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Jacqueline’s Junque



I worked the polls for the recent elections for
my first time, and I'm very glad that I did!
I strongly urge anyone who has never had this
experience to contact your local party and
volunteer! It was a long day, but was an education
for me both as a Republican and as a citizen.

I worked all day with my neighbors, ALL good
people the kind every one of us should emulate!
Sadly I learned as the day went along that my
democrat neighbors really do believe that
Republicans are selfish, out for the rich and
truly at the bottom line bad people. These people
know me, we have been neighbors for years and
I would have guessed they thought me intelligent,
now it seems they think me either a fool or evil!

Quite an eye opener!

Up until now I have believed that this attitude
was reserved for the far left wing of the party
but after my experience election day I am
rethinking this. Many Democrats see themselves as
fighting the good fight against the EVIL
Republicans! No wonder some will stoop to any
tactic! They either don't understand or don't
believe that conservatives also have compassion.
The old adage that a hand up is better than a
hand out never occurs to them. Liberals tend to
judge their own self worth on how compassionate
they are, it makes them feel good about themselves!
It seems to me that this motivation is it's own brand
of being selfish. Democrats seemingly just can't
trust that republicans are also good people!

Republicans need to improve our message, and
how we get the message out. We need to stress
that we too have compassion for the poor, but
do not believe that supporting people indefinitely
is helpful. We need to state our case clearly
and repeatedly just as the democrats are so
good at doing. We need to stress that helping
people help themselves IS compassionate!

When someone makes the claim that Republicans
are for the rich and big business we should
proudly agree and then explain why! Those who
don't understand economics need someone to
point out that supporting big business IS
good for the little guy because it means JOBS!
When they want to accuse Republicans of being
for tax cuts for the richest 1% we need to point
out that 96% of all taxes are paid by the
wealthiest half of wage earners. We need to
repeat these things clearly and often!

America has given Republicans both houses of
congress and the Presidency for the first time
in fifty years. We won the election because
ours is a message of hope while the Democrat's
message is one of continued dependence on
government. Republicans also need to reach
out to minorities and the poor, the traditional
Democrat party base. We need to reach out to
these groups by offering real solutions rather
than social programs as the Democrats do.

Make no mistake about it though the Democrats
will not accept republican control without a
fight. They will continue attacking republicans
as greedy and for only the rich. It's time to move
forward with the Presidents agenda, and this will
have to be done in spite of Democrat attempts
to obstruct. Examples of the difference in the
two parties can be seen simply by visiting the
two party sites. The Republican National
site attacks the issues, while the
Democratic National Committee site is devoted
to attacking republicans! Clearly they see it as
and its time Republicans reacted accordingly!

The voters have placed their trust in the hands
of the Republican party, lets all help make sure
that this trust was well placed, and lets do it with pride!


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