I usually get several responses from the pages
I do, and for the most part they are from those who agree
with my point of view. I've often thought it would be
nice if I got some opposing viewpoints as well. Now I
have some of those opposing viewpoints and I'm reminded
of the old adage "Be careful what you wish for!"
Recently I have received several pieces of mail,
including a couple from people who subscribe to my
mailing list, mail either directly
saying that the United States IS a WARMONGER,
or at least that we are perceived as one around the
world. The people writing these rebuttals to my
viewpoint are using this fear of being labeled as a
reason to oppose any preemptive strike against
Iraq, and the threat posed by Sadamn Hussein.
The statement I make on my index page says I don't
claim to have all the answers, just A LOT of questions.
Here are some of my questions to any of you who think
that OUR country is acting as a Warmonger.
Tell me, are you the same people also asking what the
president knew and when he knew it? Wanting to know
why HE didn't act before the tragedy of 9-11-2001?
I'm wondering about your memory as well, do you recall
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, with its 1000
wounded and six dead? How about the 1995 and 1996
bombings of Americans in Saudi Arabia and those
twenty-four lives lost? The 1998 Embassy bombings
in Africa? There were 224 dead that time with another
5000 wounded. And what about the USS Cole bombing?
The Cole lost 17 of our SONS (A freind of my daughters was on that ship)
have you forgotten them too? Did we go to war on these
occasions? Why didn't we? tell me that please!
My biggest question comes in one word......
What country is always there with help when another
is suffering tragedy? What country provides the most
humanitarian aid world wide? What other country has
for two centuries stood for freedom? What other country
when FORCED to act spends millions, and risks the lives
of it's soldiers to feed the people of a country its at war
with, as WE ARE in Afghanistan?
We have been attacked repeatedly for a prolonged
period of time, we lost hundreds of innocent AMERICANS
to terrorism BEFORE 9-11-01! Do you remember
any of that? More questions....
What is the point at which the United States is justified
in acting to protect it's citizens? Will you be asking why
if we do nothing and are attacked again? If that happens
who will be at fault? Us, for our flawed foreign policy
as some are now saying about 9-11? Maybe the president
for not knowing and warning us, ............
NO, The United States is NOT a warmonger.
The United States is a peace loving nation, one that
has been repeatedly attacked both from inside and
out. The United States HAS turned the other cheek
not once but MANY times, and WHY? The answer to
that is very simple,
Have we been involved in far too many conflicts...
ABSOLUTELY, but look at the reasons for each of
these. Our country HAS never launched an attack
without just cause, WE fight against aggression, WE
fight to protect our citizens, and......
WE fight for JUSTICE!
To those who would label us WARMONGERS,
or those who would fear that label I say this....
After 9-11 we not only have the moral RIGHT to
pursue terrorism where ever it may be in the world,
but we have a RESPONSIBILITY to do so, because
ONLY WE CAN! Ours is the only nation on earth, that
has the power, the ability and the conscience, to fight a
world wide WAR on terrorism. If this labels me a
WARMONGER fine, but terrorists and those who
support them need be very afraid!
This is how it should and must be!
God BLESS President Bush for understanding this!