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These search terms have been highlighted: shesus taking over illuminati physical immortality 

2008 March « Shesus Christ - Hybrid Darwinian ParaMissiah Immortaliser of Humanoids
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Archive for March, 2008

a robert ray hedges phenomenon this is my internet

March 24, 2008

to be processed: (Intent) x (intention relevance) x (persistance) x (amount of will applied) x (socialisation strategy) =
[Evolution Viability Index] Evolve [I repeat this as it is crucial to clarity] The evolution of survival aptitude is the

context and purpose of intent/intention for the entire 3.58 billion years of mutating high brainvolume dna activity.

370,000,000 for taking over how 64 366,000,000 for over taking 143 365,000,000 for taking over the 58 360,000,000 for

taking over From 68 339,000,000 for search taking 30 339,000,000 for taking search 260 311,000,000 for taking over

time 40 330,000,000 for taking over How 67 298,000,000 for taking over time 41 285,000,000 for taking over From time

to time 60 285,000,000 for taking over info 28 268,000,000 for taking over now 77 244,000,000 for taking over 55

235,000,000 for taking over right will 32 221,000,000 for taking over your 70 219,000,000 for taking over them 94

214,000,000 for search taking over 1 211,000,000 for taking over people 2 205,000,000 for taking over net 296

203,000,000 for taking over right 6 199,000,000 for taking over result 3 193,000,000 for taking over top 1 186,000,000 for

taking over found 1 179,000,000 for taking over contents 46 178,000,000 for taking over http 6 175,000,000 for taking

over the web 55 172,000,000 for taking over web 51 171,000,000 for taking over search 1 167,000,000 for taking over

posting 80 166,000,000 for taking over post 75 163,000,000 for i am taking over 13 155,000,000 for taking over post 65

152,000,000 for taking over creating 1 146,000,000 for taking over date 7 145,000,000 for taking over create 5

144,000,000 for taking over access 77 143,000,000 for taking over search this term 2 142,000,000 for taking over

WEBSITE 22 139,000,000 for taking over discussion 60 139,000,000 for taking over search home page 1 138,000,000 for

taking over human 136,000,000 for taking over related info 135,000,000 for taking over html 5 126,000,000 for taking

over txt 13 124,000,000 for taking over forums 28 125,000,000 for taking over return 60 123,000,000 for taking over

index 9 119,000,000 for taking over internet 6 118,000,000 for taking over mind 2 117,000,000 for taking over kids 3

113,000,000 for taking over forums 37 113,000,000 for taking over html 8 112,000,000 for taking over love 25 110,000,000

for taking over search this name 4 109,000,000 for taking over blogs 92 106,000,000 for taking over education 3

106,000,000 for Children’s Internet Search Education 4 106,000,000 for taking over created 3 102,000,000 for taking

over one mind . 95,100,000 for taking over children 3 91,200,000 for taking over http html 5 90,800,000 for taking over

women 96 84,900,000 for taking over feedback 64 83,900,000 for taking over PRODUCTION. 82,600,000 for taking over

this is my internet 3 80,700,000 for taking over death 6 80,100,000 for taking over Discussions post 50 77,300,000 for

taking over digital 33 76,300,000 for taking over internet explorer 2 68,400,000 for taking over google 4 67,900,000 for

google taking over 6 67,800,000 for taking over discussion groups 3 65,400,000 for taking over search blogs 1 65,200,000

for over taking google 26th word ORDER id Important here 59,200,000 for taking over robert 4 53,300,000 for taking

over net web 52,500,000 for taking over google 4 51,700,000 for taking over google’s will 5 51,100,000 for taking over

california 13 48,900,000 for taking over the near future 3 39,300,000 for Google is taking over the world 31 36,900,000

for taking over contents 35,300,000 for taking over digital networks 13 34,400,000 for taking over google blogs 5

34,400,000 for taking over Please Click. 5 31,600,000 for taking over engines 6 27,300,000 for taking over google search 1

