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I wanted to make a page for our Troops overseas.
Several of them check out this site to see whats
going on in the Country Music world.
So I wanted to let them know that we think of them,
and give you a chance to say Hi to them also!
Please sign the guestbook I have for them.
Let them know we are praying for them, and appreciate
all that they are doing!

I have made pages that you may find interesting:
Click on the heart to view the page

The FlagSupport Our Troops

The FlagThe Flag

A Valentine To Our TroopsA Valentine To Our Troops

Pics of Our Service MenPictures Of Our Service People

Remember Our Service PeopleRemember Our Service People {Christmas Page}

The Average SoldierThe Average Soldier

Pray for our troops daily.

Pray for God to watch over them.
Pray for their safety
May God hold them in His hands.
As they place their lives on the line for us.
Pray for their families
They are going through so much with their loved ones away.
May the Good Lord comfort them as only He can.
May they return home safely in God speed. Pray for the victory to come SOON!