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Jacqueline’s Junque



For the past several years the United States has
taken an increasingly larger role in world events.
No longer are vital US interests the only reason for
military action, now we may well find ourselves fighting
to "free" a nation as we did in Bosnia, Haiti and at
least in part, Iraq. The role of the United States
as peace keepers, and when needed "enforcers" has
grown over the years. Not because of a desire on
our part to dominate, but rather to lead!

Some around the world, including many Americans
now, accuse the US of being an aggressor. The term
"US Imperialism" is used far too often. To believe this,
a person must ignore the fact that America has never
attempted to gain territory or wealth after any
conflict. The United States has never sought to rule
other nations. It is at our very core to stand for freedom.
Every war and conflict with US involvement since W.W.I
has had at its core the fight for basic human rights.

We are not the Imperial Storm Troopers
some want to believe!

If the United States has taken on the role of a
"world policeman," This was not some "grand plan"
cooked up by political action groups such as the PNAC,
or the Carlyle group, as the far left wing chooses to
believe. It has simply become fact through the course
of events, not the least of which were the attacks
of 9-11-01. This is a responsibility to be undertaken,
it's an attempt to make the world a safer place, it
is not imperialistic, it is instead benevolent.

The question that America faces today is not "if"
we are the world leader, but rather how best to lead.

Isolationism is not an option!

Is it hard to imagine what the world would be like
without US influence, and involvement? If the US
did not take a role as world leader, wouldn't the
vacuum would be filled by others? It is the US that
leads both the UN and NATO in large part, if this
were not true what would these groups be like?
Without US leadership how much of the world would
be led by the likes of bin Laden, or Saddam?

Would this be ok as long as the US is not threatened?

Of course not!

No, we are not the evil empire from Star Wars.
We are the United States of America, and we cannot
be both the world leader and always be expected to
submit to world opinion, it simply cannot be both
ways! The old adage "Lead, follow or get out of the
way" still rings true, and the United States is that leader!

Planet earth has become a very small place, simply
rolling up our borders is no longer possible, and even
if it were possible doing so would not be in our interests.
The United States is the only country on earth with
both the will and the ability to lead effectively.
The argument against the US trying to be the "world police"
is moot, because as a world leader we are exactly that,
like it or not. It has been thrust upon us by virtue
of our strength, ability, and yes, by our goodness.

There are excellent reasons why we are so often
invited, asked and even begged to intervene in the
worlds problems. This happens because we are (in spite
of left wing rhetoric) viewed by the world as leaders,
and it happens because of trust! We are seen around the
world as protectors of what is right and just! Only
nations that support terrorism, or show aggression
need fear the United States, and most of the world
understands this!

We are not alone in our leadership role. Our many
friends and allies may at times disagree with us, but
they remain partners in the effort to make our world
a better place. If we are the "worlds policeman" then
there are many fellow policemen in our force. Most
of the free world supports what the US stands for, our
values and many of our goals. Most support the fight
against terror, and join us in opposing the likes of a
Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden.

To those who think the US has become "imperialistic,"
I say that the United States of America stands just as
it always has for "liberty and justice for all." We have
clearly made mistakes at times, yet it cannot be rationally
argued that US influence has not made the world a better
place. The United States of America is the greatest
nation on earth, it is not only the home of the free and
of the brave, it is also the hope for those who are not!

God Bless America!


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