Removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq
is a heated topic! There are valid arguments, on
both sides of the topic. I personally am convinced
that in a post 9-11 world the threat posed by Iraq
must be dealt with, and in the short term, rather than
at some vague point in the future. Those who disagree
with this thinking for valid reasons I can respect.
War is ugly and should always be a last resort.
To those who attack our leaders, and America to
show opposition to war, I say you are supporting
those who would harm us and are very unpatriotic
This piece will concern those who oppose any
"preemptive" strike against Iraq, not for any of
the valid reasons I can think of but rather for
political, or personal reasons. Many of these are
the same people who are convinced that President
Bush "stole" the election, were asking why didn't
President Bush do something to stop 9-11, and sadly
some even believe that the president KNEW about
9-11 beforehand and "let" it happen for political reasons.
When is political dissent unpatriotic? When it is
based NOT on love of county, but rather on political
ideology, hatred, and ignorance!
The president says he has intelligence that Iraq is
a threat to our national security, many are dismissing
this as propaganda from an administration that actually
WANTS WAR for reasons that DON'T include national
defense! The primary reasoning seems to be that this
is all about oil, or about asserting US influence in the
middle east. To accept these points of view requires
a generous sprinkling of conspiracy theory.
Do people really believe that our president,
the congress, and assorted allies have closed door
meetings, decide to invade another country for oil
or power and choose the lies they will tell the public?
Sadly yes they do, these are people who cannot be
swayed, they believe what they choose and rational
thought isn't the deciding factor. To believe
such nonsense requires first choosing a stance, then
choosing which "facts" fit. Any "fact" that does not
support the chosen point of view is dismissed as a lie!
It's sad but, this is a segment of our population.
Mistrust of government is a healthy thing when reason
is used, but there is a line that is being crossed. This
is not political dissension this is an assault on America
its self, and is un-American!
We are a nation of freedoms, freedom of speech
being one of the most cherished of these. Those who
choose to attack our leaders, and our government have
that right under the constitution. Many brave men
and women have given all to protect that freedom.
I would not take that away, not even from fools
who give little or no thought to the damage they can do
while exercising that freedom.
Is Iraq and Saddam a threat to America?
The answer to this comes in answering two other
simple questions. Is terrorism a threat to our
country, and does Iraq support and harbor terrorist's?
If the answer to these two questions is yes as I
believe, then it follows that Iraq and Saddam are a
threat to the national security of the United States!
There is much to consider in deciding if you support
the president's position on Iraq. The costs may be high
both in dollars and in sacrifices. I ask only three things,
make that decision based on all the facts you can get,
rather than on a political agenda, do it with thought
and not only the emotion, and ask yourself this question.....