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Jacqueline’s Junque



Where are the WMD's? This is a question that
the President is asking as well.   It is a vital question
and it will be answered! 

Some Americans are now clamoring that the President
lied and that Iraq never possessed weapons of mass 
destruction. This idea cannot be defended. Saddam's
regime used these weapons on at least ten different 
occasions. The Iranians clearly know that Iraq had
chemical weapons, as do the Kurds in northern Iraq!
Iraq did have these weapons this is simply a fact! 

For anyone who would like to see proof of this carnage
there are links at the bottom of this page.

So the questions become, did Saddam destroy his 
stockpile of WMD's or did he hide or move them? 
Clearly Iraq was given ample time to do either, but 
if they were destroyed why then did Saddam refuse to
the bitter end to prove this?   If it could be shown 
that Iraq had disarmed as required, wouldn't he have
willingly provided the information to avoid war?

Many are now making the assumption that Saddam did
in fact disarm, and that intelligence to the contrary 
was simply wrong.   This is a very dangerous assumption! 
This is not the time for assumptions, or for this country
to be divided! Whatever the case  may have been the
United States must now determine the truth 
and this will take time!

To those now demanding answers, asking why we 
have not yet found these weapons, and suggesting that
Iraq was not a threat to the United states, I say this.

Saddam was a threat to the United States because he
clearly had these weapons, had a history of USING 
them and did not account for them. He was also a 
threat because he had ties with and supported terrorist
groups. We are at war with terrorism, and removing
Saddam was a necessary component of fighting this war.

Again, a reasonable argument that Saddam didn't
possess these weapons cannot be made. Saddam 
steadfastly refused to cooperate in proving that these
weapons had been destroyed. Saddam's government
clearly had ties to the Hammas, and Islamic Jihad 
terrorist groups even if a link to al-Qaida cannot 
be established, and these groups are tied to many 
others around the world.  

It was not unreasonable to have believed Saddam 
might use these WMD's or share them with those who 
would use them against the United States. 


The notion that our action in Iraq was not a direct 
result of the attacks on this country 9-11-01, or that
Iraq was not involved does not stand up to scrutiny
either. Saddam is a known terrorist, and our war
is against terrorism!   Terrorism cannot be defeated 
as long as it continues to have government sponsors. 

There may have been a time when terrorism 
could have been addressed much more easily, but if so
that time has long since gone!   Now, al-Qaida, and
many other groups are firmly in place around the 
world and in many countries.   Iraq is not the last
of those governments who provide safe haven to
terrorism. Hopefully our resolve to do whatever
necessary has been shown and another such
conflict can be avoided.

On 9-20-2001 The President said "Our war on 
terror begins with  al-Qaida, but it does not end
there. It will not end until every terrorist group
of global reach has been found, stopped and 
defeated."  He was right to take this stand, and 
he has been as good as his  word in attacking 
terrorism. The American people should support his
efforts even if we never find the weapons of mass 
destruction that Saddam clearly had.  

The music mix in the background of this page 
is taken entirely from the speech President Bush
gave on 9-20-01 just nine days after the attacks
on America. Listen to what he told the American
people. His actions have followed exactly the 
course he laid out in this speech.

The question now is will the American public
continue to support the President in this war
against terror that began with the attacks of 9-11-2001?

Supporting links

Winds of Death
Bloody Friday
America's War Against Terrorism, 9/11
Intelligence Assessment


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