26,400,000 for taking over index html 6 26,100,000 for taking over Rings 6 26,000,000 for taking over ultimate 4

26,000,000 for taking over human mind 24,800,000 for taking over yahoo search done in yahoo search 24,100,000 for

taking over index http html 50 20,400,000 for taking over google home page 8 19,800,000 for Google is taking over

networks. 19,300,000 for Google is taking over my life 6 16,900,000 for taking over googles future 5 15,300,000 for Google

is taking over Microsoft 30 14,800,000 for google Yahoo taking over. 14,700,000 for Google is taking over the Web

networks 14,000,000 for Google is taking over Yahoo. 13,800,000 for taking over reply 217 13,700,000 for Google taking

over computers 13 13,300,000 for taking over disc 70 12,200,000 for Google is taking over International 11,700,000 for

Google taking over Children. 11,700,000 for Google taking over kids. 11,000,000 for Google is taking over ask 2

11,000,000 for taking over Yahoo home page 8 9,230,000 for Over Robert Ray. 6,940,000 for taking over msn search 17

done in Yahoo 6,310,000 for taking over Emotional 3,640,000 for taking over diamonds 1 3,670,000 for taking over msn

1 3,180,000 for taking over children’s 1 2,770,000 for taking over psychologist 1 2,510,000 for taking over by msn

2,370,000 for taking over msn 1 2,360,000 for Google is taking over the Government Networks 3 2,330,000 for taking

over diamond 3 2,210,000 for taking over worlds diamonds 3 2,160,000 for indigo kids search. 2,100,000 for Awake

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taking robert google 3 2,070,000 for Google is taking over International Web networks. 2,050,000 for Taking over

Deception. 2,040,000 for Taking Robert Ray. 2,000,000 for Taking hedges 2 2,020,000 for Awakened people are Taking

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Viruses 1 1,950,000 for taking over tripod 1,940,000 for diamond children’s internet 2 1,930,000 for taking over psychic

people 1 1,900,000 for taking over titanium 2 1,970,000 for taking over 10k 3 1,910,000 for Google taking over rings

1,880,000 for taking over psychic kids 1 1,880,000 for taking over psychic children 1 1,860,000 for Google is taking over

jesus. 1,880,000 for taking over Astrology. 1,860,000 for Google taking over diamonds. 1,840,000 for taking over digital

diamonds 1,830,000 for taking over 5k 3 1,830,000 for taking over psyche. 1,820,000 for taking over messiah’s 1

1,820,000 for Google is taking over International Internet networks 1,760,000 for taking over jesus diamonds 1,760,000

for Taking over truth psychics 1,740,000 for taking over hawaiian diamonds 1,730,000 for Google taking over

resolution. 1,720,000 for Google is taking over seo. 1,720,000 for taking over the human psyche. 1,720,000 for taking

over primal 1,710,000 for taking over 6k 1,680,000 for taking over 7k 1,670,000 for taking over google is my resume 4

1,650,000 for Google taking over Intent. 1,580,000 for taking over 4k 3 1,550,000 for taking over addsense. 1,520,000 for

taking over 9k 1,480,000 for taking over 9k 1 1,410,000 for taking over adsense 4 1,380,000 for taking over adsense.

1,360,000 for taking over google adsense 4 1,270,000 for taking over 20k 1,170,000 for Google is taking over Destiny.

1,230,000 for taking over 15k 2 1,200,000 for taking over psychic phone 1 1,150,000 for taking over indigo kids 1,080,000

for taking over 16k 1 1,060,000 for taking over 50k 1,040,000 for taking over 3k 4 1,030,000 for taking over psychic tarot.

