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Terms of Use


All images are free to personal sites. Save each image to your hard drive or server. Do not access the pictures from this site. BANDWIDTH THEFT IS A CRIME! 

For courtesy purposes, please link back to . Of course I'm not going to come after you yielding a weapon if you don't. But it would be nice -- Plus, I can link to you.


IMPORTANT: Under NO circumstances are any of these graphics to be used on sites promoting pornography, hate, or racism of any kind, in any way, shape or form. I retain the right to ask you to remove them from any site I strongly feel is infringing on my values and beliefs. 



Images and Photographs

All the photographs on this site were submitted for sole use on this site, and may not be copied or used for any other purpose. All photographic images were sent to me through mailing list's that I subscribe to, sent to me by friends, or scanned in from my own material e.g.., CD covers and magazine articles, we then altered the photograph into a background.  If any photographs are copyright or are from a private collection, please e-mail me and I will remove them immediately. 


Advertisements and links

I do not endorse any of the advertisements that appear at the top of each page, nor am I responsible for the content that appears on other sites that I may have linked to.


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