LIBERAL Vs CONSERVATIVE Republican or Democrat Don't you just HATE labels?
I made a comment to someone recently saying
"I truly do not understand how intelligent people
can hold the views of liberals, yet I KNOW there
as many intelligent liberals as conservatives."
This person challenged me to write something
here that took the middle ground, to find
something that's true of both sides, and to
comment on it here. I do so enjoy when someone
"makes me think" so first, my effort to do that,
and then a comment on party politics.
I believe that, most people be they on the right
or the left, democrat, or republican, really do
believe that their philosophy is in the best
interest of everyone. Those who are active in
politics for the most part are trying to make
America a better place, they simply have
different ideas of how that should be done.
Of course there are those that, believe the
"other side" is acting for dubious reasons. "the
bleeding heart liberal democrats" and the "cold
hearted help the rich republicans." Both sides
are promoting their ideas for a better America.
Liberal thinking is perhaps bottom up, and
conservative from the top down when it comes
to economics. Isn't this true rather than saying
democrats want to help the poor, and republicans
are for the rich?
I think both "sides" would agree as well that
"party politics" is very important. Having
decided that both "sides" are actually "good
guys" it's important to remember that they
are on different sides of the political isle. I
believe its necessary therefore to choose sides,
accept the label that may give you, and be counted.
To those who "vote for the candidate" I ask this
question, what about the close ones? What if
your a liberal and a because of a few votes
your choice for a supreme court justice is denied?
What if your a conservative and a tax cut looses
by a slim margin? An "independent" has little
power in either the congress or the senate and
must choose which side to align him or herself with.
Both bodies are still split very closely between
Democrat's and Republican's. Like it or not there
are only two sides in the political landscape of
today's America, and having the most votes is how
one side or the other prevails.
One other point, know why you vote the way you do.
Too many people choose to vote blindly, maybe
because "It's the union way," or because "That's
the way my family has always voted." Find out
not only what the candidate stands for,
but also what YOU stand for, and
which party you wish to support.