977,000 for taking over prophecy fulfillment 956,000 for taking over 25K 1 921,000 for taking over Lycos 7 743,000 for

taking over 19k 1 614,000 for taking over Angelfire 1 609,000 for Google is taking over fulfillment. 558,000 for taking

over kona 13 536,000 for Jesus is taking over with Astrology. 524,000 for taking over titanium diamonds 513,000 for

taking over illuminati. 468,000 for Google is taking over prophecy. 419,000 for taking over 37k 414,000 for taking over

psychic phone chat 1 409,000 for taking over 39k 408,000 for Taking over fanning internet 377,000 for Google taking

over Indigos. 309,000 for taking over 51k 304,000 for taking over 00000001 4 256,000 for taking over Gates Ballmer 6

239,000 for Taking over dakota psychics 201,000 for Taking over truth psychic astrology. 191,000 for taking over kailua

19 165,000 for taking over ezboard 1 112,000 for taking over fortunecity 1 47,700 for geocities fortunecity tripod nu 1

this is my internet is a robert ray hedges phenomenon

March 24, 2008

December 1999 discussion for Changing Lanes TOC - 6 visits - 11/23/07

Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges Evolving Digital …. This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

How Technology is Saving Lives: All children are created to be

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Earth Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies are - 9 visits - 8/3/07

eBay Blogs - "This is My Internet" blogs. Children's Keyword Manipulation of Search …. Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Children . - 70k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this CHILDREN'S Immortality

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Taking over the human mind creating immortality - Search Engine

Emotional Deception: Immortality Psychologist Robert Ray Hedges . …. Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Physical Immortality Mortality . - 83k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

ParaEthicacious Eternalising Psychical Refractivity is being - 3 visits - 10/24/07

This is my internet This is my Mind. I am creating the Mandatory; …. Robert Ray Hedges is acquiring the collective mind space of a. - 28k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies for Children to - 13 visits - Feb 28

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Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies for Children to - 2 visits - 11/16/07

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The Best Presidential advisor would be Laura Bush to move out of

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eBay Blogs - Children's Immortality Paradigm and search

I typed my name in (and you may type my name in also) [Robert Ray Hedges]. If you have given a lot of text to the internet, like webpages, forum posts, - 35k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

eBay Blogs Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation for

Taking Over Internet Search, Robert Ray Hedges Taking Over the Interne All Internet Searchers have a Destinial Viability Index and they work unknowingly, - 48k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

eBay Blogs - Jesus Psychic Readings …. Destinial Viability Index

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eBay Blogs - Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation for - 15 visits - Feb 11

Taking Over Internet Search, Robert Ray Hedges Taking Over the Interne All Internet Searchers have a Destinial Viability Index and they work unknowingly, - 70k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

eBay Blogs Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation for - 2 visits - 11/24/07

This is my Internet:: Why I said it four years ago, THIS IS MY INTERNET! I typed my name in (and you may type my name in also) [Robert Ray Hedges]. - 56k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Truth Clarity Psychic Readings Love: John Battelle (2007/08/02 13 - 4 visits - Feb 6

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Search Engine Results Manipulation: Search Engine Results Control - 3 visits - Feb 28

Robert Ray Hedges is Taking Over Internet Search: Immortality Psychologist Taking children's psychic readings, this is my internet, dna imperatives, - 42k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as a pathway in…

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Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as a pathway in…

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This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet T… … This Is MY Internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as .… - 116k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Socialisation Strategies Division of Mortality Resolution

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eBay Blogs - Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation for

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eBay Blogs Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation for

This is my Internet:: Why I said it four years ago, THIS IS MY INTERNET! I typed my name in (and you may type my name in also) [Robert Ray Hedges]. - 55k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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Hamstring pain

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google is my resume yes dear google is my resume

March 24, 2008

Google is My Resume: Robert Ray Hedges is creating Children's - 10 visits - Feb 17

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Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Love powered by

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Google is my resume: Try it out please! Go search it with "top seo" or "top . ….. and Physical Well Being setisym seooes Robert Ray Hedges is a GOOGLE . - 166k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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TAKING OVER NETWORKS Jesus taking over the Internet Physical - 7 visits - Feb 16

