersTuts and other
LW2000 [CIA] TUTORIALSYeah...tuts
ManKind's Little Cracking PalaceTuts
Net Knowledge BaseTuts and other
New2CrackingTuts and other (for newbies)
NoodleSpa's Beginner Cracking BasicsTuts and tools
OrcPaks...also getem from my complete pageThe Orc Tuts (with targets)
Pincopalls Art of Reverse-EngineeringLotta Tuts
Predators CaveTuts & Other
[Private Reversing Alliance] HeadQuaters]Tuts & Other
PrOfEsOrX's Page...100's/1000's of Spanish TutsTuts, Tools, and other
Quequero's Page...SpanishTuts & heaps of other stuff
Quine's IDA PageTuts & Other
RCE_CD Index...thanks WoodmannLotta Obsolete sites and other stuff
Reversed Hell NetworksTuts & Other
Sheeps Trainer Site Game Training
sLeEpYż'z VauLT sLeEpY's Tuts and other
The Snake's PageTuts, other
The WebbitholeTuts and other
Tres2000Tutorials and more
TutorGigLotta Tuts...different subjects
Tutorial FindLotta Tuts...different subjects
Tutorial Search EngineSearch for Tutorials
UmE's Reverse Code Engineering PageTuts and tools
VB ResourceVB Tuts & more
WarriorAPITuts by warriorapi tutsTuts
Mostly Tools 
CrackStoreTools, tuts and other
CrackerZ ToolsTools, tuts and other
CyberToolsTools, tuts and other
ExeToolsLotta tools but other as well
Learn to'll also see my pages faithfully reproduced/pinchedTools page
Programmers HeavenLotta Tools
Crackpl ToolsYeah Tools
OllyDbgGet it here
Programmers ToolsLotta Tools, and other stuff
Quequero's PageTools & heaps of other stuff
Stone's Webnote Not Updated AnymoreTools, & Programming Stuff
UNPACKiNG GODSYeah...unpacking tools, and tuts
Team ProvokeTools in tool section
Link Sites 
Aldo's Crackz LinksLinks to lots of places
CorelReef's Underground Start PageShitload of Links Links
Ghozd's Linx SiteAll the best (underground) sites. ...Updated dayly
Link World Crack Links...and RelatedLinks to Lots Places
Link Ultimate Links DirectoryYeah...Links, plus underground
President's HomeLotsa links
Y@plukon's LinkzShitload of Links
Zors Crack NewsHeaps of Links and news
BiW Reversing - ForumReversing/Programming Forum
Iczelions BoardWin32asm Message Board
Net Knowledge Base ForumsForum
Ollydbg ForumForum
RCE Messageboard Newbie Forum and OthersReverse Engineering Message Board
Reverse Engineering ForumLike the title says
TNT!Crack!Team ForumYep Forum
UCI tEAM Forumrev. eng., hacking and virii
Zor's Discussion Board Bloody GoodYeah...Discussion Board
Astalavista SearchSearch for serials, cracks etc.
ftp Search EnginesLinks to ftp search
(il)Legal Search EngineSearch
LinkWorld...Search EnginesSearch for cracks etc.
Other Stuff 
Brain StudioInfo on hard key coding...hasp
See4N...see the faces behind Cracking4Newbies iRCFew Pics
sKYWALKEr/Serials 2000Serials 2000 crackreleases
sKYWALKEr/Serials 2000Serials 2000 Program and Updates
The Crackme Website The new oneTutorials, Crackmes, and more
The Reverse Me WebsiteHeh....ReverseMes
The Reversers CourseSign in...and join the course!!
Programming Stuff 
AllAPI.netAPI-functions in Visual Basic
Assembly Programming JournalProgramming Journal
Bill's Win32Asm PageHehe....Assembler Stuff
Crayzee's HomePageWin32asm Stuff
Hutch's HomepageCoding Stuff
Iczelion's Cracking ResourceTuts and more
Programmers HeavenShitload of Files
The Code ProjectLotta Files
Win95 AssemblyHenry Takeuchi
Wotsit's Format Programmer's resource