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Robert Ray Hedges is Taking Over the Internet as the Children. ….. Google is My Resume: Robert Ray Hedges is creating Children's . - 100k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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Google is My Resume: Robert Ray Hedges is creating Children's Search Engine Results Manipulation for creating Immortality Education… - 83k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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"Google is my resume". Parents aren't about to tell their children that they created them to kill Socrates: HimUnlocked Robert Ray Hedges April 6, 2003 - 77k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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Send a message · Subscribe to RSS feed · Tell a friend · Add to My MSN · Add to Live. Robert Ray Hedges - gLoOoVgElSe Keyword Manipulation Strategies . - 112k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Search Engine Results Manipulation: Search Engine Results Control - 3 visits - Feb 28

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Childrens Immortality Rights Taking Over Google Search: Taking . Google is My Resume: Robert Ray Hedges is creating Children's … - 7 visits - Jan 30 - 82k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies for Children to

"Google is my resume". Parents aren't about to tell their children that they created them to kill Socrates: HimUnlocked Robert Ray Hedges April 6, 2003 - 88k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies for Children to - 13 visits - Feb 28

"Google is my Resume". Parents aren't about to tell their children that they created them to kill Socrates: HimUnlocked Robert Ray Hedges April 6, 2003 - 88k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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Shesus, Darwinian Vagical Missiah Auditions for Women's Empowerment - 13 visits - Mar 5

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Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies for Children to - 3 visits - 12/9/07

"Google is my Resume". Parents aren't about to tell their children that they created them to kill Socrates: HimUnlocked Robert Ray Hedges April 6, 2003 - 83k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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Keyword density OPTIMIZATION GOOGLE OPTIMIZER SEO Google SEO is my Resume Top Google SEO Search SEO GOOGLE SEO GOOGLE OPTIMIZATION GOOGLE Keyword density - 7k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this CHILDREN'S Immortality

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Taking over the human mind creating immortality - Search Engine

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Search Engine Results Manipulation Strategies for Children to

"Google is my Resume". There's a new and very interesting phenomenon on our shared internet. Socrates: HimUnlocked Robert Ray Hedges April 6, 2003 - 82k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Physical Immortality Robert Ray Hedges Tripod Fortunecity

seooes googlechkr Robert Ray Hedges is a GOOGLE Placement Specialist Hawaiian . ….. Re: Top 10 Top SEO Google is my Resume Top Google - 64k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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all children to die may not be in their best interest" "Google is my resume" Robert Ray Hedges lived in Sedona Arizona for 15 years from July 1, - 90k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Taking over the Diamond Immortality Internet Taking over the Mind

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"Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over the internet" & all mind … entire mind of the human race to create physical immortality … them. Children’s search engine results manipulation
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jesus is taking over the internet to create your immortality Children’s search engine results manipulation
for creating their immortality internetedly

"Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over the internet" & all mind … entire mind of the human race to create physical immortality … them. Children’s search engine results manipulation
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Dogpile Web Search: "jesus is taking over the internet"

Approaching the Paradigm of Mandatory Physical Immortality. Creating Children without Immortalising them … Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over Children’s search engine results manipulation
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Gigablast Search Results

The Ultimate Intent Taking Over the Internet with Mandatory Physical Immortality "Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over the internet" & all mind . Children’s search engine results manipulation
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Taking Over the Human Mind: Taking Over International Internet Children’s search engine results manipulation
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- 31 visits - Mar 23

Please contribute something huge to our Real Physical Immortality Possibility …. "Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over the internet" & all mind" Children’s search engine results manipulation
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"Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over the internet" & all … - 26k - Cached - Similar pages Children’s search engine results manipulation
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"jesus is taking over the internet Dec 10 2006 Your Physical Children’s search engine results manipulation
for creating their immortality internetedly

"Shesus, Jesus & Dna is "Jesus is taking over the internet" & all … - 26k - Cached - Similar pages Children’s search engine results manipulation
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